In what appears to be a most disrespectful act on Remembrance day, November 11th, the congregation arrived at the Logan Village Church to find the locks removed from the church, padlocks cut away from the container and outbuilding, it seems by the Logan village Lions, and in a further attack a new eviction letter from their Lawyers and an unsigned hand written threat was gutlessly taped to the front door of that Church, assumedly also by a member of the Lions.
The Legal letter states that there has been a Building Hire agreement dated October 1st 2006 , as yet the lions have failed to provide an original , unaltered document to base this on, let alone a "Clause 20" of the agreement under which the Lions claim the right to terminate said agreement.
The legal letter also states that the Church have to right to access the property until Friday 23rd November, but the Hand written accompaniment states that all rights to access, are terminated after services , at midday 11th November , and that any further access will be considered Trespass on the Lions Property.
It leaves an observer to wonder why, since the Lions have acquired a property and a community Hall for free, basically taken a community property for themselves with an outstanding debt remaining unpaid, and the Lions also accepted money from the Property Trust that was greater than that debt, and refuse to pay it, and now it seems the greed of the Logan Village Lions has expanded to now want the Church out, and to keep the Church, and all the other items owned by the Church that are there.
There is fear amongst the community that the St. Andrews Church and the Logan Village Community Hall are to be Bulldozed for Development.