Many of you may remember the Action group that Hagnal Ban claims to have got up to make a lot of noise about industrial plans for an area of North Maclean and how she was the funder, spokesperson, chair and everything else for that group which basicly muted almost everything they did.
Their only real objective and claimed success was having the enterprise precinct dropped from the agenda of both Council and the OUM, unfortunately under pressure from Cr Ban council agreed to release a statement designed to placate the people which said that Council had no further intrest in North Maclean as an Enterprise Precinct, . . . . . . . for now.
I have been given reliable information about the instigation of the Mount Lindesay North Beaudesert Area study and how the OUM got the information to begin with and it's a compelling story which puts the Mayor of the day and the chair of the Planning and Development committee Cr Ban as representatives squarely into the picture as the providers of that information including the North maclean area.
Back then Cr ban tried to paint another Councillor as the villan and laid the blame at his feet because of work done as a continuation of policy from the previous Council and in fact the previous Mayor, because the area there was identified for industry rather than put more residents into a proximity situation with a noxious odour from the nearby Mushroom Farm.
Once again we see Cr Ban blaming another councillor, this time Phil Pidgeon, for pressing the issue of industrial development in the North Maclean area and going to the press with a confidential item and making it public.
Cr Ban seems to have been in full support for development at Ollies Orange, and the BP as well as being in favour of further additions at the Mushroom Farm, all in North Maclean and all industrial, so what gives?
It would seem that Councillor "figjam" (Ban) wants to be seen by developers as the good guy and by residents and environmentalists as the good guy as well which is bad for both sides because no one has a councillor they can rely on.
This is poor form from Logan which has been the local authority over this area since March and seems to be flat out even getting routine slashing under control, and seems to have at least one out of control councillor trying hard to stuff up the remaining part of Beaudesert Shire as fast as possible.
It seems that Ms Ban has an agenda all of her own. She appears to kill the good and nurture the bad.
Imagine what she is going to be like in 10 - 20 years. I have struggled over the past 3 and a bit years to find something good in her, some of the 'niceness' she displayed when she was first elected but its all gone.
I pity the people in her division, she will only look after her 'special' groups. The rest will be hung out to dry, already residents are complaining that she is disinterested, abrupt and down right rude to some.
The Mayor certainly has her work cut out for her, as hard as she tries to build bridges with the people and State and Federal Gov, this cr will burn them down. Wake up Logan, from our side of the fence we see sabotage, plotting and definitely undermining.
If the other crs sit in silence they will be seen in the same light.
I thought Logan was going to welcome new residents to better governance but it feels like a 'Welcome to my nightmare'.
I hear the Mayor is looking for a theme song for Logan, well here's a suggestion from some Greenbank residents:
Wow! Poor Division Eleven in Logan,
With its draconian rule showing signs of the ditsy,
Poor City Logan begins to look Bogan,
Now our Greenbank has been trashed, is the Councillor tipsy?
Open invitation for further verses.
Here's another verse for the theme song
Charity status once was worth something
Though it does seem in Logan rates nothing
Oh when will there be
Some light we can see
Liberty reigning, be off with the nobbling!
Bushranger tactics continue prolific
Will Doctor please dose whoever is crook – or sick
A dodge here, and a dodge there
We know this is not fair
Why in Eleven do we keep copping the stick?
Come on guys there must be someone to help put this theme song together - we could set it to Rap music.
The latest news on this matter is that one 'gagger' of meetings is now accusing another of 'gagging' another meeting. Get real!
Seems BSC's bad behaviour has filtered through to LCC, time to nip it in the bud before it becomes the 'norm' and we're back in Beaudesert.
It is probably time that we all pulled our heads in and let the Council of some 50-70% majority get on with their job. This is the only fair way for those who supplied this majority to enjoy the nightmare that is and will be reigned on them over the next three and a bit years.Sit back and enjoy the carnage. It will make the Macbeth story look like a Fairytale.
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