Thursday, October 9, 2008

BIG BROTHER ; alive and well in Logan.

A bit of power can corrupt absolutely, true.

Logan Council has aquired some areas without the agreement of the majority of the residents there and it occurred by force from a convolution of changes to the local government act which effectively took the requirement of going to the people on the issue away.

Nevertheless, the new Mayor and councillors have told people several things to try and placate their animosity to the takeover and new local government authority, firstly the Mayor said they won't be forgotton, what ever that means, and secondly the council said in words of kind, that those areas would be far better off.

Today brings a new chapter, where the most un-Australian thing I've ever heard of is occurring, and guess where, right here in Logan.

A COUNCIL has ordered an ex-soldier to take down the Australian flag which flies outside his house because it has been deemed "offensive" by a neighbour.

Aaron Wilson erected the 5m high flagpole eight weeks ago, in honour of his friends who served in Iraq.

But on Tuesday, Logan City Council called to tell him a neighbour had made a complaint, labelling it "offensive".

He was told to remove the pole or risk legal action. Mr Wilson, whose father fought in Vietnam, said he was disgusted.

"I find it astonishing that anyone could find the Australian flag offensive," he said.

"My family and friends have served for the country and the very least I can do is have a flag to show my appreciation for Australia.

"I thought the council had better things to do with their time than persecute people for putting a flag up."

A council spokeswoman said there was a concern the flagpole could fall down in high winds. She said Mr Wilson needed a building permit, because the pole was only 4.5m from the kerb and, under the Queensland Development Code, it should be at least 6m from the front.

But Mr Wilson, 30, a salesman from Eagleby, near Beenleigh, said other residents in the area had similar flagpoles that were closer to the boundary than his.

He said he would not be moving the flag. "You can't have rules for some people and not for others," he said. "I can't see how moving the flag back a bit is going to stop it being offensive."

Ex-serviceman Cr Ray Hackwood, who represents Mr Wilson's ward, said he would be monitoring the situation.

"As area councillor, I certainly won't allow anyone to pull down an Australian flag," he said.

Mr Wilson's neighbours last night were baffled as to who had complained.

So it seems those who would use the power, for the power's sake in Logan are as usual using it against the community not for it, I mean what kind of imbeciel would deny an Australian citizen the right to erect and display proudly, An Australian Flag.

Well it seems that all the commotion and adverse NATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE has had an effect , with Logan doing a backflip by way of intervention by the Mayor , the end result, the flag can stay.

Better late than never I suppose



Anonymous said...

If a Logan council officer wants to stop the Aussi Flag being displayed they should be fired, end of story.

Anonymous said...

You have to wonder how this situation would have unfolded if the bloke involved hadn't gone to the media, I have little faith in the authoritarian beurocrats that work in some Councils, specifically Logan.

Without media intervention this bloke would have been persecuted to the full extent of Logan's authority and made to pay dearly if he continued to disobey the officers directive.

I doubt things will get better hese soon, so the lesson is go to the media, it's not even worth making a complaint.

Anonymous said...

It is really sad when positions of 'power' are misused and ordinary people threatened with legal action etc. The sting is that its probably our money being used to threatened us.
People are getting tired of the 'big stick' being waved at us all the time. We need to make every indiscretion public for all to see and then maybe sanity will once again prevail.

Anonymous said...

It seems the real Logan is showing, where you will do as you are told, and there is a fine or rule for anything and if you dare speak out against the council you will recieve retalliation with every power they have to use against you.

It also seems that the people's Mayor has some Councillors actively working against her, and in my opinion it's a good thing that some of these rats are jumping ship early, although my concern, if I were Mayor would be the one who see themself as a direct successor to the Mayors job.

These kind of events, the flag issue, are far more common than people would imagine except the big stick of Logan usually batters most people into submission and compliance before the story goes public, it really was only the media interferance that has saved this blokes hide, so far.

Wait for the ricochet!

Anonymous said...

Gee I really wish that our overpaid ( Oh I'm sorry , their pay is set by a Tribunal that way they do not have to make a decision just take the pay that is dealt) Councillors would get busy with something that is of real importance to the majority of the people , Like Town Planning, Development,Regional areas and the costs of rates against the value of these Clowns who take our Money.Too gutless to vote for a payrise which is not needed and to Dumb to do something positive for our Logan Area. But you know the Sheep will rehire them in a couple of years to continue their purge on the GRAVYTRAIN. Please do not fall for their cry of the hours they work it is a fallacy, long hours at times yes , hard work NO!!!

Anonymous said...

When some are not tripping over their own egos and agendas, they are smiling for the cameras. Can we really afford these show ponies especially when the economy of the world is in such a mess?
Hopefully the tribunal will not add to the problem by giving the undeserving a raise, to the detriment of the people.

Anonymous said...

Th first few months we saw an impressive group of crs but how that has changed. If they are not screaming insults and threats at each other they are out creating havoc in the community.
In all the time I have lived in the northern end of Beaudesert I have never seen such destruction of community as I have witnessed over the past 4 years.
It seems that an incumbent has just reeked choas on the very people who looked up to that person.
I seen some names tagged on this cr but I believe that the Terminator or Annihiltor would be the perfect name. Lets hope this cr runs out of steam before irreparable damege is done to the community.