It has come to pass, in the halls of power that what everyone has known and what has been denied by both for so long has now been ratified for the public to show that what we have all believed is now reality.
Labor and the Greens are now a coalition.
Bob Brown has tried in vain to have people believe that he has been bipartisan and would support either of the two major parties to form Government in this latest election where no clear majority has been evident in number of seats in the parliament, pretty much without success as Labor leader Gillard has continued to announce that she counts the Green member elect as a definite for Labor.
And to be brutal about it, Gillard was 100% correct to do so because the Greens have senators elected and due to enter the upper house in the next change over mostly due to Labor preferences, and the greens in a return deal owe Labor big time.
The question I ask is, since all the deals done with the Greens and Labor before the election were already done why all the BS from Brown and why all the outright lies?
Of course you were actually expecting another question, and here it is, why is Brown still the leader when it is most common for the Leader of a political party to come from the lower house, if in fact you have one in your party, but once you do does that not make them your leader?
The greens are very loathe to answer questions, real questions about why policy exists , about why they agree with some and reject other and so i don't expect anyone from the Greens to answer the above either.
To me it is cowardly of Bob Brown to have not signed this agreement of coalition with Labor before the election, and I just wonder how many of the faithful will remain that way and will we see future elections where Labor faithful will be handing out for both themselves and the greens when support declines.
I don't think it is healthy for the greens to be they way they were, biased in favour of Labor in so many states, but i reckon it's worse for them as part of a coalition because they have always tried to maintain a position of independence.
So what do you think, it was always obvious, but was this a good move?
I tried to remain apolitical
until today, but i just cant
help myself here. Bob Brown
is bad news for everything
bar the enviroment, expect
the introduction of death
duties, a lockdown of all
recreational fisheries and
an array of communist style
indirect taxes to spring up
if Brandt somehow becomes a
coalition member of a Labor
government. Brown makes the
likes of Gillard look like a
right winger, and Gillard has
very dubious socialist past as
far as the Victorian communist
party is concerned. Bob Brown
is a two faced prick who has a
very deceitful agenda. I would
sooner Labor or the Liberals on
their own anyday rather than to
have a lower house operative in
Adam Brandt sabotaging the vote.
Gillard has already lost face, she thought she would win the election by assassinating Rudd and then jumping into his shoes. Wrong!
She is so desperate to retain the Premier position she would sell her soul.
As for Bob and the Greens - well God help us if they gain more power. People will be displaced except for the Greens of course, and Australia will become an overgrown jungle.
The Australians will then become the 'boat people' seeking refuge in other countries.
The Greens policies are based on mumbo jumbo and they have totally lost touch with the human race.
It's a sad day for Greens supporters in my opinion.
I have supported a greens member in his endeavours to get elected both on his own very good credentials to represent me and many people I know and the Party on the strength of their environmental awareness and desire to make change in government policy for the betterment of our planet, our country and our lives.
This year due to personal circumstances I have not been able to offer assistance, but in a way now I'm happy I did not do so as it would have been a clash with my belief that we need a third major party.
I'm disappointed that the Greens have not remained independent despite their leftist leanings and they have let their desire to get senate seats compromise their status as an environmental based party, in my opinion they no longer are that, they are now a leftist, radical faction of Labor which has become more centrist over the years.
I would like to see someone from the greens make comment on this decision from their heart but I suspect they will follow the party line and support it wholesale.
Ken Henry, Treasury boss is
not to be trusted with the
election budgetary data for
both Labor and the Liberals.
He is almost draped in the
red flag as much as Mao Tse
of China. Lets call another
election before left centre
Gillard does any democratic-
ally flawed deals with left
left Bob and all his marxist
eco army. The time for being
a rebel has arrived and nail-
ing some commo butt.
You have to wonder just how gullible the independents are and how flimsey their reasoning is about the solidity of Labor's costings if the Liberals is so badly out.
It was always going to be that Adam bandt and Wilke (an ex Green) would side with Labor, even without the ratification of the coalition between Greens and Labor, and rightly so.
The others will more than likely also support Labor as well in my opinion simply because they have no balls, Rob Oakshot is the worst of them, he seems to have so little knowledge and so little real ability to read between the lines of the promises from the leaders of each side.
I reckon the independents have made too much of their time in the sun and are starting to get on everyones nerves, they need to make up their monds and get on with it.
I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing Labor give them the biggest promise and getting their support.
Any bets as to whether any of them, Bandt, Wilke, Oakshot or Windsor form any new companies after they make a decision to back Labor and then get very rich from government contracts?
News Flash;
as suspected the Greens are not calling it a coalition, And are dilusionally claiming that they will now get their policies through on Gay Marriage (surprise surprise), a Carbon tax and a raft of new taxes including death duties.
The claim the people have spoken, that over 10% want this, well news flash for Bob Brown, that means almost 90% didn't, you dill!
I said it right from the start,
any minority government with a
bare minimum amount of seats is
not worth tuppence, whether its
a Labor or Liberal one. Unless
either side has at least a one
seat buffer, meaning 77 seats,
then any coalition is doomed
for failure. I have my doubts
that Tony Abbott can keep the
three amigos constantly happy
enough, unless he got Windsor,
Katter, Oakeshott and Wilkie i
always said it would not work
too well at all. Labor`s con-
trived assortment will be even
worse. At least the three rural
independents are cut from almost
the same cloth. Gillard is making
out that she`ll have a stable co-
alition with Brandt, Wilkie & two
of the three amigos. Windsor might
last a month without telling Adam
Brandt were to jam it, thats if he
is lucky. Idealogically they come
from diffrent planets. There is no
way that a minority government that
is cobbled together like a Labor/
Greens/Left Activist/Rural Centre
one will last the distance. All it
will take to disintregate with be
for Windsor to stop supply when a
controversial leftist passing of
legislation is courted by Brandt
ect. Either Windsor has a death
wish in the parliament or he is
going to at least remain on the
crossbenches. Windsor is the key
for both Labor and the Liberals,
he really is a chameleon who is
very hard to pick. If Labor or
the Liberals could have snared
the 3 amigos plus Wilkie to get
77 seats, i would say fairs fair.
But Labor wont get all three of
the amigos, and the Liberals are
not getting Wilkie by the looks
of things. No side is going to
get 77 seats. Its time to have
another election and hopefully
the voters will this time put
an end to the shortlived airy
fairy coalition between Labor
and Bob Brown. I am a greenie
at heart too, i just cannot
bring myself to support any
political movement with any
Marxist agendas that have
nothing to do with saving
the enviroment.
There should be some limitations on the length of time a country can remain in limbo.
I'm really disappointed with the independants behaviour - it appears that they are basking in their new found glory. But this is not endearing them to the rest of the country.
Rob Oakshot needs to get over some remark made by a National party member years ago about his lovely wife - she has. The country did not make this remark or condone it, so don't base your decision on that Rob.
I'm really hoping that the outcome will take us back to the polls. I'm sure many voters regret the way they voted and would like the chance to amend some errors.
Tim, For some reason your post was duplicated, . . . did you have a spell checker on when you posted it maybe? other than that I don't know why.
Dont know Uno what when on
there, i didn`t have spell
check on, you know me, the
spontaneous method works
best at times, but i did
know the comment duplica-
ted itself. Blame the new
laptop i got, or maybe it
was just in a bad mood.
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