Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Government relaxes rules on foreigners who want to buy property here.

The claim from the minister is that it will have little effect on first home buyers because it is still very dificult for foreigners to by existing homes without the approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board. it has only been made easier to purchase new homes without the Boards approval.

Really ?

If supply and demand was the driver of the last property boom and that in real terms means that the increase in population is creating a situation where people cannot find homes to satisfy their housing needs, then why has there been a push to introduce further immigration and attract them to the growth areas.

This is not a racist issue, it more about further widening of the affordability gap for our children who will want to one day buy their own home and not be forced by government policy to fund the lavish retirement lifestyle of some foreign investors.

There is even talk of bringing tourists here for real estate shopping tours, and it's quite probable that is already occurring.

I wonder how much of this country will be sold off a lot at a time to foreigners?
We will have to foot the bill for infrastructure like the Traveston's Crossing Dam which will supply water in the future to a few major developments in the area, and like the Wyarralong Dam which will service a 200 square kilometer industrial precinctto the west of Beaudesert and stretching 27 kilometers along the Logan River.

And that's without increases to roads carrying capacity which are in an appalling state of repair and totally inadequite for the needs of the present users.

What we should be looking toward is a Sustainable Population, but to be honest I think we may have missed that boat.


Anonymous said...

With the number of babies born to date and the number of immigrants we are already feeling the pinch.
Is this country aiming for a population size like that in India?
Many Australians are already feeling like 'displaced' citizens in their own country. Many Australians cannot afford their own homes or even find accomodation, yet one seldom hears about homeless immigrants.
Most of the people who have lost their jobs just happen to be Australian, most of the struggling families are Australian and most of those living below the poverty line are Australian - what does that say?
What happended to looking after one's own first?
A bit of trivia - the latest tourist enticement is set to a Monkees song, the original words were - 'Hey, hey we're the Monkees, always monkeying around'. Now it sports new words about Queensland - satire or irony? Has Queensland become the Monkey State?

Anonymous said...

Go screw yourself and this site's malicious campaign against reason and logic is appalling

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:28 ???????????????????????

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:28, i wouldn`t often
jump on somebody elses blog
other than my own to defend
another blog operators integ-
rity, but you are a real
tosser you know that. What
drugs are you on mate, be-
cause i want some because the
shit you are on obviously makes
a person high. You have the
typical simpleton caveman
mentality similiar to a lot
of drongos who keep pestering
me on my blog. Mate - get lost!

Anonymous said...

I'm stunned by people who jump from blog to blog making derogative remarks. There is no vaue to their input - just blatant attacks on commentors or the sites.
Time to grow up and realise that every one is entitled to their opinions no matter how they differ to yours.
It also time to enlarge your vocab!

Anonymous said...

The last comment was aimed at 4:28

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I think its in poor taste that some people resort to foul language and abuse when they don't agree with others.

Unowho said...

Sorry, I should have removed that one earlier