Friday, September 3, 2010

While Foolia promises anything and everything, Abbott won't play ball with ridicules demands of the independents

While it has right from the start looked like the Gillard labor Government would be able to win the hearts of the majority of the independents and thus form a minority government, it is disturbing that some of the strange demands of all the minority party members are actually being agreed upon by Labor.

In my previous post I told how the Greens have signed a deal to form government with Labor, effectively a coalition, however I did not elaborate on the price Bob Brown had asked for his support.

One of the things on his list is allowing Gay marriage, which it seems would be considered by Labor if they form government and more likely it would be left until the change of the senate half when the Greens would hold the balance of power there and have a bill on the issue passed.

That's politics right?

Well not exactly, you see no other party including Labor had this item on their agenda, and in fact both Parties had said they have no intention in changing the marriage act to include legitimising same sex unions, so in other words instead of being majority rules which is the basis of democracy we will see a minority being able to push through distasteful (to the vast majority) legislation due to an agreement with the government.

So Bob Brown may say they have just over ten percent of the vote including preferences but in reality that does not give him the power to speak on behalf of the majority, and it certainly does not give him any sort of mandate to invoke policy on behalf of all Australians

Now I've used the example of "equal marriage rights" but it could be any of the radical policies from the greens including charging us a carbon tax or hovering like vultures over the corpses of the recently deceased to collect death duties, all of which are only voted for (if people even knew they were Greens policy, I doubt many did) 10% of the voters, not even close to a democratic majority.

So how did it all go wrong, how do we get someone like Bob Katter demanding the ethanol level in auto fuel be increased to 22% when we do not have enough good quality agricultural land available right now to feed our projected population and growing more and more cane would make us like Brazil where Rain Forest is destroyed to grow for fuel and meanwhile the countries poor struggle to get food.

It seems, against all odds that the only one with any common sense is Tony Abbott who has so far refused to accommodate a lot of the wish list items of the half dozen, power soaked wanna be deal makers cum king makers, or should that be Queen?

Could it be that Liberalism has taken a bullet for the greater majority of Australians? That we really are just still so afraid of work choices that we couldn't vote for Abbott, and yet quite obviously we did not want to continue with Labor either so we went for the lesser evil and went Greens or independents?

As they say, be careful what you wish for , you just might get it.

Further to that make a decision and make your vote count.

While people are calling for another poll, there is one man who will be screaming the house down if that looks like a possibility and that's Bob Brown who is just revelling in his self appointment as the most powerful man in Australia right now and would more than likely lose more than half his votes if another vote had to be cast.


Anonymous said...

Lets go back to the polls. If that happens the Greens will certainly not get the seats they did.
The 'Little Green Book' published May 2010 is the most undemocratic bit of garbage I have ever read. I think it was thrown together at the last minute to make the greens look better.
Without the intention of sounding disrespectful, is Bob Brown pushing his own barrow with the 'same sex marriages'? I personally could care less if a monkey married and hyena [and many have] but how does the rest of the millions of constituents feel about this?
We now have bad politicians which can only result in bad governance. What a sad day in the history of Australia when an assassin and some power mongers are in power. Democracy is already a distant dream are we now in the grips of total dictatorship?

Tim Badrick said...

The penny of political logic
just dropped for me, we have
to go back to the polls. Why?
Because every parliament needs
a speaker, and that MP is a
lost vote to whichever side
of the house he or she comes
from. Do you really think for
one second that a Liberal or
National MP is going to do a
deal with Labor/Greens to get
them in. This more than ever
exemplifies the fact that 77
seats is needed by whichever
party has the numbers to have
a viable coalition. Forget all
about the hogwash that Channel
9 and 2 are spinning which is
eerily pro-hard left, and the
southern newspapers as well. I
have to say that News Ltd is the
best of a bad bunch for once. It
is time to tell Bob Brown and the
leftist media to piss off and stop
trying to `fix` a result which not
only is democratically flawed but
also completely impracticle which
one sitting of federal parliament
will quickly prove beyond doubt.

Unowho said...

You've hit the nail right on the head, Tim, and knowing Labor they'll want to use the speaker position to nullify a threat of future opposition and that means either Tony Windsor or Bob Katter for speaker.

You have probably read the agreements made so far, the one by the Greens and also the one by ex Green, Wilke, and noticed that not only do they agree to vote with Labor on matters of supply but they also agree not to vote with the opposition if a motion of no confidence is brought to the Parliament.

The thing is that if any of the independents or Greens become disgruntled it doesn't stop them from bringing such a motion, only from voting with the opposition on one.

I looked carefully and one thing I didn't find was get out clauses that usually exist in most agreements, very strange, but I imagine Labor will want the suckers; i mean independents lock into an agreement they can't back out of and then screw them over as usual and all their posturing and hard ball negotiating will have been a waste of time, and it will serve them right but ultimately it will be us the ordinary voter who will be paying for it all, and dearly.

We really do need to go back to the polls, and Labor will probably get their majority and the greens will get their cumuppance but it will be a better outcome that being held to ransome by the likes of the insipid and gormless Oakshot, won't it.

Tim Badrick said...

Very true, i actually want to
sell my property this century
Uno and i am not conviced that
i will if we have an economic
hack controlled coalition with
Bob Brown pulling the strings.
I saw the funniest one liner
on the internet last night,
in reference to Labor`s new
recruit - Andrew Wilkie. It
went like this: - what hope
did the Liberal Party ever
have of getting a guy with
a striped suit to join its
ranks? I had a good laugh
when i saw that. I might
look stupid later today,
but my bet is Bob Katter
will stick with the Libs,
Oaakeshott will go with
Labor most probaly and
Windsor will more than
likely sign a pack with
the devil in the eyes of
his largely conservative
constituency and go with
Labor too. That`s 76 seats
to Labor, but they`ll still
lose one for the speaker. It
means that after today if the
principals of Westminster are
to be uphold by politicians &
journalists, then australians
are going to be going back to
the polls. Watch this space as
well, Tony Windsor is in the
Sun Herald today & is quoted
as saying that he supports the
$43 billion broadband rollout
promised by Labor. Windsor had
better watch out, because he is
in receipt of an email from me
which contains information that
proves that the fibre-optic ca-
bles which accounts for the ma-
jority of that outrageous sum
of money will not survive the
natural elements in so many
diffrent instances, and what
Gillard and Rudd never told
anyone is that the broadband
cables have not got an indef-
inite lifespan. Windsor will
look like a right royal fool
if he goes with Labor today
on the basis of this hocus
pocus election promise by
the Labor Party. And i`ll
make sure the world gets
to know that he complete-
ly ignored my email which
should have alerted him to
the fact that Labor`s broad-
band pitch is a complete pie
in the sky. Wake up Tony, we
need you to start thinking.

Unowho said...

When I said that Labor would get all three, including Katter, it was on the strength of an interview with Bob where he basically said that he was going to vote with Windsor and Oakshot.

I couldn't see Katter agreeing with too much Labor has to offer, but as speaker, maybe he would be able to live with himself for crossing the imaginary line between good and evil.

I suspect that it will be Tony Windsor who will bring a vote of no confidence against Gillard, he is easily upset and seems to have a weak constitution taking the slightest comment as a deep personal attack, I doubt he will be able to take the sledging in the parliament for very long in the position of Labor plaything.

Anothe vote will be painfull for Australians, and another campaign will be horrific for us as well, but we need to settle this in the cold light of day , not with some clandestine back room agreements with minorities controlling policy.

Anonymous said...

Julia Gillard said she wouldn't move into the Lodge until the people elected her as PM - well the way Julia ismanipulating the Greens and the
other 'independants' can hardly be seen as the People electing her.
I may not be a LNP fan but the primary votes clearly show that the people preferred them to Julia. If she gets in, she will always be PM by default - not elected by the people. I hope the Greens and anyone else supporting her make this the most difficult term for the Labor Party.

Anonymous said...

What a state of affairs we have with leaders both Federally and State. Neither of them could lead a horse to water and they ask us to choose. I say give us someone decent and we will!!