Thursday, July 29, 2010

A contribution from a local.

There is only one record to break for Julia

Julia Gillard has made history as the first female Prime Minister of Australia, that will be her claim to fame, not how she got there and not as many believe for being the shortest serving PM in Australia’s history if the gamble of cutting her own leaders throat, with the backing of faction leaders and Union Power Brokers, goes awry and she is voted out.

For Julia to have been the shortest serving PM in Australia’s history, she would have to have been removed from her post any time before the early hours of July 2nd, 2010.

If she loses this election, she will become the 5th shortest serving Prime Minister.

Julia’s job has to be to convince the electorate that she is not the conniving backstabber who coldly executed PM Kevin Rudd, gave him the Judas kiss in a late night meeting which saw him not even contest the vote from the caucus in less that 24 hours and instead saw him blubber in front of media and his whole immediate family.

Julia also has been quick to use Rudd as the scapegoat (as expected) for all that ails in the vote winning process despite it being well known that she was one of the gang of four who with Rudd and swan made policy , publicized it and then handed press releases to the relevant Minister along with the media. What Rudd was, so was Gillard.

Julia will no doubt attempt to use the agreement with the miners, brokered through back downs in the new tax which served her masters in the unions who feared the loss of jobs in the mining sector to offshore operations and continue with the assertion that without her government in power we will get work choices returned by the current opposition.

Julia’s public announcement on calling the election for August 21 was very much lacking in substance, but I think we all got the campaign slogan, “Moving Forward” since she repeated it many times and spoke slowly as usual, interesting also was her appearance, a little smoother in the face (Botox maybe?) and with a fresh bright red shock and with highlights in the hair colour, her face and mouth barely moving during the delivery of the entire speech.

Julia went on the attack too, claiming knowledge about what is going to be policy from her opposite number Tony Abbott, and claiming that she knows what would have happened in an alternate reality with him as leader during the GFC where our big four made profit while the rest of the developed worlds banks lost, sometimes very heavily and that is to have our country in recession.

Julia actually looks to me to be a Star trek fan, so her claim makes perfect sense, that there could be a way of seeing into an alternate reality where the opposition didn’t support the stimulus packages in the senate, and allow Labor to claim the kudos for it and in fact be the government and not introduce it at all, in fact I can imagine Julia translating all her speeches into “Klingon” as a memory improving exercise.

Julia will probably get a big slice of the women’s vote because there is a large percentage of women who will vote for a woman just because it’s a woman, that’s in her favour, big time and she will, very much like Joh Bejelke Peterson feed the chooks and be of great interest to the various media scrums simply because she is the new kid in town.

Julia is like Joh in many ways, she talks differently almost like she is talking to first graders and her accent is broad and ockerish and almost unladylike more suited to an older country singer than a PM, she also repeats a lot sometimes more than once in case we are too slow to get it the first time.

It’s going to be a long 5 weeks.

BTW, the shortest serving PM was Francis Michael Forde, 8 days.
Earl Page 20 days, John McEwen 23 days and Arthur Fadden 40days.


Anonymous said...

good perspective, you summed it up in one small sentence,

What Rudd was, so was Gillard.

Anonymous said...

Gillard has the blood on her hands of Rudds demise but she has used the unions and leftist factions throughout he r career to climb over, roughshod, the party faithful who were the true believers spoken of by Keating who in spite of the unions and faction bosses attained the leadership and was in turn elected as PM in his own right. The Australian public is right to ask questions about the pseudo deal with mining giants who have the greater proportion of their business overseas already when that decision will have the greater effect on their competitors who will probably eventually be bought out and become wholey foreign owned, they are also right to ask Gillard to explain exactly what is the payback for years of support at the expence of other more qualified party members from those faction leaders and union heavy weights.

The rumour is that outsiders like Shorten and Fergusos will be promoted and the "celebs" like Garrett and McKew will be dumped.

Mere woman said...

What concerns me deeply is Gillard's emphasise on "I" and "me". Now I know all politicians speak as though they solely govern but Gillard's play on the words is scarey.
She never answers questions about subjects she doesn't want to, even if they are repeated. She misinterprets questions and yes if I hear her say "Moving Forward' one more time I will throw up.
If the party was moving in the wrong direction under Rudd, how come she is still peddling the same policies?
She is so robotic and emotionless, even the 'smiles' seem plastic. Her excuse for voting against paid parental leave and increases to the elderly pensions just doesn't wash. The money wasted in her portfolio on so called 'school halls' would have better spent elsewhere.
She gives Women a bad profile.

Anonymous said...

If Gillard looses the election, she deserves it. Watch the pork barrelling in Queensland starting soon.

Anonymous said...

Every election we get the same thing, the unions (especially the public sector unions) advertising a fear campaign against Liberal, the greens advertising against Liberal and Labor advertising against Liberal, and the Libs adds putting their case only against Labor, so the advertising is disproportionate heavily in favour of Labor. In a world thats dominated by marketing and spin it's no wonder Labor can win with such lack lustre leadership.

Ex true Believer said...

Julia Gillard is no fit to be our Prime Minister, she is nothing but a puppet of the unions and faction bosses. The deal with the miners shows that she doesn't care at all about Australian jobs, just raising taxes, the Aussie miners were left out of discussions and Jobs will go's a sad time for true labor supporters, the battelers, they don't get a look in these days. They need to make a law seperating unions from government, like the church had to be hundreds of years ago.

Unowho said...

I like your train of thought "Ex True Believer" the seperation of Church and State still stands today.

The thing is that since Bob Hawke used the unions to bring our country to a standstill and put the wages /prices spiral firmly into employees favour and used that as a springboard straight to the logde and then promptly made sure no one else could follow that path by forcing unions to be registered entities under a government legislature effectively burning the bridge behind him, there has been a collaberation of unions and the Labor party that is unhealthy to say the least.

And I agree it should be seperated, unions should cease to be a political force, electioneering tools for Labor and raisers fo war chests for elections, they should go back to their roots and work for the union dues they so casually take for nothing these days, for better working conditions, a fairer system and equality in pays, not as a carreer path for unionists to a political future.

If you try counting them you'd run out of fingers and toes, but the number of Labor candidates that are union officials ort ex union ists is huge and there's no doubt they are seeking to take control of government and through Gillard they have effectively done it.

Anonymous said...

Your are right, Unions don't even want to represent workers, my rep said "well it's not my problem if you stuffed up your EBA, tell it to someone who gives a #$%@"

I've been paying my union dues for almost 30 years and the first time I ask them for some help, thats all I get.

I'm hoping there's a good independent running in Forde, I cant vote Labor, don't like Libs and now it looks like the Greens are worlds stupidest,clandestine and out of touch party in the world, so I'm about out of ideas.