Thursday, February 26, 2009

Peter Garrett, it gets worse.

I've always had the opinion that Garrett was caught up in his political infatuation early in his life, quite possibly before Uni, and was staunchly anti conservative.
He used this to his best advantage as front man for Midnight Oil where his politically incorrect (for the time) lyrics complimented the Bands cutting edge, unique sound and put them into a niche withing the pop music genre where they had almost no competition as an anti government / pro humanity act.
There are of course those who sentimentally believe that Garrett is what he sings, I don't subscribe to that theory at all, despite him having served as president of the Australian Conservation Foundation from 1989 to 1993 and 1998 to 2004, in addition he also joined the International Board of Greenpeace in 1993 for a two-year term and served as adviser and patron to various cultural and community organisations including Jubilee Debt Relief, and was a founding member of the Surfrider Foundation.
My personal opinion is that due to his high profile, he was sought out for those roles to raise the profile among younger people and help with fund raising.

Anyway, read this and make your own opinion, is Garrett just a puppet a token, a Labor yes man?

Former musician and Arts minister Peter Garrett has shut down an elite Melbourne classical music school.

The former singer with political rock band Midnight Oil has decided to defund the Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM) and start a new institution within the University of Melbourne.

Unlike other institutions, ANAM does not offer degrees or formal classes - it comprises mainly of one-on-one tuition and opportunities to perform.

The body is seen as a good bridge between learning institutions and the professional musical circuit.

The federal opposition has questioned the motives behind the decision, pointing to the cosy relationship between the Vice Chancellor of Melbourne University Glyn Davis and the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

Davis helped Rudd run the recent 2020 Summit in Canberra.

Garrett has not announced how many students the new school will take or where it will be located.


Anonymous said...

Garrett is proving that he's a child of the 60's and that he lived through the 70's and 80's.

I'm not sure if his brain is even in good working order still, especially after he's refused to fund Koala research in Queensland recently.

I expect he's too busy trying to remember the words to those songs he sang ( almost ) back then, because he certainly sems to have forgotton them or at least the meaning claimed to be behind them.

Anonymous said...

Garrett is a Labor yes man, or rather a Labor "shut up and let Penny Wong do the talking" man,
He seems now to have little environmental knowledge, no insight into climate change and no clue about the peak oil threat and the diminishing natural resourses of this planet.
In short garrett is a fool.

Anonymous said...

Penny Wong's penny has not yet dropped.