Monday, October 25, 2010

Is Bob Brown the saddest man in politics?

Bob Brown has led The Greens from the comfortable and risk free seat in the senate never having to put his neck on the block and never having to put up or shut up with the big boys in the Lower House, and one would assume that his days as leader are very much numbered now that a Green member is holding a seat on the Labor government side of that house.

Bob brown has tried over the years to have his pet bill, the equality of marriage bill, put to the house many times, and with a personal agenda some say, and it has failed to even get much more than a mention and cursory dismissal.

Bob has never got over ex Liberal PM John Howard's rejection of even the validity of proposing the bill and has held him personally responsible for the fact that gays cannot get married in the same way that mixed sex (we are not allowed to call them normal) couples do, with Mr Howard sticking to the more traditional and common religious definition of marriage as a "union between a man and a woman"

It seems that Howard has the belief that even if there was legislation allowing same sex marriages, he couldn't guarantee that any religious could be forced to actually go against it's dogma and perform ceremonies against its religious beliefs.

Still we see at every opportunity Bob brown continue to blame Howard and the Liberals for everything he can put his hands to in any and every speech, including the latest where the Gillard government of which his party is a minor coalition partner now, has publicly announced that Australian Armed Forces will remain in Afghanistan for around 10 more years, and Bob Brown has given the majority of the blame to John Howard and his close relationship with the US and it's allies.

I think Bob should have bowed out gracefully, he's had a career based on one achievement, an environmental coup against giant logging companies and the Tasmanian government, a real David and Goliath feat, but remember he was not alone in that fight, but he was the one who got the majority of the kudos and the recognition.

Bob seems to have turned the Greens, from its humble beginnings as an environmental watchdog party, concerned with bettering our life and the planet in a harmonious way to a party that has the most Leftist policies since Cuba became communist and more than likely to the dismay of followers and supporters who were there for the value of the environmental policy alone.

Bob Brown to me seems to be filled with loathing for Howard, and seems to be a very sad man, probably the saddest man in politics.



Anonymous said...

Julia likes himenough to get in bed with him.Beat that.

Anonymous said...

Julia Gillard does not believe in God yet she very clearly stated that she would stick to "union between a man and a woman".
How will Bob overcome this hurdle?
Perhaps he's hoping that by siding with her government she may return the favour?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Bob mistakenly believes the stories about Gillards past university days of communism and lesbianism, and because of that maybe she would be an ally in his goal to force some church to accept his own relationship as one which might be bound in the eyes of god in the opinion of the representative preist, a man.

I reckon Bob is on the wrong track and I agree with the OP that even if our government wasted several hundreds of thousand dollars legislating for Gay Marriage that religeous orders would refuse to perform gay marriages anyway.

Anonymous said...

Browns recent comments on why the ASX shouldn't be assimilated by the Singapoor exchange prove how irrelevent he is in any discussion,

Can you even imagine even thinking he would be invited to sit on a panel in a leaders debate prior to the last election, what a joke.

Anonymous said...

If there was another election right now, the Greens would get a tenth of the vote they got at the last election.

I personally feel like i was conned because none of the shenanigans they are going on with was openly put out as Greens policy, I certainly won't be voting Greens again.

Anonymous said...

Weel thank christ anon 3.26, but it is a little bit bloody late for a revelation.