Friday, April 17, 2009

Don't wig the Cat out man.

With the latest discussions in the good chambers of Logan Council , behind closed doors i might add, is about Cat Registration, I'm not kidding.

It has been reported in the news that the State Government is requiring all the cats to be registered and micro chipped and most preferably desexed as well, and some Councils have made enquiry and had discussions about how exactly that will be implemented.

I'm informed that at Logan there is quite a margin between the amount collected from the registration of Dogs and what they spend on facilities and control (specifically for Dogs) and that has also been part of the discussions I hear.

So getting down to tin tacks, we the public assume the reason, and really the only plausible one, for hiding the discussions from us is that these gutless councillors are planning to charge cat owners for the privilege of keeping the mice away from the pantry, could it be so ?

I'd have to say that even if it was free, you'd have to be "tossing possums" to even consider registering your cat because in all likely hood sooner or later these councillors will decide to make you pay, and how easy will it be to know who to charge than to simply go through the register of those who partook of the free registration etc.

Another thing to consider is that by charging the public for owning cats as they do Dogs, council effectively takes responsibility for the control of problems related to cats in their jurisdiction, even the feral ones.

Now I've been a long time advocate of protecting the natural environment and reducing the numbers of feral cats out there decimating natural species and breeding out of control, so this is a good thing right? Wrong, do we really think Logan Council will actually want to spend the money from cat registration on animal control? I doubt it.

There is a real need for control of feral cats not just in Logan but across Australia, and it's a Government problem that really doesn't seem to be getting very much attention or actually getting any results in real terms; feral cats are increasing.

So are you going to register your cat, if you are or are not I'd like to know the reason.


Anonymous said...

I was not surprised to see a councillor giving an opinion of the cat registration issue in the Brisbane rag, not once but twice, funny stuff it would have been too, putting the pidgeon among the cats! Oh I crack myself up.

Anonymous said...

First the bins now the cats! Is this what we over pay crs for?
Lets see how many people will actually register their cats. There will also be fewer cats rescued by ordinary people.
I sympathise with the elderly who may have a couple of cats for companionship - how can they afford any further fees? Who will monitor cats and how - will they do house and body searches?
There are far more serious issues for LCC to concentrate on - just get on with the job you have to do and look after the two strays creating havoc in council!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh! the irony of fools being dudded by bigger fools.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Whats to look at!!! The people spoke with a majority.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:01 - how many of the majority actually had a pulse?

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Tim Badrick said...

Some turkey forgot to tell some even bigger turkey that you can fence dogs in a lot easier than a flamin cat. Gonna do a lot of good micro-chipping cats when they are jumping from roof to roof and from yard to yard. Lets not fall hook line and sinker for the propoganda that is promoting the idea that cat registration is about saving birdlife from the snare of the felines. Any one with a grain of common sense knows that cat registration is like speed cameras - its revenue raising. The councils and the government are attempting to sugar coat our consciences with some cunning propoganda suggesting that they actually care about all the birds that cats are known to knock off in the wild. Sooner ban cats from being outdoors i say than allowing this plain stupid registration of cats to take place. Sorry, i am not that gullable.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

A few years ago, when submissions were called for on the subject of a certain development, one person was labeled as a "nut" for making a part of a submission call for new developments to be cat free where they are in close proximity to any natural area at all, funny how the wheel turns.