Friday, April 16, 2010

The Biggest backflip, sheer desperation.

As Bligh's popularity plummets to depths not seen since the end of the Joh era, it seem there is, in her mind, one safety rope still dangling down to her from the edge of the abyss, Daylight savings.

So with the kind of backflip you'd expect from someone with far longer legs, she has donned the athletics gear and announced a referendum on daylight savings in a couple of time zones and wants the public to discuss it at length and form their own opinions about it.

You see, Daylight savings has seemed popular in the city area of South east Queensland where Labor has always got nearly all of its seats, and it's now become a bandwagon that a desperate Bligh cannot resist just one quick ride on.

Of course there are skeptics out there who would say the very idea of putting forward an idea that you have previously and often dismissed outright as never going to happen is now there to hide things like the failings in the health care of Queensland and of course the fire sale of almost every income producing asset owned by the people of Queensland without their consent.

And I have to say it appears to be working too, with everyone either supporting or denouncing the idea, and vigorously too.

I honestly don't believe industry and retail who claim they are missing out on millions by being out of sync with the southern states, if it is that critical that you align your business to the times used interstate then that's what you do, you don't need to change your clock to do it either, if it's that important you just get up an hour earlier and get it done.

To those who impassioned that they will utilise the extra hour of evening to go to the beach etc, you can do it now, except you just start and hour earlier (beating the traffic) and knock off an hour earlier (again beating the traffic) and do it.
My guess though is that if you need everyone else to have to change times because you're too lazy to start and finish an hour earlier then you're probably too lazy to even get off the couch and go anyway.

The ones I feel sorry for are those who start early already, and those with young kids. Th ones who start very early and work outdoors actually benefit from an extra hour early in the day with less direct overhead sun, but they probably can't get to sleep early enough because it's still light and hot. Similarly those with kids, it's hell, and I've been there.

At the end of the day this is just a smokescreen, designed to get a sector of the community, lets call them the lazy selfish ones, to think she's actually going to do this for them and not for her own salvation.


Anonymous said...

I agree, the Daylight saving issue is a waste of taxpayers money, is it $15million for a referendum?

I have listened all day to people who are in favour of it and all they can say is we need to be in time with the southern states,why?

Funny thing is the majority of people say they don't want it, and that usually means we'll get it like it or not, and yes I do remember when we got amalgamated, and we didn't want that either.

Anonymous said...

Same ol same ol whenever a
tactical media driven scape
goat is needed by team Bligh
to get itself out of the chit.

Anonymous said...

Queensland is always so far behind all the other States. In this instance I think they should stay there.
If daylight saving was all its cracked up to be why didn't Q start when all the other States did? Yes it can be a nuisance, especially when ringing or working with other States but I think by now the Queenslanders are accustomed to it.
Just think of the farmers who already get up in the dark and work very long hours. But then a lot of people think Milk bars and Supermarkets just pump the milk in - they don't realise that cows actually have to be milked.

Anonymous said...

It's not just that the farmer has to milk the cows, he still does that twice a day anyway. Where the problem starts is in the factory where now because of daylight savings all the factory hands have started an hour earlier and so they send out the trucks an hour earlier too, a bit hard on the cows though, because they don't have a watch or clock to set back an hour and still head up to the shed at the same time. Never mind everyone who works at a real job can be put out so the ones who play with bits of paper can have some time to go to the beach every afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Well said Anon 5:01. I guess the only ones able to enjoy the beach due to daylight saving would be the pollies and Ceos who earn the big bucks.
The ordinary Joe would still work his butt off without any overtime.