A simple explanation is that the "Brigalow Corporation" is the Government Corporation.
The Queensland Government has changed the wording in so many little parts of so much of the Queensland Constitution that they are effectively not a Governing body, more so it seems they are a business corporation.
It also seems that they refer to the business of governing the land of the people of Queensland the "Brigalow Corporation" under which all Land in the State has been removed from our ownership, and it also seems that it has been used as collateral for this corporation.
On Thursday October 3rd 2007, the High Court of Australia made rulings over residential and rural land that effectively removes all land ownership from the people of Queensland, and into the hands of the State.
The Court ruling that "fee simple" and "common law" are no longer recognised in Queensland seems to mean we are no longer part of the commonwealth and no longer have ownership or say in our own land and that Queensland is a separate entity and can just make up its own laws.
OK so how does that come about ?
When you purchase land, freehold, the transaction of exchanging Money for Land is described as "Fee Simple" and gives you the total right to call yourself the owner because the Crown has deeded that land to you when you paid for it without any other interference from Government.
But now, that the crown has been removed from the constitution and the governor is just another public servant appointed by the premier and the wording of the Queensland constitution doesn't acknowledge either the crown or "Fee Simple" and title is given by the State not the crown and isn't even backed up by a document with seal (title deed) just an electronic print out, you may have lost the right to freedom of use on your freehold land from now on.
As a person who has possessed a couple of genuine title deeds I can say they are quite informative and impressive and they are meant to be so, because the ownership of Land was always something to be valued highly and the mark of a man and even a reflection of his status, it will be a sad day when all goes back to the State.
Qld the Dictatorship
In the beginning Cain killed Abel, the evil killed the good; nothing has changed; God, the maker of all, still lives and is the same evermore; if there is nothing we can do, God Himself will come down and re-take his property off the unworthy, for it is written, 'the meek shall inherit the earth.'
Bloody disgusted.....but typical of our lying low life politicians....Sack the lot of them.....they are all bad
Politicians and the Political system may have many Queenslanders deceived but the real truth of the matter is the neither Queensland, Australian and even the Crown has no ownership of the land or resources that come from the land. Only a sovereign people can own the land and it resources, mining, water etc...
palachook and her cronies WILL BE HANGED for TREASON.
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