Saturday, March 29, 2008



In Queensland, Australia, the State Government is so heavily influenced (financially) by large Overseas Developers that growth of high density urban (bungalow style house on minimum size allotments) is becoming the only allowably type of development in the the South East region and in fact across the whole State.

That means that for every watt of power we save there will be a new (or several new) users added to use it up and even more, and that goes without saying for water too.

The South East Queensland Area is at the point of a development frenzy which will be pushing into the traditionally rural and rural residential areas which will push our population levels to way beyond the sustainable limit for our whole State let alone this one region of it.

So I'm not going to even bother with the whole process of turning everything off, waiting for an hour and then turning everything back on and resetting the clocks and listening to all the help cries from all the appliances while I'm doing it.

I know there will be an outcry from all the caring people who say every little bit counts, and they are right in a way but in the long term it's just games to see how much people are willing to do without, like the water restrictions, whilst those in Government make decisions that place our resources under even more pressure and increase use at greater and greater levels.

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