Monday, February 8, 2010

Israel, marching toward genocide in Palestine ?

It seems that Israel is happy to hide behind "The Holocaust" and claim victim status in its continued aggression with Palestine which appears to be about simply killing off Palestinians and taking their land, or Genocide.

Israel is careful to ensure it controls public information about its activities , especially its military conquests and the prisoners it has captured and who dies during air strikes and tank sorties telling the world that the majority of the deaths are terrorists, refusing to front the world media to justify the thousands of women and children killed in their homes.

Recently the targets of the Israel war machine, funded to the tune of unlimited $$ millions by the USA have changed and it is actively seeking to raid individual residences and arrest and deport foreigners who have seen the real war and are helping the Palestinians to protest peacefully and attempt to get the world media to see what is actually happening rather then continue to publish the sanitised version that sits so well with Israel still portrayed as the victim.

I'm so curious as to how so many high density buildings can be indiscriminately bombed in air strikes killing hundreds of collateral to target a single "enemy of Israel" when the war machine is now capable of finding individuals who have overstayed their visa, conduct midnight raids to arrest them and remove all their electronic communication and data storage devices before they are deported from the country.

The world is slowly becoming uncomfortable with the continued military attacks on a desperate and diminishing population of very very poor people who have been sanctioned to the point of barely being able to get food and recently loosing the only real supply source for the things we take for granted such as household items and car parts which were all smuggled into Palestine through tunnels.

Israel seems scared that foreigners have become aware of the situation and have joined Israelis who also condemn their own governments policy to eradicate Palestine and that they may get real footage of real events out to the world media which contradicts the version the Israel government allows the rest of us to see.


Anonymous said...

in some countries you would be labeled antisemitic and your blog shut down for this rubbish and quite possibly you would be found out and put in prison, you filthy fucking hater.

Anonymous said...

The Holocauste aside, because it isn't relevent in the ongoing situation with Palestine, Isreal is not entirely in agreement with certain factions in the government that are intent on continuing to hold illegally and take more land from Palestinian families.

However it seems they are painting the Palestinians as one united terrorist organisation intent on wiping out Israel when in fact they are just fighting for their life and homes.

You do have to question whether the world is still conned by Israel's media control campaign that allows only their version of the story to be told, i have questions that have not been answered.

Anonymous said...

It seems old potty mouth is at it again. I find your language as offensive as your comments.
What's your problem Anon 7:37?