Saturday, July 25, 2009

AEC changing boundaries, what's in a name?

A name for a new electorate has been proposed and with valid reasons, the electorate of Wright was thought to be named after the Australian poet and social and environmental activist Judith Wright, however locally this name will more than likely be associated with the ex Labor politician and convicted criminal Keith Wright.

It is of course the fact that Mr Wright was a figure in the local area being a teacher and headmaster of schools in the area where the new electorate is to be proposed.

Unfortunately it is his abominable crimes that make this choice of name unsavoury for this area, because even though he has served his time and been released he has not gone away and his victims are still serving a life sentence from the atrocious and perverse acts he perpetrated upon them.

On a Tangent of sorts, there are commentators who are claiming a demographic of voters which will give the new seat a lean toward the conservatives by more than a few percent will favour any candidates from the Nationals or Liberals should they field one and that with a backlash from the Labor State and Federal governments it is a distinct possibility that this will be a conservative seat in it's initial term.

That begs the question, who will be the candidate in Queensland, will it be a Liberal? a National? or will it be one of the recently configured LNP?

I think we already know one person who will be putting their hand up and shouting from the roof tops that they are the best candidate, A person who has not worked in a real job, does not have years of business experience, has no life experience and does not really have a normal lifestyle in my opinion.

One candidate who dumped a council division, while continuing to take the pay for it, and ran at the last federal elections, failing dismally even though it is thought that the publicity budget would have been many times what was spent by both the major rivals from Labor and Liberal will probably dump the council division again to run for this new seat expecting to get preselection it seems.

I don't know how the people of that division will take being dumped a second time, I personally would be outraged!


Anonymous said...

Word is that the candidate is not likely to be nominated so it looks like the division will be stuck with the person.
Don't think the LNP can afford the all the publicity - particularly the intimate and personal stuff.

Anonymous said...

don't know where you get your word Anon 11:56, but there was some kind of press release already it seems.
It will be a merciful relief for those in Div 11 in my opinion if she does run.
But mind you the way she has gone about getting along with the others in council you can't see her lasting very long even if she does win the seat.
I am going to make a comment about the Name, in any other area it would be proudly recieved but not here where that name has such horrid memories for many.

Anonymous said...

Well if the candidate has been nominated and accepted, it makes all her statements to the press and her followers about definitely staying for the term in council, pretty stupid.
BTW do you remember which paper released the news?

Tim Badrick said...

I cant believe that DP is already a forgotten man around the traps
in Beauy. I wouldnt mind betting
that he might put his name up
for Wright when it comes on board.
Just the sort of person that the
Labor Party might pitch against
that tartshell who everybody
thinks is almost a shoein for
the LNP in the new seat. People,
if ever there was a reason to
ditch mainstream politics in
Queensland and boot the leftist
Labor Party and the ever increasingly left leaning LNP
to kingdom come, then the first
roll call for the new seat of
Wright might be the best oppurtunity to vote in an independent maverick like Bob Katter. Its a bit like worrying
about your camera bag when the
hippo is charging you if you compare a poor choice of localised candidancy on the LNP`s part with what Rudd is devising in the way
of a `nationwide gerrymander`. Personally, i think a new political party is needed across the board that once and for all re-establishes some centre right sensibility in not only political terms but in society in general.

Anonymous said...

People seem to forget about the Liberal member who ran for Forde - she would be a far better candidate. She may even have won if not for the sabotage by National member.
Didn't the National party member's preferences go to Labor?
And what about all the public statements again that the full term would be spent in council?

Anonymous said...

Well, the LNP knows nothing about any candidates given that the electorate of 'Wright' is only in draft satage at present. Seems an eager beaver has jumped the gun again - just to get her face in the paper again?
Peter Beattie has finally been supassed by a bigger media tart.

Anonymous said...

This applicant will win preselection for all the reasons that are written in Paragraphs 6 and 7. Daylight will be second and While that is good for the Div 11 , it is sad for the Fed seat as this cr has no idea whatsoever how to interact with normal people.

Anonymous said...

If the LNP endorse the person seeking preselection it will be their loss and another hefty cost to the ratepayers.
Perhaps council should stop hitting the people with extra levies and charges and concentrate on ensuring that ALL candidates for State or Federal resign before campaigning.