Sunday, May 10, 2009

Division 3 decided, . . .wait for the ricochet, . .

After what seems like months since the cowardly departure from a tough fight with sitting Labor man John Mickel in the seat of Logan to the relative sure thing of a safe seat in Beaudesert by the former Division 3 representative, it would seem that we now have the other candidate who came second (by a handful of votes)in the two horse race for division 3 almost 14 months ago, as the victor of this by-election.

The very experienced former deputy and acting Mayor will be back to add to his previous 12 years in the chamber.

This actually raises some questions about what is going to happen to the political balance in council, and to the ladder climbing of the new kids who seem to spend their days plotting ways to tip other councillors out of their chairs including the deputy mayor, or should i say especially the deputy mayor who seems to be the main target most of the time even though all attempts so far have ended in complete and utter embarrassing failure.

The fact that the newly elected Division 3 representative has great experience as a deputy mayor may be the catalyst for another coup attempt from the power hungry "kiddie councillors" who may attempt to offer their allegiances in exchange for support to topple the current deputy mayor.

I doubt that the division 3 representative will be willing to play that game with the likes of those would be razor gang members of council in a bloody minded and politically driven coup that would serve no real purpose except to further destabilise council as a whole.

personally I think the new division 3 councillor will get a chair anyway, quite possible the chair for community services.


Anonymous said...

John Grant is too seasoned and experienced to play with the children. My guess is that he will align himself with the adult crs so that Logan can finally get on with its job.
Lets hope no more time or money is wasted and we can now see a fairer and more just form of governance especially in community services.
If our rates are to go up again, the rate payers need value for money.

Anonymous said...

I reckon two councillors might be dechaired from community facilties, i can`t see either of them getting along too well with
Mr. Two Bob Each Way John Grant. Grant aint a bad bloke, he is just as weak as water thats all. At least he is bound to keep things a little more peaceful in that wretched council.

Fed up residents said...

Lets hope John Grant brings with him some integrity.
Greenbank is a den of iniquity! It just keeps getting worse and unfortunately the Div 11 cr is not doing her job or is in on the rorting?
The people are calling the Greenbank Community Centre the Greenbank Community Cemetary. Dead and locked up each day.
The farce in advertising for the caretaker's position made no difference, the illusive 'Buddy Wilson' aka DH and girlfriend (the GCC's President's daughter) still live happily, rent free in caretaker's residence, that we pay for by the way.
Logan City Council cannot claim not being part of this, by allowing this to happen they are in fact supporting the rort.
The newspaper reports that the GCC President, as a member of the Logan Country Chamber of Commerce, is encouraging business to use the hall - is that because the community cannot get access or cannot afford the steep prices?
Time to clean up the mess and give the centre back to the people or stop using our rates to maintain the GCC family! Time to start charging this commercial enterprise commercial rates.

Not fooled said...

Just when one thinks that sanity is about to return another twist!
Now that the Div 11 represntative is pursuing her new career as a writer her div is in total disarray.
It seems that the new group, which consists mainly of Jimboomba people, headed by an unknown resident of Greenbank has now had a bite at the GCC committee. I believe she said that the GCC lot need to be 'culled'.
I wonder how the GCC committee member, who still attends the meetings will react when he hears about this.
Seems no one is safe - collaborators are now turning on each other and the power brokers are going for the jugular.
Lets hope for the community's sake they all implode and sooner than later. Its just a massive con job any way which has no community support.

Anonymous said...

This is RE: the Greenbank Community Center, who had terminated a tenancy with a community crisis group on the grounds that the space was needed by other groups, that bookings were so far in advance that they could barely cope with repairs and maintenance due between bookings.

Right, so how is it that the president of the greenbank Community Center was at the last Chamber of commerce meeting in Jimboomba (reported in the Jimboomba Times) begging for local businesses to book the hall and rooms?

Even more interesting is the question, if it is a community center, why is it being offered to business while being denied to local community groups.

I guess you'd have to ask Leigh pearson that question.

Anonymous said...

Since ousting the community group that provided help to so many people the community centre has been sitting empty.
Several people have been watching and keeping records of all the 'invisible' users.
Council must be deaf and blind because even workers have commented on the empty rooms and lack of use of the centre.
This centre was not built for business's to use, it was built for the community.
As for asking any of the GCC committee - the truth eludes them.
There is only one solution to the GCC problem - kick out the family and allow community to run their own centre.

Irate and Annoyed residents said...

OMG - council wonders why people think so badly of them. When some support the worst in the community and dismiss the best it reflects on the whole council.
Don't tell us there aren't people in council, officers and crs who know what dirty tactics are being used by the GCC mob and the 'new' group? The whole situation is so inbred that one wonders who is related to who.
This is a small minority in the community yet council treats them like they are the majority?
The Mayor and the CEO obviously don't care how some officers and a cr are damaging constituents.
The numbers of angry ratepayers are growing each day and they no longer believe the crxp coming out from the centre or Ban's new group.
This is not going to go away until council does the right thing and cleans up the mess.

Anonymous said...

Today's news will certainly rock the boat some! Strange how Ban just keeps falling out of chairs - she was ousted out of Planning in BSC and now out of Communities - what does that say?

Anonymous said...

After ban was removed from the Planning and development chair at Beaudesert Shire council there were rumours that are too hot to repeat in public, and they point to the reason why she would have been that chair in the first place.

Now that she has been dumped for a second time in consecutive terms from consecutive elections from senior chairs you have to use logic and say that she is the reason, it is not as her supporters write on her behalf, that she is showing the rest of them up ; I mean how does planning and executing at least three failed coup attempts on the deputy mayor show the rest of them up? And how does going on public TV supporting a Bully show the rest of the councillors up when they condemned him and admonished him while she blamed his victims and supportd him calling him the victim.

Unfortunately she seems to think she has learned all that her past teacher had to offer and sems to have some misguided belief that everyone is out to get her if they don't fall over their feet in support of her, it seems even believing that those who have nothing to do with her and ignore her are plotting against her.

It is tiresome to read the Hignal Ban Times every week to see what utter embarrassment she seems to have lumped upon those of us who live in her division or what seems to be the next circus act she has performed lately or even what seems to be the new physical attribute she has, plain boring and stupid.

I'm sure that now, officially on the outer in council and having spent all her lolly money already she will be telling her supporters that she is being victimised by the rest of council and that she would be getting everything done but they all vote against it, and my guess is that her supporters will suck it all up and target all those she considers an "enemy" who are simply not supporters and are just getting on with their lives.

Get ready for a war, I reckon it's coming.

Anonymous said...

It seems that she has already started - the JT states that she claims that her colleagues are punishing the newly amalgamated areas!
What utter crxp! But I guess its one way to incite the ban fans.
When will Ban take responsibility for her own actions?
She also claims that this won't stop her from speaking out - has anyone in the community aksed her to? She is never seen in the top end of Div 11 so how could she even know what they want?