Friday, September 10, 2010

Logan Council , meetings on the move.

Logan Council are saying they are bringing Council to the community, and I think that having them in the kind of facility that they are to held next, a school hall, gives students exposure to council as well as any other method.

Lets face it, the ordinary meetings are a rubber stamp over what has already been discussed and presumably agreed to (by most councillors) at the previous weeks committee meetings, and as such do not give an indication of how our departmentalised third level of government works by any shape or means but it does allow one to see a bit of what goes on when personalities and egos get around the table.

I urge people to go to these type of meeting, simply to show that we, the community, are still keeping an eye on our investment, that we still see what is going on despite the constant spin of your press releases and that we do have in our minds some requirements from our representatives that are definitely not being met.

Personally, I don't think a couple of councillors in the old Beaudesert and Gold Coast area are doing us much service other than trying to undermine other councillors and play at being bigger than Jesus, that's just me, and they have done nothing to dissuade me from that opinion including their recent attempts at geeing up animal owners around here and pushing to try to have all market gardens removed, possibly via a stooge.

So, if you want to see Council inaction, (in action) the next "community" Council Meeting is on 14th September, it will start at 10.30am and be in the New Hall at Canterbury College, Waterford.

Should be a whizzer.



Anonymous said...

One has to wonder about the removal of market gardens and then the sudden push for 'community gardens'.
Many are getting very excited about the proposed community gardens. Call me a pessimist, call me a cynic but I wonder what's in it for council.
Is this a distraction from issues such as the animal regulations, the water debacle and any other money extraction schemes?
I don't trust this council and have solid ground for the distrust.
Funny how the rules can be bent for some things and not others.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, in england they have what they call allotments, and people use them in a variety fo ways including for the majority of people a Vege Patch or greenhouse, so they can work. There they register with council and are given care of a particular allotment for a very small deposit. In the past it has worked well with a "code" of practise between all the users not to pilfer from others allotments etc.

But, I can't see that working here number one is that we have become a nation of whingers, we just can't live and let live and it could just become a shitfight.

Realistically, we have no need for community gardens, we don't have ultra high density living in Logan and other than the social aspect we can do everything we want on our own land.

A couple of big questions we would have to ask,
1) Who provides the water? is it user pays?
2) Who pays the rates?
3) who is responsible for public liability?
4) who is responsible for control and acceptable usages?
5) Will council provide all the rest of Logan ratepayers with a propper costs analysis over them?

Like the anon above i do not trust council and I reckon the same councillors who oppose Market Gardens, will probably be right behind this because it's touchy feely and doesn't require any work from them at all to say "i voted for it" have their picture taken next to a particularly good lot and claim kudos where really as usual none has been earned.


Anonymous said...

One has to wonder who 'asked' for community gardens, apart from the obvious ones. We've seen the debutantes in the paper, but really which community members want this?
We are told what we want and definitely don't get what we need.
Does council think a community garden will appease the people of old BSC following the recent debacles? Water is an issue that will not be swept under the carpet.
Supporting this latest crazy notion will not lessen the horrific water access charges made to the residents of old BSC.
Fix our roads, fix our bridges, stop the ludicrous animal regulations, drop the excess water charges and provide better services.
Stop plying us with sports, recreation and now community gardens.
And as asked in the previous comment who will provide the necessities to operate these gardens especially Public Liability? Also who will own the land and the 'crops'? Its one thing to call it a community garden but which community?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:27 HERE HERE!!! They are incapable of delivering anything else, it stretches there intellect too much.

Anonymous said...

Get ready for fireworks tomorrow, tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber are about to put on a show for the plebs in the cain hope it'll make up for the past year's ignoring of their electorates, i doubt it.

I predict there will be a motion to dump the animal laws, don't laugh, it will happen.
I predict that there will be an attempt to overturn a previous vote on committee proceedure, and again don't laugh, it's actually not that funny.

If this is all, and the market garden attack does not also raise it's ugly head, I will not be surprised as it seems someone has been hard at work dropping very misleading litriture around the place with some totally untrue things on them and others out of context enough to make them not even relevent.

Lets go see what goes on at the meeting, I reckon this will be a freak show waiting for a place to happen.

Anonymous said...

Well you were spot on with this one, what a shamozzle, the Blacks made a spectacle of themselves showing that they are stuck whinging about the petty things and not seeing the big picture or working with the rest of the councillors still after two years.

Market gardeners should get together and get a lawyer (barrister lol) and make someone pay for the harassment they have endured from certain individuals.

Anonymous said...

One has to wonder why one cr appears to be stuck in the same rut. The motion was lost at least 5 years ago and still the cr is harping [or fiddling] on about it. Get over it, this is only a miniscule part of the job.
Why not the same passion about the criminal overcharge for water?
Time for a reality check!

Anonymous said...

One councillor will continue to use a stooge to keep the market Gardens issue, which is baseless and has quite often been found to have untruths published against them, for the purpose of political publicity.

The previous commentor is correct the issue has had a real good thrashing out in Beaudesert where the taskforce was increased with loaded anti small crop protaganists, and yet at it's conclusion only minimal changes were found to be needed to preserve amenity for residents worried about the area becoming a plastic covered wasteland.

Existing small croppers still have, much to the disapointment of some, as of right use to continue farming and so long as they follow regulations there should be no problems for anyone.

In reality if you believe there is a real risk of permenent injury, incapacitation or death, wouldn't you move away? instead of running a campaign of intimidation against people lawfully going about their business?

Anonymous said...

Not if it provides publicity for certain crs. The more agitation created in the community the more mileage for the next campaign.