So I'm guessing that my local area was a little different to the majority of the new Loagn (formerly Beaudesert)where values almost doubled and are almost at the sale price for houses on that land, which is quite amazing.
Here is some of the ministerial statement:
A record low number of objections have been received for the 2008 round of property valuations issued by the Department of Natural Resources and Water.
Natural Resources and Water Minister Craig Wallace said his department this year issued over a million valuations in 59 local government areas in Queensland.
"From over a million valuations NRW received only 6000 objections," Mr Wallace said.
"This equates to just 0.58 per cent of valuations - a joint record low with last year when 0.57 per cent of valuations drew objections.
"It is well below the 1.63 per cent of objections received after the 2006 round."
From 1999 to 2006 the number of objections was consistently well over 1 per cent.
There is more Labor Government backslapping in that statement and I'm loathe to relate it as it is irrelevant.
So I pose the question, If you didn't make an objection, and if rates will be based on the valuation, and rates increase due to the mathematical equation worked on that value, will you be pissed off when rates increase ?
I objected, I doubt that it will make a difference, I think it is the beginning of rating us out of rural residential and the preparation of our area for the expansion of the urban footprint at sometime in the future, but I will be pissed when my rates go up, particularly when I look at Logan and see how much money seems to be wasted by that Council.
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