Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Israel, no longer the promissed land.

Since the creation, by force, of the "State of Israel" aparently located there by an interpretation from an interpretation of some scripture, the Palestinians have been vocal and in world news for their opposition of that State.

Originally through the "Palestinian Liberation Organisation" (PLO) they gained nothing but world condemnation for the "terrorist tactics used to get attention to their plight and with the main western powers in control were told that the decision was made, and that they had to get over it.

The PLO is gone for all intents and purposes, but not the memories of just how brutal it was for those within the new declared State who opposed its construction and there were rumours of defiant people being dragged from their homes and imprisoned where city's were to be built and those homes were to be bulldozed and it is also alledged that people remained resolute in some homes and were bulldozed within them as all Palestinian things were removed and destroyed and leveled.

The memory, real or concocted of those events drives the older Palestinians on and the aggression of retaliation against any outspoken opposition or even stone throwing at soldiers effectively occupying areas of Palestine keeps the fighting going; many times Israel military have talked about the total obliteration of Palestine as the only solution to ongoing conflict.

Israel controls the media for the region and constantly destroys any new Television station built in Palestine because they really don't want local Palestinians seeing how their bretheren are faring under the war machine of Israel. The media reports show Palestinians living in the state of Israel as Happy, and living a good life, but in my travels there years ago it seemed to me that Israel has created a "slave caste" where Palestinians can live there, they cannot run for office, the cannot own companies or be directors, they cannot go to Palestine unless they stay there permenently, they cannot hold a passport, and they cannot own property (although they can hold title to their home as long as they remain in it, if they leave it; it then becomes property of the state). You can see that these people do not live in equality with the Jewish Israelies but at least they are safe from Israelie gunships , tanks, and indescriminent sharpshooter attacks. Israel is careful not to let this information out to the media and uses Jewish control of world money and media to cover any negative reports.

The majority of reports from media makes claims that whomever died at the hands of Israelie military strikes were Hamas militants, I suppose the dead can't defent themselves and it is easier to believe that the story is true or you'd have to believe that the Israelies are trying to do to the Palestinians exactly what Hitler did to them, tried to wipe them out.

Make no mistake, the UN have proclaimed Israel outside its jurisdiction by remaining in Gaza and other occupied territories, which Israel simply took over by military force, claiming it was growing too fast and that it needed to expand and that there was nothing of value there for the inhabitants anyway, even though the once again dozed everything to allow settlements to be built, when they eventually did pull out (only really the settlers) they left nothing preferring to bulldoze rather than leave accomidation for any returning displaced Palestinains.

To be honest I don't rate that a Jewish state ever existed within the arabic lands, there may have been large enclaves of Jews there but in biblical times the people were still tribal to a certain extent, rather than being unified countrywide, I also don't rate the idea that the Jewish area would have been all the best land, the most arrible and the bets water and that the rest of the local people were happy to live in the remainder ; desert.

I reckon the aggression could be stopped by Israel, it is they who came there and they could make the peace, they are a rich nation who are directly supported by the US and could use money to solve the divide between the two countries, it would cost the same to build roads, housing and dig wells for neighbouring Palestine as to war with them, wouldn't it.

But that would not keep the myth of oppression of the jews alive, world sympathy would wane and they may just have to exist on their own, and lets face it they are all about money, they are very rich and they war against a country where the people have absolutely nothing to fight with and nothing to loose.

Monday, December 29, 2008

No Poo Water for Politicians

Thanks to a Friend who gave this to me, I missed this and i reckon it wasn't too hard to do, apparently it was a tiny piece on page 75 of the weekend paper.

It was titled "Perks for pollies"

Amid all the talk of tightening and tough times ahead, state politicians granted themselves a package of extra perks.

Meal budgets and clothing allowances were raised, ministers' partners were given membership of the Quantas Club's Chairmans Lounge and ministers were allocated $30 a month in bottled water for their chauffeur-driven limousines.

Some of the states mayors didn't miss out either - the maximum remuneration levels were raised by 5 per cent just nine months after most were awarded huge increases with the creation of new super councils.

I would have to say that if they want us to drink fluoridated, recycled sewage they should at least put out a pretence of doing it as well, right ?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas.

With the looming ogre of unemployment already affecting people at Christmas, and set to see the rate double if the recession cannot be halted, it seems the grinch is alive and well and quite visible to all, in the guise of the local council Mayor.

While they claim an independent tribunal determines salary and conditions, the councillors in Logan seem to have asked, not individually, but as a collective for a pay rise because they work so hard, well it's quite possible that some councillors were unaware of even the request for more money going to that independent tribunal, but the request was rejected.

It is always great though when a so called independent body makes a decision, which forces the battler out there to either have to accept reduced services or pay more, but it would seem that is exactly what has occurred, since our Mayor 9and quite a few others) will be getting a substantial increase.

At least she will have a very merry christmas.

QUEENSLAND'S mayors have won themselves yet another remuneration increase after complaining they are both overworked and underpaid.

However, despite the extra cash, they have been told to spend less time dealing with ratepayers and more time focusing on "strategic plans".

From January 1, 29 mayors will have their maximum remuneration level increased by 5 per cent - only months after they were awarded pay increases of up to 20 per cent to reflect the extra work involved with amalgamation. CPI currently is running at 3 per cent.

In awarding the latest increases, the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal acknowledged complaints from ratepayers that councillors were already "grossly overpaid", with too many taking on the role because of the high salaries on offer.

The pay rise comes as the state's private sector struggles to keep staff in jobs ahead of the looming recession and thousands of public servants face the axe as the Rudd Government cuts spending.

Logan City councillors, who are among the highest paid, asked to be in a higher category rating with an 11.5 per cent pay rise. The application was rejected.

It will be hard to get the christmas dinner down if you're one of those facing downsizing in the new year or even worried about the downturn affecting your job, but rest easily , our hard working Mayor is now getting more.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Palm Island Tragedy - the next chapter.

Up to this point we have seen all the twists and turns of an action movie with the plot well and truly revealed early but the twists are now beginning to take effect.

From early articles in Queensland newspapers it would seem fair comment that there was a level of dissatisfaction in the palm island community with some of the police stationed there which resulted in community outrage when one of those officers was at the centre of one of the most widely publicised Aboriginal Deaths in Custody to date.

The tragic and senseless death of a drunk and allegedly aggressive Mulrunji Doomadgee in custody at the Palm Island watch house at the hands of/ in the care of a senior-sergeant on duty who has made admissions about events of that night and it seems, changed the story more than once is the climatic event which appears to have got the ball rolling and started this saga.

Relatives weren't told, and it's alleged that Doomadgee was either not checked or that he was checked but had not moved at all from the position he was left in by the senior-sergeant and was found to be deceased when eventually someone actually went into the cell to find out why he hadn't moved.

Mulrunji Doomadgee died from injuries which included Four broken ribs, ruptured liver and a ruptured portal vein, which the senior-sergeant alleges occurred accidentally when he fell onto Mr. Doomadgee during a scuffle while putting him into the cell.

Mulrunji Doomadgee was dragged by the senior-sergeant and dumped either unconscious or already deceased, but nevertheless unmoving and in fact never again moved from where he was put by that senior-sergeant.

All hell broke loose when family and friends found out that Mr. Doomadgee was deceased and the well reported riots were the result of community grieving, discontent and anger over the circumstances surrounding the death, many believing the police person involved was culpable.

The coroner confirmed what the media and the community of Plam Island thought to be true, that the death of an Aboriginal in custody had occurred and that it had been a result of a blow or blows inflicted by the officer handling him on the night he died.

After political intervention, the senior-sergeant was tried in court and acquitted, found not guilty of causing the death after it seems retracting his earlier story of how the events took place.

It was no surprise that the police retaliated against the rioters from Palm Island, and they swept in in numbers and arrested several of the most vocal people, one of which has already been tried and sentenced to six years imprisonment. This is the thin end of the wedge, expect more to be charged and taken to court and summarily to jail. We have already seen the officers from Palm Island awarded medals for heroism and for valor in performing their duty during the riots as the rioters are carted off in prison vans.

But wait there's more.

The latest is that the senior-sergeant has taken action to have the original coroners version of the cause of death overturned and have a new ruling of "accidental" replace it.

I almost believe that it will happen, without ceremony, I see nothing salvageable that is good from the police or the courts and they appear to me to be trying to reduce all responsibility for any and all actions from the time this saga began.
I doubt there will be opportunity for community to respond and if the previous press comments are any guide there will be a lack of police on the streets for a while because they will all be writing in letters of support for one of their own in a callous display of arrogance and disregard for the life of someone in their care.

Assuming the death was a result of an accident, which will in all probability soon be the truth, then how do these heroes explain;
1) Dragging and propping up an unmoving body.
2) Not checking that person despite the allegation that he was belligerent and aggressive before the "accident" and still hasn't moved since.
3) the changing stories from all involved.

I'm not taking sides here, nor am I making accusations, but I am stating facts and asking questions, read this from the Courier Mail:

A JUDGE has ordered a new inquest into the death in custody of Palm Islander Mulrunji Doomadgee after an appeal by the policeman at the centre of the case.

Lawyers for Senior-Sergeant Chris Hurley, who was last year found not guilty of manslaughter after a high-profile trial, had gone to the District Court to appealed the adverse findings of an acting coroner on the 2004 death.

In a bid to clear his name, Senior-Sergeant Hurley launched the unprecedented attack on a coronial ruling that found he had killed Mulrunji by punching him three times.

Judge Bob Pack, in a ruling handed down today, said the possibility of “accidental death’’ could not be excluded.

“I order the State Coroner to direct another Coroner to re-open the inquest to reexamine the finding,’’ Judge Pack wrote in his findings.

“I conclude the Coroner’s findings are against the weight of the evidence.

“The Coroner found Hurley did not have physical contact with Mulrunji in a relevant way and thereby concluded the death must have been caused by punching from Hurley.

“I indicate that after taking into account the medical evidence, because there is evidence supporting the proposition Hurley fell on Mulrunji, and there are reasons why he said he did not fall on him, that despite what Hurley said, the hypothesis of an accidental death cannot reasonably be excluded.’’

The appeal comes after an aborted coronial inquest and a subsequent two-year inquest, a finding by the Director of Public Prosecutions of insufficient evidence, an independent review by Sir Laurence Street suggesting the manslaughter trial go ahead, and a manslaughter trial in the Supreme Court where a jury found Hurley not guilty.

The Gold Coast-based policeman admitted during his manslaughter trial to killing Mulrunji in a ``complicated fall'' but denied a deliberate knee drop.

In September 2006, deputy coroner Clements found that Snr-Sgt Hurley struck Mulrunji and caused his fatal injuries on November 19, 2004, at the police station on Palm Island, off Townsville.

Riots erupted on the island seven days later after an autopsy found Mulrunji suffered four broken ribs, a ruptured liver and a ruptured portal vein in a watchhouse scuffle.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Queensland Government endorces fire sales of repossessed homes, in a backhanded way.

Sometimes we hear stories of where people have had a series of bad events occur and have got behind with their repayments, and usually instead of going to their lender and trying to sort out something, they put in in the too hard basket and pay it when they can which doesn't impress the lender very much.

Don't forget that to supply you with the money you borrowed for your property, that lender probably also borrowed that money and like you they also need to pay it back.

However, we also hear stories about properties that have been repossessed going to auction and barely getting the amount owed, leaving the borrower with out the equity they were due, and in some cases we also hear that someone associated with the lender may have been the buyer, true or not.

This Government has just legitimised the practice of fire sales of repo properties because if caught it will attract a $20,000 fine, which to the skeptic means that at auction the buyer will pay what is owed plus the amount of the fine, I can't see any lender hanging around waiting for 6 to 12 months to get the real value of a repo, can you ?

The Bligh Government will fast-track new legislation this week to protect struggling Queensland home-owners from mortgagee fire sales.

Under the new laws, financial institutions that intentionally sell repossessed properties at below the market value - leaving home owners with little or no equity - could face fines of up to $20,000.

Premier Anna Bligh said mortgage stress was becoming an increasing reality for Queensland families and she was committed to delivering this protection before Christmas.

"More and more Queenslanders are doing it really tough," Ms Bligh said.

"The current financial climate is squeezing household budgets to the limit, many to a point where they cannot pay their mortgage.

"The latest data from Fitch Ratings shows an increase in mortgage stress across Australia, with Helensvale on the Gold Coast the most mortgage stressed suburb in the country.

"Applications made to Queensland courts for repossession of real estate has increased dramatically in recent months, jumping from 374 from March-June to 606 in the last four months - and while it's not possible to say what the circumstances were in each of these cases, the figures are sobering.

"The only thing worse than the prospect of losing your home is the concern that your financial institution could sell your property quickly and at below market value just to cover outstanding debts - leaving you with nothing.

"Swift action is needed and my Government will deliver the protection these vulnerable Queenslanders need by Christmas," she said.

Attorney-General Kerry Shine said the Property Law Act 1974 would be amended to extend the obligation to sell at market value to situations where properties are sold under a power of attorney or by receivers.

"Mortgagees in Queensland who exercise a power to sell property are currently required to comply with section 85 of the Act that requires they 'take reasonable care to ensure that the property is sold at market value," Mr Shine said.

"These new laws will extend this protection and introduce tough, new requirements under this section, including:

1. a requirement to adequately advertise the sale; and

2. obtaining reliable evidence of the property's value; and

3. maintaining the property, including making any reasonable repairs; and

4. selling the property by auction, unless it is appropriate to sell it in another way.

"Any mortgagee or receiver that fails to follow these requirements will face fines of up to $20,000.

"These steps are designed to ensure mortgagees don't seek a quick and easy solution when a repossession occurs and rush through with a sale under market value.


Rent bidding, now outlawed.

We all know that before he was a councillor, Sean Black was a small potatoe in the realty game and it seems he was involved in the practice of lining up potential tennants to see who was prepared to pay the most to get a roof over their kids heads, otherwise known as rent bidding.

The practice puts people in a position of feeling powerless and hopeless and almost forces them to participate or walk away and continue looking and in some cases, due to circumstances or whatever they will bid well past what they can afford to secure accomidation, it is the most un-Australian and some would say unconscionable way to serve the rental community.

It seems also that it is a tactic used by realtors who have no idea of the real market and no clue as to what a property should be rented out for , fairly.

Of course these pariahs usually say things like , my owners are so happy that I'm getting the most money for them, or I've never had a complaint, nut rest assured people with houses where tennants are retained in this fashion have more vacancy days than owners where their property is rented at a fair price.

THE practice of rent bidding will be banned in Queensland from next year after new legislation was passed by State Parliament.

The new laws were to respond to the changing private rental market, Housing Minister Robert Schwarten said.

"There's been skyrocketing rents, the growth in off-campus student accommodation and rental accommodation for seniors, and the emergence of rent bidding or auctions, which I consider to be a most un-Australian and unfair practice," Mr Schwarten said.

"Queensland's tenancy laws needed to keep abreast of these changes."

Rent bidding occurs when the price of a rental property is negotiated, rather than fixed.

Mr Schwarten said the new laws included a number of measures designed to enhance protection of tenants but also balanced the interests of landlords.

Under the new laws rent increases can only be imposed six-monthly, rent bidding is outlawed and the notice period to terminate a tenancy at the end of a fixed term without grounds has increased from two weeks to two months.

The rights of lessors have been enhanced with the inclusion of new grounds of entry to rental properties to check on repairs and whether significant breaches have been remedied.

University on-campus accommodation providers will be required to lodge bonds with the Residential Tenancies Authority.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Could our Government ever get to this.

Some Logan councillors would like this to be the case here, but as yet they have to put up with criticism and resort to posting under an anonymous nick to browbeat and attempt to belittle anyone who doesn't agree with them and support them implicitly.

20 years' jail for Burmese blogger

A POPULAR Burmese blogger arrested after anti-junta protests last year has been jailed for 20 years at Rangoon's notorious Insein Prison.

Nay Phone Latt, 28, a former member of detained democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi's opposition party, was sentenced yesterday, along with five other activists and members of the National League for Democracy (NLD).

"Nay Phone Latt was once an NLD youth member, but he left the party when he was arrested. He was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment,'' NLD spokesman Nyan Win said.

Nyan Win said the poet Saw Wai was sentenced to two years in prison for defaming the state in a poem that referred to junta head Than Shwe.

He did not have any information on the four others sentenced yesterday.

Nay Phone Latt's blog was written in the Burmese language and in the style of a novel.

He used it as a forum to discuss the difficulties of daily life, such as the regular power outages and the rising cost of living.

The blog was banned by Burma's military regime, and Nay Phone Latt was arrested in January this year during a round-up of activists linked to the huge anti-junta protests in September 2007.

About 200 NLD members and activists were arrested during and after the September protests, when up to 100,000 people spilled onto Rangoon's streets.

The United Nations has said that at least 31 people were killed and 74 remain missing after the military finally cracked down on the movement.

The military was outraged by bloggers during the September protests, when they provided running accounts of state violence.

The junta cut off the nation's internet links at the height of the protests, choking off the flow of information about the crackdown.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Free Green Light Bulb Replacement.

I would urge as many of you as possible to take advantage of this offer, i don't think this is fair dinkum because it is just a ploy and a media beat up to try to slavage some popularity by pretending to be green whilst running a policy that is going to see thousands of acres of trees cleared in the next ten years which will negate any green value from burning slightly less coal.
Nevertheless, we should all benefit from this and perhaps save a little on our power bills even if it means waiting for a few minutes for the lights to be bright enough to read by.

This Pr Statement gives you the details;


The Bligh Government's Big Light Switch giveaway entered its second phase with free energy-saving light bulbs available at Australia Post.

Premier Anna Bligh said Queenslanders could collect four free energy-saving light bulbs from their local Australia Post* outlet.

"Thanks to Australia Post, we are ramping up our million bulb giveaway to ensure as many Queenslanders as possible have access to this money-saving initiative," Ms Bligh said.

"From as far north as Weipa, to Coolangatta in the south and out west to Mt Isa, Queenslanders will be able to visit a local Australia Post outlet this week, present their Queensland ID and collect a four-pack of energy-saving bulbs - valued at $40.

"And the savings don't stop there. Once installed, the four bulbs will save almost $500 off your electricity bill over the life of the bulbs and reduce your greenhouse emissions by a massive three tonnes.

"A small change to make big savings - for your wallet and the planet."

Ms Bligh said the giveaway, the largest of its kind in Australia, was part of the Government's ongoing fight against climate change.

"My Government's Q2 target for 2020 is to cut Queensland's carbon footprint by a third and to achieve this ambitious target - we need the community's help," she said.

"The Big Light Switch is a great way for households to get involved. The savings may seem small, but the collective effort really adds up to make big difference.

"Switching one million conventional bulbs to energy-saving ones will mean cash savings of around $115 million over the life of the bulbs, and a huge reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 750,000 tonnes - the equivalent to powering all the homes in a town the size of Warwick for a year!

"I urge Queenslanders to visit their local Australia Post this week and make the Big Light Switch - it'll save you money, energy and the planet."

The Australia Post giveaway will run until Saturday, 15 November - while stocks last.

* For a list of participating outlets, free call 1800 088 529 or visit

Monday, October 13, 2008

Guilty! not according to her though.

It always amazes me when children do this, I mean they pick one word out of the sentence to claim righteousness, well I think that's what Palin is doing here.

SARAH Palin has denied wrongdoing after a probe found she had abused voters' trust as Alaska governor, in a new blow to John McCain's White House campaign.

Republican Mr McCain was also embroiled in turmoil of his own, after he was booed late yesterday by supporters and appeared to undercut his own campaign strategy by calling time on personal attacks on Barack Obama.

Alaska Governor Palin rejected the findings of a bipartisan legislative probe which found she violated ethics rules by letting husband Todd pressure top officials for the firing of her ex-brother-in-law, a state trooper.

Asked by a reporter in Pennsylvania if the charges were true, Mrs Palin replied: "No, and if you read the report you will see that there was nothing unlawful or unethical about it. You have to read the report."

The report said Mrs Palin had "the authority and power to require Mr Palin to cease contacting subordinates, but she failed to act."

But in a phrase seized upon by the McCain camp, the report also said she acted within her "constitutional and statutory authority" in the case.

The probe was the latest blow to Mrs Palin, who electrified the Republican Party when she was first picked, but has seen her impact, especially among undecided voters and women diminish amid questions about her qualifications.

The damaging report could make it tougher for the McCain camp to portray Mrs Palin as a crusading reformer set to flush out corruption in Washington.

You can make up your own mind, but i would say she not only knew about this and didn't stop it, but she was involved right from the start to take retribution on her ex brother in law.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Be Afraid, . . . . It's hunting season !

I've been keeping an eye on the US election debates and listening with amazement at the media's assessment of the outcomes of the Presidential and vice presidential debates and even interviews, on early morning TV and SBS and there are several things that astound me.

1) There never seems to be a clear winner, the media always has a way to credit both protagonists with points and usually declares a close contest, which in my opinion hasn't been the case.

2) George Bush JR. hasn't come out in support of McCain and in Fact McCain is saying, even though he voted with Bush Policy throughout his terms (over 90% of the time) that he disagrees with a lot of policy and will change it, his running mate also says she wants to change a lot of things, shake things up, take it to the goo old boys, do some moving and shaking, initiate change, make a new start and yet neither of the two of them have said (up till now) exactly what they will change.

3) Both McCain and Obama have vowed to KILL Osama BinLadin, Not capture and bring to trial, not try to corner and make pay for crimes if they can be proven to be attributed to him, not get irrefutable proof that BinLadin is responsible for the tragic events of 9/11, but KILL him.

Today I am scared, I have been hearing that Palin has bullied her way through politics, pushing people around, and dealing harshly with detractors, and those rumours have been persistent but expected after all it is a presidential campaign, and it didn't surprise me that she was the one to come out and exploit the obvious similarity with Osama and Obama by making claims that Barack Obama Palled (was very friendly) with Terrorists, but this article (below) is making me wonder, because we in our area are used to seeing the Glamorous politician who is not used to hearing the word NO from her supporters and doesn't take kindly to hearing it from anyone else and has been reputed to seek vengeance when her will is not complied with.

JUNEAU, Alaska - Todd Palin sought the dismissal of a Alaska state trooper at the centre of a probe into his wife's conduct as governor but denied attempting to influence her directly, court documents showed today.

In a 25-page sworn affidavit to an investigator examining abuse of power allegations against his wife and Republican vice-presidential nominee, Palin said he had repeatedly contacted senior Alaska officials to raise concerns over the conduct of his ex-brother-in-law Mike Wooten.

However, he denied that the dismissal of Alaska's public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, was connected to his grievances with Wooten, who had been involved in an acrimonious divorce with Sarah Palin's sister.

Sarah Palin is the subject of an official investigation in Alaska which began before she was unveiled as John McCain's presidential running mate.

The inquiry was launched to probe allegations that Palin abused her position by replacing Monegan because he refused to dismiss Wooten. Monegan has said he was forced out after coming under pressure over the trooper.

In his affidavit, Todd Palin, nicknamed the First Dude by Alaskan media, revealed he had contacted several senior figures in his wife's administration over Wooten, but said his wife had later told him to "drop" the matter.

"Anyone who knows Sarah knows she is the governor and she calls the shots," Palin said in his affidavit.

"I make no apologies for wanting to protect my family and wanting to publicise the injustice of a violent trooper keeping his badge."

Palin also defended his role in his wife's career as Alaska governor.

"I have heard criticism that I am too involved in my wife's administration," he wrote.

"My wife and I are very close. We are each other's best friend. I have helped her in her career the best I can, and she has helped me."

The first results of the "Troopergate" probe could be released in Alaska on Friday when the committee that initiated the investigation convenes to receive the investigator's report.

However the investigation could be stopped in its tracks if Alaska's Supreme Court rules in favour of five Republican lawmakers who have launched a legal bid to have the inquiry halted, arguing the probe is politically motivated. The court is expected to issue a ruling later today.

If the results of the investigation stand, the report is likely to be made public on Friday, Alaska's legislative council has said.

The inquiry was launched following a unanimous bipartisan vote on July 28, and Palin had initially said she and all state employees would co-operate.

However, since her unveiling as McCain's running mate, Palin and several members of her staff have refused to co-operate, with her campaign branding the probe as "partisan and tainted."

So is this the equivalent of the John Howard "children Overboard" scandal? and Is Palin behind the persecution of her sister's ex-husband, by her own words she doesn't miss a trick so you'd have to say it is, wouldn't you?


Thursday, October 9, 2008

BIG BROTHER ; alive and well in Logan.

A bit of power can corrupt absolutely, true.

Logan Council has aquired some areas without the agreement of the majority of the residents there and it occurred by force from a convolution of changes to the local government act which effectively took the requirement of going to the people on the issue away.

Nevertheless, the new Mayor and councillors have told people several things to try and placate their animosity to the takeover and new local government authority, firstly the Mayor said they won't be forgotton, what ever that means, and secondly the council said in words of kind, that those areas would be far better off.

Today brings a new chapter, where the most un-Australian thing I've ever heard of is occurring, and guess where, right here in Logan.

A COUNCIL has ordered an ex-soldier to take down the Australian flag which flies outside his house because it has been deemed "offensive" by a neighbour.

Aaron Wilson erected the 5m high flagpole eight weeks ago, in honour of his friends who served in Iraq.

But on Tuesday, Logan City Council called to tell him a neighbour had made a complaint, labelling it "offensive".

He was told to remove the pole or risk legal action. Mr Wilson, whose father fought in Vietnam, said he was disgusted.

"I find it astonishing that anyone could find the Australian flag offensive," he said.

"My family and friends have served for the country and the very least I can do is have a flag to show my appreciation for Australia.

"I thought the council had better things to do with their time than persecute people for putting a flag up."

A council spokeswoman said there was a concern the flagpole could fall down in high winds. She said Mr Wilson needed a building permit, because the pole was only 4.5m from the kerb and, under the Queensland Development Code, it should be at least 6m from the front.

But Mr Wilson, 30, a salesman from Eagleby, near Beenleigh, said other residents in the area had similar flagpoles that were closer to the boundary than his.

He said he would not be moving the flag. "You can't have rules for some people and not for others," he said. "I can't see how moving the flag back a bit is going to stop it being offensive."

Ex-serviceman Cr Ray Hackwood, who represents Mr Wilson's ward, said he would be monitoring the situation.

"As area councillor, I certainly won't allow anyone to pull down an Australian flag," he said.

Mr Wilson's neighbours last night were baffled as to who had complained.

So it seems those who would use the power, for the power's sake in Logan are as usual using it against the community not for it, I mean what kind of imbeciel would deny an Australian citizen the right to erect and display proudly, An Australian Flag.

Well it seems that all the commotion and adverse NATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE has had an effect , with Logan doing a backflip by way of intervention by the Mayor , the end result, the flag can stay.

Better late than never I suppose


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Barack Obama, - - - bewawre !!!

I have yet to see the value of Councillors , I mean the people representing residents on issues such as roads, rates and rubbish, right, making overseas trips at the expense of the ratepayers for various purposes including the sister city program.

Recently there has been a stouch in the local papers which looks to me to have been instigated by Cr Black against Cr Pidgeon making all kinds of allegations, but it seems in reality to cover the fact that Cr Ban has also partaken of an OS excursion at the rate payers expense with an extended holiday tacked on.

Cr Black goes to on about how the costs are too high and levels accusations in the media that Cr Pidgeon didn't get his air fares reduced (even though he did).

What most residents must be wondering is what Cr.Black sees that makes it ok for Cr.Ban to do it but not ok for for Cr.Pidgeon, because they both are going on Council and Mayor sanctioned trips.

Speaking of Cr. Black he's also off overseas, and in the press makes claims he is going to help Obama win the presidential election in the USA.

Poor Barack Obama, I guess Cr. Black can use his experience to show him how to get just over 20% of the vote, somehow though I don't think that will be enough.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


After reading this, I felt incensed and read it again to see if the comments were in fact in context with the PR statement, it seems so.

Here we have potential laws that make anyone who has ever bought anything without a receipt a potential money launderer and face the very real prospect that at some time in the future you could find yourself having to explain your innocence under the imminent presumption of guilt.

Very UN-AUSTRALIAN, ................ Nazi really ?


Ok. So truth is often stranger than fiction and in this case it seems that fiction can now become truth. I always have difficulty when new laws and regulations are brought in that place the onus on innocent members of the general community, the consumers if you will, to ascertain that an illegality has not taken place in the past at some time in association with a product they may purchase.
Bligh has put her hand up as usual claiming the kudos for this little gem which in effect could go as far as making orders against community members who have purchased items in good faith from sources like garage sales, flea markets , swap meets and even "ebay" where it is unlikely that genuine proof of ownership will be provided for any item on display or advertised for sale.
It is hard to imagine where the brain cells of the person who dreamed this idea up have spent their time, to actually believe that making ordinary consumers, out to stretch the tiny amount of money the government leaves of what you earn each week for a few needs or even luxuries, into money launderers for completing a simple act of buying an item.
It is obvious that the police have once again put up their hand and said we can't catch alledged criminals so we'll FORCE the public to reduce the market for their illicit goods.
Ahh, but this goes even one step beyond that into the grey by a good yard or two because the item itself didn't actually have to be illegal, or bounty of illegal activity or even the proceeds of a crime , they can just be an item that may be substituted for one of the previous items before you purchased it.
Now I ask the question, how the F^%$# are ordinary people supposed to guess that??

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister Assisting the Premier in Western Queensland
The Honourable Kerry Shine


The Premier has announced plans to toughen the State Government's ability to confiscate the proceeds of crime.

The proposed crackdown will include:

• A new power to seize a criminal's overseas property.

• A new power to substitute alternative possessions for seizure when a criminal has already disposed of tainted property.

• A new offence targeting people who recklessly handle stolen goods or cash with a maximum penalty of ten years in prison.

"Under this crackdown crime will not pay in Queensland. These laws will mean that even when the criminal thinks they got clean away with it, they haven't," said the Premier.

The Criminal Proceeds Confiscation Act governing the confiscation of proceeds of crime in Queensland was introduced in 2002.

"Over $18 million in proceeds of crime have been recovered in that time and the law is working well, but there are a number of loopholes that we now want to close," said Ms Bligh.

The Premier said that under current laws courts cannot make an order compelling a person to return property to Queensland which is held outside of the State.

"Under these new laws the Court could order a person to return money in a Swiss bank account to Queensland.

"It stops criminals taking their loot offshore and out of reach," she said.

Ms Bligh said the new laws would allow authorities to seize alternative property when a criminal has already disposed of tainted property.

"This means a criminal can actually lose their own home if the proceeds of their crime cannot be recovered," she said.

The Premier said she also welcomed a new offence of reckless money laundering for people who deal in property they should reasonably have suspected was tainted.

"We've all heard the stories of someone who got a great deal on a cheap stereo or TV sold out of the boot of a car," Ms Bligh said.

"What many people don 't think about or don't want to think about is that they have most likely paid for stolen property.

"What we want to do is make it an offence of money laundering if people are reckless on their consideration as to whether the property was tainted. This will bring us into line with a number of other Australian jurisdictions."

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Kerry Shine said current laws make it difficult for investigators to charge people with money laundering if they have purchased tainted property.

"Currently police have to prove the person buying the stolen item knew it was tainted before they can be charged," Mr Shine said

"Under the new law police would be able to charge someone with money laundering if they have been reckless in their consideration about where that property has come from."

"We're proposing the new sentence would carry a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment and I hope it will make people stop and thin k about where an item they are considering buying has come from."

Ms Bligh said the measures were designed to provide authorities with greater power to fight organised crime.

"We are determined to ensure those people involved in organised crime do not profit from it and that means taking from them assets which were acquired through their illegal activities," she said.

The proposed laws are scheduled be introduced into Parliament by December 2008.

So will we get any say on this or will it be another midnight rush through, I also wonder if anyone has alerted the people at ebay ?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Remember Brigalow ? more info.

This is a letter to the editor, which has been modified to comply with the wishes of several editors, yet still can't get printed, some have quoted legal reasons , so I'm told, anyway I'll leave it up to you, make of it what you will and I hear there is more to this story.

Back in the 1970`s and 80`s, the then Bjelke Petersen Government took what i am sure they considered [to be]the visionary step at the time of resuming private property in the Wolfdene/Albert River catchment area, for the future construction of the proposed Wolfdene Dam, but allowed the resumed properties owners to continue residing as normal effectively as tenants, retaining only statutory title of their property, while the state government in all reality owned the same properties according to crown title common law, and were effectively the property landlords.

As we all know now, democracy prevailed, the Wolfdene dam was scrapped, and the newly elected Goss government legally inherited a lot of land in the Albert Valley area,property it continued to technically own until it recinded the purchase of the affected properties and re-instated crown 'fee simple' title on all land resumed by the National Party Government before 1989 that held statutory title only.

Coupled with other precedents set,[it seems] a giant pandoras box too irresistable for the newly elected Labor government to resist, was about to be opened. Twenty years on, there is only one common denominator pertaining to the Wolfdene legacy that displays the same analogy of Sir Joh`s distinction between the state and the crown - it is called THE CORPORATION.

THE CORPORATION, without wanting to sound ambiguous, has got a name, I know the name, but I cant tell you what it is, because then this letter probaly will not be printed.

Thats because [it seems] many a journalist has been intimidated by various means to shut their trap by persons in government and judiciary circles to not ask any questions to enquire, or provide any media coverage to the `alledged` existance of THE CORPORATION.

What the television and print media has reported on, is the reference given to the state government agencies such as the Enviromental Protection Agency and the Dept. of Natural Resources and Water as the `state corporations`.

But the million dollar question that no journalist nigh on 16 years openly it would seem has had the ticker to ask is this - Does a corporation legally enshrined within the Queensland constitution WHICH was created by LEGISLATIVE constitutional amendment exist, and is the state government itself, the state supreme court, and the citizens of the State of Queensland subordinate to its legal authority, allowing statutory law to take precedence over crown common law in instances where it would appear to have previously conflicted with the `recognised` Australian constitution.

In 1992, the Goss Government implemented in legislation the Land Titles Amendment Act, which in retrospect would appear to be policy based on the concept of the Bjelke Petersen governments endeavors to make a clear distinction between statutory and crown law in relation to freehold property ownership, as displayed by the pre-emptive purchase of land by the state government in the Albert Valley all them years ago. And oh how muddy have the waters become since then. Perhaps former premiers Goss, Borbidge, Beattie and current premier Bligh can enlighten us all further.

TAMBORINE. (PH. 0437043786)

I just have to try this out.

Sleeping Satellite Tasmin Archer

This is a sublime peice of classic pop music that just send shivers down my spine, her voice is so smooth until she needs to emphasise then it hots up a little.

We must embrace technology!

Find of the century uncovered near Cloncurry

A potential clean energy basin has been discovered in one of the world's richest mineral resource regions in north-west Queensland.

Premier Bligh said the newly discovered "Millungera Basin" could hold geothermal, or hot rocks, energy potential to rival that of the Copper Basin on the South Australian border.

Geothermal energy is produced from heat generated and captured from deep inside the earth and could mean cheaper energy for Queensland households in a carbon constrained future.

The underground resource, which geologist found using cutting edge new technology, could also hold huge amounts of low emission coal seam gas.

The Premier said the discovery, about 100 kilometres east of Cloncurry, was one of the most exciting resource finds this century.

"The discovery of a new, untapped basin of this size is rare anywhere in the world," said the Premier.

"For one to be found here, in the heart of north west Queensland, is truly am azing.

"It is possible that this basin could hold clean energy sources that could provide low emissions power for the entire North West region."

The Millungera Basin is around 300 kilometres long and between forty to fifty kilometres wide. The age of the rocks could be up to 540 million years old.

Government geologists say the discovery until now was masked by a younger, thinner Carpentaria Basin where the rocks are only around 140 million years old.

The Millungera Basin was uncovered through the State Government's Smart Mining and Smart Exploration programs in collaboration with the federal government's Onshore Energy Security initiative.

New technology used in the programs meant that geologists could carry out deep seismic surveys to "see" up to sixty kilometres below the surface.

"Other rocks of this age in other basins have significant coal seam gas and water resources and the granites uncovered signal the potential for new sources of geothermal energy," said the Premier.

"A new energy source for the North West Minerals Province is important to the future development of the region. The added bonus of a potential new water source would be the icing on the cake," she added.

Mines and Energy Minister Geoff Wilson said his Department planned to conduct further surveys in the area to better define the size, shape and depth of the basin.

"There are also plans to drill a number of relatively shallow holes to measure the geothermal potential," Mr Wilson said.

"We will shortly consider which blocks of land could be released for tender for geothermal and gas exploration.

"Any significant mineral or energy resource discovered here will be of huge benefit to the North West Mineral Province and to nearby towns like Cloncurry and Julia Creek," Mr Wilson said.

Premier Bligh said the geothermal energy exploration was part of the government's focus on finding cle an energy sources for Queensland.

"One of my first actions as Premier was to establish a nation leading centre of excellence to ensure Queensland is best placed to take advantage of this emerging 'hot rocks' energy source," she said.

"Geothermal energy has the potential to generate one fifth of Australia's total electricity needs over the next 25 years without producing any carbon dioxide emissions."

Ms Bligh said she would insure the State continued to invest in a clean energy future for Queensland.

"This government has invested over $140 million in solar and geothermal energy initiatives and that level of investment in a clean energy future will continue. "

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

North Maclean enterprise precinct re-raises it's ugly head

Many of you may remember the Action group that Hagnal Ban claims to have got up to make a lot of noise about industrial plans for an area of North Maclean and how she was the funder, spokesperson, chair and everything else for that group which basicly muted almost everything they did.

Their only real objective and claimed success was having the enterprise precinct dropped from the agenda of both Council and the OUM, unfortunately under pressure from Cr Ban council agreed to release a statement designed to placate the people which said that Council had no further intrest in North Maclean as an Enterprise Precinct, . . . . . . . for now.

I have been given reliable information about the instigation of the Mount Lindesay North Beaudesert Area study and how the OUM got the information to begin with and it's a compelling story which puts the Mayor of the day and the chair of the Planning and Development committee Cr Ban as representatives squarely into the picture as the providers of that information including the North maclean area.

Back then Cr ban tried to paint another Councillor as the villan and laid the blame at his feet because of work done as a continuation of policy from the previous Council and in fact the previous Mayor, because the area there was identified for industry rather than put more residents into a proximity situation with a noxious odour from the nearby Mushroom Farm.

Once again we see Cr Ban blaming another councillor, this time Phil Pidgeon, for pressing the issue of industrial development in the North Maclean area and going to the press with a confidential item and making it public.

Cr Ban seems to have been in full support for development at Ollies Orange, and the BP as well as being in favour of further additions at the Mushroom Farm, all in North Maclean and all industrial, so what gives?

It would seem that Councillor "figjam" (Ban) wants to be seen by developers as the good guy and by residents and environmentalists as the good guy as well which is bad for both sides because no one has a councillor they can rely on.

This is poor form from Logan which has been the local authority over this area since March and seems to be flat out even getting routine slashing under control, and seems to have at least one out of control councillor trying hard to stuff up the remaining part of Beaudesert Shire as fast as possible.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Water, water, everywhere, but not at Logan Village State School

Following up on a recent letter to the editor in a local publication, which asked the question of the Council authority which we now find ourselves forced to pay our rates to regardless of our wants, needs or aspirations, not much has happened.

That letter asked the question, "when will town water be connected to that school?" because after all it has been promised by Councils now for about twelve years that i know of and in particular at every election (the last 4).

Facts, we know that for an Upgrade that is desperately needed to the business precinct in Logan Village, town water is necessary and that a new development for an over 50's accommodation lifestyle resort of over 200 dwellings will need and pay their share for that water as well and that has begun with the basic earthworks now happening.

So you have to wonder why a delegation from Logan City Council (perhaps the Mayor and an officer) visited the School and told them it was too costly and that they may have to wait up to two years.

Even the lowest of intelligent people (which is obviously how we are perceived by this new Council) would know that if two developers are footing the bill to get that water to within 500 meters of the school, it makes sense to make that connection with at least a 100mm main at the same time to actually save the ratepayers quite a bit of money.

Now I understand the developers in question have no problem with that happening and in fact are happy to help out, so what's with the Logan City Mayor and her two year wait, and is this more of the clandestine occurrences we saw last Christmas with the "Logan Village Master Plan" which was scrapped, but could so easily come back .

Lets hope not.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Rates; Valuations; and Objections.

The Minister is crowing about our usual apathy and "couldn't be bothered" or "what good will it do" attitude to making an objection to the outrageous new valuations, and quite possibly some could have been lost in the post, or eaten by dogs or something, but nevertheless, fewer people made those objections than in previous times.

So I'm guessing that my local area was a little different to the majority of the new Loagn (formerly Beaudesert)where values almost doubled and are almost at the sale price for houses on that land, which is quite amazing.

Here is some of the ministerial statement:

A record low number of objections have been received for the 2008 round of property valuations issued by the Department of Natural Resources and Water.

Natural Resources and Water Minister Craig Wallace said his department this year issued over a million valuations in 59 local government areas in Queensland.

"From over a million valuations NRW received only 6000 objections," Mr Wallace said.

"This equates to just 0.58 per cent of valuations - a joint record low with last year when 0.57 per cent of valuations drew objections.

"It is well below the 1.63 per cent of objections received after the 2006 round."

From 1999 to 2006 the number of objections was consistently well over 1 per cent.

There is more Labor Government backslapping in that statement and I'm loathe to relate it as it is irrelevant.

So I pose the question, If you didn't make an objection, and if rates will be based on the valuation, and rates increase due to the mathematical equation worked on that value, will you be pissed off when rates increase ?

I objected, I doubt that it will make a difference, I think it is the beginning of rating us out of rural residential and the preparation of our area for the expansion of the urban footprint at sometime in the future, but I will be pissed when my rates go up, particularly when I look at Logan and see how much money seems to be wasted by that Council.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Traffic Chaos at Greenbank State School

I am reluctant to make comment because this particular topic is so political and reeks so badly of favours being done that I feel dirty broaching the subject.

The Councillor that oversees the area in which the school exists came up with this plan quite a while ago and it was published in the local papers at the time (for those of you who keep them or just clippings) and drew the ire of environmentalists , ratepayers and Taxpayers all of whom will lose if it goes ahead because the crux of it is to move the main road over into the Greenbank Military Training Camp.

First, the Greenbank Military Training Camp is a highly diverse environmental area and even though the area across from the school is used primarily for accommodation it is the tip of the ice-berg and would set a precedent for future removal of sections for other purposes.

Secondly, It is the only plan considered, and will cost millions ( It may even be cheaper to relocate the whole school) because the moving of the road will still have to link up with the existing bridge and that means there is a high probability that a short cut will add another hard corner to that section between Newbieth Road and the bridge.

Several people have made comments about the behaviour of parents and children being dropped off and picked up and this latest incident where a young boy has been mildly injured by running (reported in the local press ) out into the side of a car, is an example of this and shows that having parking and drop off areas across the road is high on the list of causative factors.

Also there seems to be a mentality that because it is children involved, the whole world has to come to a stop and allow parents total right of way to do U-turns, stop and drop whilst still on the carriageway, and stop in congested traffic to turn into car parks across the road, all of which make the problems worse.

However, all the real problems aside, (and this is where it starts to reek) it is the Councillor who is at the top of the list in my opinion, making promises and going public with a costly and inappropriate solution and even starting steering committees to have her way regardless of common sense or expense, and as usual it seems this Councillor has instigated a course of action that makes everyone else responsible for an outcome, that makes everyone else except her have to do the work and also get the blame if it doesn't work out.

The person making accusations toward The federal Member, who has been there a few months as representative appears to be a person who assisted the Councillor with her election campaign, and there can only be one reason for those public rants against this Federal Member, to put pressure on him to talk to the Federal Member in charge of the Military to have a piece of the Training Camp given to Main Roads.

Now some of the very smart people in the local district can't understand why houses on the same side of the road as the school haven't been bought when available to use for parking, (that would be too easy) and even have an entry off Newbieth Road.

So far This has come to a child being mildly injured, the publicity machine getting into gear about it and trying to lay on a guilt trip about whose fault it is, and of course another "steering committee" (probably loaded with carefully selected people to ensure the desired outcome ; removal of a section of an environmental and military area) which is a good name for this type of gathering because it usually is convened to address a particular issue and then is steered by someone to another agenda, I guess we'll see.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Agenda Behind 2020

As usual the local Brisbane News didn't have anything in it's coverage of the 2020 summits, but praise for the magnificence of the ideas from Australia's finest and brightest minds, never questioning the how, when, where or why such a programme was called for from the general community.

The Cartoon in one paper said a lot though, it depicted Rudd at the rostrum with a popular and respected Australian female actor standing along side and the words below said something like, By 2020 no Australian child won't know who Kate Blanchet is, very funny stuff and it was interesting to see the live TV coverage because the number of actors and musicians present was noticeable amongst the participants.

The top ideas came as no surprise to me though and were simply Labor agenda items and the follow up of previously unused Labor policy, the majority of which was about the next five years rather than, as the name of this forum quotes, looking at ideas over ten years away in 2020.

While we are still running the same old Labor ground of selling off public assets, this time public ownership in our Airports, to create money for needed public infrastructure, read Hospitals, the great ideas forum brought the rabbits out of the hats in the form of the Republic issue, The Tax reform agenda, much harsher business regulation and some big spending on other infrastructure

While it is inevitable that Australia will become a Republic, you could question the timing of spending so much money on something that should be done in prosperous times, rather than taking money from the public purse that the majority of Australians would prefer to see spent of the Health situation, fixing some of the problems of State governments that haven't increased health spending to keep it up with population increases for over 10 years, and education, roads, water and other infrastructure are in pretty much the same condition, and that is needing some large injections of money, first.

All things aside, others can call it initiative from the Rudd Government, but a large number of people are in two minds about this process, one school of thought says this Government doesn't have a clue and is trying to get a handle on what the community wants as quickly as they can and a second mindset is that this will replace going to the people on a lot of issues and give the Government some kind of mandate to do certain things they want to.

So, who's taking a book on how long it will be before the reintroduction of Death Duties in this country?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

What is the "Brigalow Corporation"?

A simple explanation is that the "Brigalow Corporation" is the Government Corporation.

The Queensland Government has changed the wording in so many little parts of so much of the Queensland Constitution that they are effectively not a Governing body, more so it seems they are a business corporation.

It also seems that they refer to the business of governing the land of the people of Queensland the "Brigalow Corporation" under which all Land in the State has been removed from our ownership, and it also seems that it has been used as collateral for this corporation.


On Thursday October 3rd 2007, the High Court of Australia made rulings over residential and rural land that effectively removes all land ownership from the people of Queensland, and into the hands of the State.

The Court ruling that "fee simple" and "common law" are no longer recognised in Queensland seems to mean we are no longer part of the commonwealth and no longer have ownership or say in our own land and that Queensland is a separate entity and can just make up its own laws.

OK so how does that come about ?

When you purchase land, freehold, the transaction of exchanging Money for Land is described as "Fee Simple" and gives you the total right to call yourself the owner because the Crown has deeded that land to you when you paid for it without any other interference from Government.

But now, that the crown has been removed from the constitution and the governor is just another public servant appointed by the premier and the wording of the Queensland constitution doesn't acknowledge either the crown or "Fee Simple" and title is given by the State not the crown and isn't even backed up by a document with seal (title deed) just an electronic print out, you may have lost the right to freedom of use on your freehold land from now on.

As a person who has possessed a couple of genuine title deeds I can say they are quite informative and impressive and they are meant to be so, because the ownership of Land was always something to be valued highly and the mark of a man and even a reflection of his status, it will be a sad day when all goes back to the State.

So a new Governor for Queensland, but who?

With the announcement that KRudd has called up his old Queensland mate for service to the Country and by that I mean that the Queensland Governor Ms Quentin Bryce will become the first woman Governor General of Australia, there will be a vacancy for the position here in Queensland.

If anyone doubts the "Jobs for the Boys" appointments that have gone on in the last few years aren't just serendipity and that the right person has always been chosen in the appropriate manor based on their qualifications and merits then don't hold your breath waiting to see who gets the role of Queensland Governor.

It seems that the Governor's position has been eroded lately anyway, at least since the 2001 amendments to the Queensland constitution which sees the role taken from being one of representing the Crown to being not much more than one of being a public secretary who conducts business under the premier, the corporate head of the State.

That means, I would Guess, that it seems the Governor can't sack the members of parliament in Queensland but, . . . . . the Governor can be sacked by them.

So who's taking bets on a certain ex Premier coming home to be Governor of Queensland ?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

ULDA Affordable Housing ? I don't think so!

The Premier Ms Bligh, made a statement yesterday that made the news that should fill all large landholders with trepidation because the new Urban Land Development Authority sites have nothing at all to do with affordability in my mind and that means you have to question what the actual purpose of the ULDA really is.

The two sites, at Bowen Hills and Northshore Hamilton are large enough to house more than 30,000 people and are 108 hectare at Bowen Hills and Northshore Hamilton is a 304 hectare site and the two sites are located very close to Brisbane CBD and transport.

I guess the questions begin at this point, don't they? and as usual many of the answers are not being made public, like how much will a developer ( of the ULDA's choice )pay for each site and How much will people pay for blocks of land because both these areas are already very expensive and in particular the riverfront land at Hamilton.

So we'd have to say that the only affordable housing available will possibly be a one bed apartment in a medium/high rise block.

You have to wonder if this is going to be typical of the ULDA where Land is going to be given to a developer to create million dollar average suburbs on the river or close to the city and investors will probably snap up everything that is reasonable in price to rent out.

Keep your eye on this one.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Prelude to the 20/20 Summit.

Australia 2020 is an important initiative to harness the best
ideas for building a modern Australia that is ready for the
challenges of the future.
With the complex challenges that Australia is facing, we need to get the best
ideas we can from all Australians - business, experts, community leaders and
everyday Australians.
I know that from travelling around the country that many of the most creative
solutions to our big future challenges are in the minds of Australians whose
voices normally aren’t heard in our national Parliament
The Summit will help us shape a long term strategy for the nation’s future– covering the economy,
education, skills and training, the nation’s infrastructure, our environment, our farmers, health care,
indigenous Australians, the arts, national security, how we improve our system of government, and how
we strengthen our communities and ensure nobody is left out of Australia’s future.
I urge you to take the time and participate in the Forde 2020 Summit.

BRETT RAGUSE MP Federal Member for Forde
presents the Forde 2020 Summit

North Tamborine
Vonda Youngman Community Centre
Tuesday 1 April 2008
10 am- 12pm

Beenleigh Community Centre
Thursday 3 April 2008
6:30pm- 8:30pm

The Centre, Beaudesert
Friday 4 April 2008
6:30pm- 8:30pm

Numbers are limited, please register for only one session and advise of policy
RSVP: 5pm, Friday 28th March 2008
PH: 3807 6340 or 1300 301 916 (Cost of local call for regional areas)
Mail: PO Box 1414 Beenleigh QLD 4207

Who's telling Porky's?

This story was given to me by a candidate at the recent Logan Council elections, it is of interest because I have been against the way the amalgamations were done and the outcomes which put some very different areas together with an obvious agenda and left some shires in an interesting position considering the adage that the whole deal was about stronger (read financially) Councils.

Here is a story from the Gold Coast Bulletin ;

Hundreds tear up ballots in protest

Leah Fineran

LOCAL government stalwart Ray Hackwood watched in horror on election day as hundreds of Beenleigh locals tore up ballot papers in an angry protest at the contentious State Government boundary changes.
LOCAL government stalwart Ray Hackwood watched in horror on election day as hundreds of Beenleigh locals tore up ballot papers in an angry protest at the contentious State Government boundary changes.
Almost 700 informal votes were recorded in the suburbs of Beenleigh and Eagleby, which were excised from the Gold Coast into Logan City as part of the council realignments.
The former Gold Coast Division 1 officially became Logan City's new Division 12 on Saturday, but Cr Hackwood said residents' actions showed they were still angry about not being given a say in the change by the State Government.
Cr Hackwood said he watched voters at all six Division 12 polling booths tear up and dump their ballot papers without voting on Saturday.
What I saw were people registering so they wouldn't be fined, then taking their ballot papers outside and throwing them in the bin," he said.
The numbers clearly show that people are still upset and angry over this decision."
The informal voting trend cost Cr Hackwood his usual 80 per cent win, but he still romped home with almost 50 per cent of the vote against opponents Jennie Breene and Peter Eather.
The statistics show the former Gold Coast and Albert Shire councillor still has the people's vote despite the area's third council shuffle in 14 years.
The northern suburbs were under Albert Shire Council until 1994, when they were resumed by the Gold Coast City Council before being excised to Logan City Council.
Cr Hackwood said the backlash had marred victory but he was optimistic that Beenleigh and surrounding suburbs would receive better treatment under the larger Logan City Council.

OK so, on contacting the returning officer to find out that no significant number of ballots were short compared to those crossed off the roll, this candidate wondered why the news paper hadn't checked before putting out an obviously untrue story, and on hearing the story i did too.

Now I know candidates try to gee up the public before elections and are prone to putting out stories to try to form perception in the minds of the public that the candidate is on their side and the others will make life difficult etc. but this story was after the election and was plainly made up.

I have advised the candidate to contact the editor or reporter to get their side of the story, and hopefully I will be able to add that here if there is an answer of any kind.

In the meantime what can the ratepayers of Division and Logan in general expect from someone who has told reporters a story that has no credibility and no facts to back it up? Very little I'd expect.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Since the amalgamations are now set in stone, and the North of the Beaudesert Sire has barely whimpered (thanks to our pathetic, complicit, gormless Councillors) into becoming a part of Logan Council, effectively now giving it the numbers to actually go with its full name "Logan City"

I still believe that most people don't want to be a part of Logan and DO want to retain their own identity with in that enforced conjoining of two very different areas with only one thing in common, Logan's desire for more and more development and North Beaudesert's large areas of rural and rural residential land.

Logan have steadfastly refused to consider a name change and now that they actually do include the Logan River within their boundary I suppose they have at least that in favour.

I was considering some options for naming our area to differentiate it from the area we all know by reputation as Logan that might be acceptable to both us and them and I'm not even considering those early (very funny though) attempts, Beau'gan or Bogan! BUT we will have to face the fact that Beaudesert is gone and we WILL be called LOGAN in some form or other.

Here are some suggested names for our part of a new Council authority;


There's some food for thought to get you started, of course feel free to make suggestions and your opinions known.

As you all know I vehemently detest being forced to accept this change with out having the say of the majority and to all the Labor sympathisers who say the non turn out at the plebiscite showed support for it, wrong! it showed that the millions of tax payer dollars in advertising saying you can't stop it happening made people even more apathetic than they already were, and I'm over those gloating type of comments.



In Queensland, Australia, the State Government is so heavily influenced (financially) by large Overseas Developers that growth of high density urban (bungalow style house on minimum size allotments) is becoming the only allowably type of development in the the South East region and in fact across the whole State.

That means that for every watt of power we save there will be a new (or several new) users added to use it up and even more, and that goes without saying for water too.

The South East Queensland Area is at the point of a development frenzy which will be pushing into the traditionally rural and rural residential areas which will push our population levels to way beyond the sustainable limit for our whole State let alone this one region of it.

So I'm not going to even bother with the whole process of turning everything off, waiting for an hour and then turning everything back on and resetting the clocks and listening to all the help cries from all the appliances while I'm doing it.

I know there will be an outcry from all the caring people who say every little bit counts, and they are right in a way but in the long term it's just games to see how much people are willing to do without, like the water restrictions, whilst those in Government make decisions that place our resources under even more pressure and increase use at greater and greater levels.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

ULDA - New Powers, NO watchdog.

The Urban Land Development Authority has been set up by the State Government of Queensland to address issues of housing affordability, differences in Council planning schemes, the time factor in preparing Development Applications and having them approved and provision of infrastructure and the costs associated with it.

I have previously posted about this ULDA and what I believe it is and its intended purpose in the future and recent changes to give the ULDA more powers seem to give weight to the fact that after public land stock diminishes, the Authority will begin to look for private land.

What is a problem here is that there is no higher body looking on to the activities of the ULDA, no right of appeal to their decisions and the ULDA and Developers they nominate with have the power to write their own by-laws, open and close roads, levy their own rates and even enter buildings without a warrant ; and noone has the right to say no to any of it.

I have looked into some of the latest project home areas and I am at a loss to believe that they do actually constitute affordable housing, with basic homes calling for repayments of over $500 a week and typical family homes going from mid Three hundre to over Five hundred Thousand Dollars on minimum size allotments.

The additional power to levy rates gives the UDLA the opportunity to make new residents "pay off" infrastructure provision perhaps over 20 years, making the claim that it will reduce upfront costs.

In an era where we are seeing caravan park style "over 50's" accomidation becoming popular with pricess well over 200 thousand dollars on strata title, it seems incredible that there is an absurd notion that house and land packages can be affordable just by making it all happen quicker.

This is definately one to watch!