A recent report on TV news raised questions about a couple of things primarily in connection to one particular political aspirant and past candidate who had to be disendorced in what was one of Australia's easiest and safest seats in the last federal election.
The disendorsment came after it was revealed that on her application to be scrutinised for preselection she had omitted to inform the LNP that she had a case to answer to the Queensland Civil and Administrative tribunal relating to an alleged misuse of an adults money/property over which she had power of attorney.
It seems that this candidate, who says she is a barrister, has a problem understanding the legal requirements of a simple power of attorney and the out come was that as such, she was removed as Power of Attorney and may have to pay back money used for her personal expenses.
In the a TV Interview, John Mickel, speaker of the house in the Queensland State Parliament said that her statements were so alarming that he wonders if there is criminality there and that he will refer the matter to the CMC.
Scroll down their menu until you find, News:Councillors accused of financial deception.
In a twist, it seems the candidate who has called for the dumping of State Government calling it irrelevant, has since made a statement published in the Sunday Mail in Queensland, that she intends to seek preselection to run for the LNP against Mr Mickel, and in my opinion that is simply a ruse to try to make a claim that his calling for further investigations are politically motivated.
My Question is to the LNP though, why haven't you, as described by her, "faceless men" cleaned up your act, sorted your membership, and got rid of the caustic, infected, tainted and the dead wood and made your party look as if it is the zero tolerance party on corruption, crime, and dishonesty that the people of Queensland want to elect, and by allowing this woman to remain as a Party member and potential candidate it's the appearance of the party in general that looks to be tarnished.
She called you the faceless men, but the reality is you are the gutless men.
I agree the party looks to be tarnished...
This is a classic example of adult childs play all these government people seem to do is point the finger at other people and defend them selves against allegations made by other political people.
Do you really think these gutless people have the people of Australia as their best interest at heart?
Surely her behaviour in council would be enough for the LNP to stay clear.
Then there'e the 'tell all' book which to date is still floating in the cosmos.
Unfortunately threats are a way of life, as many constituents know well from experience with this person.
Perhaps its time to go back to where she came from?
OMG - so sick about hearing about her antics. If only she spent as much time representing her division we may actually have a half way decent outcome.
Apart from development, which always seems to have her name attached in some way, nothing much has been done for Div 11.
The roads are still disgusting, the bridges falling apart, the parking issue still unresolved, water charges not even mentioned by her. One street light and barely used footpath seems a pittance for 6 years work. The animal laws was fought by the people not the crs, yet somehow they managed to make themselves look good.
She should take responsibility for herself and stop blaming everyone else for her incompetence. A little less glitz and glamour and a lot more work. After all, we are paying her too much to have her waste our time.
Division 11 looks stuffed, either the councillor will be busy putting up smoke screens to avoid scrutiny or will be actually trying to lobby party members to try to get pre selection.
It's outrageous behaviour, and I agree that after the last little lot the LNP should have well distanced itself from her/
There`s always the Queensland
Party if push comes to shove.
Absolutely not welcome.
Thanks for the offer Tim, but we don't want her.
Hi Anon 6.13, it was just a
tongue in cheek comment and
i wasn`t being serious, i`m
sure the Queensland Party
can come up with a much
more suitable candidate
to stand in Logan. For
the Queensland Party to
do any good in Logan, it
has to go a bit left of
centre, and not compete
against the LNP, or else
or that will be achieved
is that the conservative
vote will be split and
Mickel will romp it in.
The Queensland Party is
going to have to treat
each seat it stands in
diffrently, and it will
have to adopt a diffrent
political analogy on a
seat by seat basis. It
cannot afford to be the
party which splits the
right of centre vote, it
has to pinch votes off
Labor. Food for thought,
you sound like you are
a member of the Queens-
land Party. Cheers!
It would appear that Div 11 will be stuck with her for some time yet. No one else wants her except for the voters who cannot see past the glitz. Div 11 will continue to suffer as long as she is our rep. However do not underestimate the LNP either as they have a vacancy in the Senate at next election since Bucholtz took the Fed seat. I can see Barnaby Joyce manouvering around for her as he remains a big FAN.
Anon 7.39pm. Do not forget Boswell either as he must nearly be 70 years old and due for retirement forced or othet, and that will leave another vacancy. The feline is not dead yet!!.
If she were to run for Boswell's seat she would have to move into his electorate. Which would elevate some of the pain.
Also I think the red head may just chew the blonde up and spit her out.
Personally I don't believe she has the stamina to stand up to the 'big guns'.
She can run for anything she likes as long as it gets her out of our lives. Let someone else have the grief.
The way she going I think she would have to do it as an independant. Even Barnaby Joyce can't be that big a fool?
He is.
Isn't Mickel going to retire at the end of this term? This should be an easy win for someone who can go through the electorate and persuade the local branch members to preselect them.
I really don't think the Logan electorate will vote other than Labor anyway, it's safe for Labor and anyone who thinks otherwise is dreaming. I agree with the OP, this running against Mickel is to try to make out he's scared, pretty easy to see it won't work.
Typical brat behaviour - can't get her own way so she spits and snarls. Wish she would grow up and earn her keep.
Anon 5.43, you cant have your
cake and eat it as well. You
cant say you dont want Ban in
Logan, but then turn around
& say that Mickel will win
anyway. I`d have to say that
its people with a pre-destined
political view on life which
has made me give up on Logan
and write about stuff some-
where else. If you are not
a swinging voter, you dont
earn too much respect from
me anymore. I dont have too
much against Mickel, he is a
good grassroots pollie, but
you should be advocating for
a real contest in Logan, not
a Labor whitewash, with some-
one other than Ban running for
the LNP.
You do not have to live in any particular area /electorate To run for the Senate seats. So she is able to stand on their ticket and I believe that Joyce is that smittened by her. Time will tell.
Tim Badrick, I though she was ejected from the LNP so i assumed she'd be running or attempting to do so for Labor. And before you load your typing finger and shoot, I'm not advocating any particular candidate wins, I'm just stating it how it is, Logan is a Labor seat end of story, you might not like it, you may want it changed but at the end of the day it is what it is.
Anon 5.45, i understand where
you are coming from, that is
how it is and i guess you are
acknowledging the near inevit-
able - Labor will keep winning
Logan till the cows come home.
But understand where i am com-
ing from, for all the hours i
have put into writing dozens
of blogposts and letters to
newspapers about issues in
Logan in the past 3 years,
i am the first one to ad-
mit that i would have been
lucky to move the political
goalposts in this place by
even one inch. For all the
stuff i`ve written, as well
as Uno and Lin Hall, we have
achieved nothing in the past
three years as far as making
Logan a level political play-
ing field for all parties. In
my opinion, and i would not be
saying this unless i really did
mean it, Logan is the most unob-
jective place politically speak-
ing in Australia. If the Liberal
party had strangehold power on
the city i would say exactly
the same thing. Until i know
that my objective commentary
is going to start falling on
open ears and not deaf ears,
then i am not going to waste
my precious time attempting
to garnish an apolitical at-
titude in an overwhelmingly
biased city. Sorry, i got
better things to do.
And just one other point while
i`m running hot here, the fact
is that a lot of Labor people
in the `country` areas of Lo-
gan actually were objective
enough to vote for Kev Lin-
gard who was a National MP
for the many years he was
in office. You will never
get that sort of objective
political decision making
from about 2/3 of the ur-
ban population in Logan
City. Food for thought!
How can someone think they will be taken seriously as a candidate for State Government when they have spent so much time stating to the effect that they never will because it should be abolished? How long does this one think they can keep the people from know the truth about her?
Personally I think its just an empty vessel making a lot of noise.
Bit like the threat to take the 'faceless' men to task.
There's no possibility of Labor accepting a nomination against one of their own, the Qld Party don't want her, so it doesn't leave many options.
I wonder if One Nation or the Greens may consider this option. Apart from Barnaby Joyce, I think the rest of the LNP would be wary of this candidate.
This appies for every seat and
not just Logan, if people who
swung Labor`s way or the LNP`s
way had any brains at all, they
would be objective enough to vote
for their preferred party two out
of every three elections and vote
the other way once every three
elections and give the other
team a go. Even if they made
it once every four elections
voting against their preferred
party. Why am i saying this? Its
been proven beyond any doubt that
seats which are safe Labor or
conservative party ones are
neglected, run down and most
of the time ignored when the
time comes for state budgets
ect. Marginal seats which can
go either way are the ones that
always get the best deal regard-
less of who is in power. All the
people in Logan who keep voting
Labor mustn`t reealise that they
are actually doing themselves and
their electorate a disservice by
voting Labor in everytime without
conditions. If they were objective
enough to vote `conservative` once
every three elections or so, they
would not only be contributing
towards maintaining a healthy
democracy but they would also
stop their electorate being
taken for granted and over-
looked in favour on marginal
seats when the government of
the day gets the cheque book
out for new infrastructure.
Ah Tim you have done it again with the correct commentary re safe seats. If only they would learn the whole Government at all levels would be healthier and less burdened by career polliticians who just keep spending our money with no accountability whatsoever.
Thanks Anon 7.31, i never look
for accolades but i`m not exact-
ly winning a popularity contest
in Logan at the moment, so yeah,
i do appreciate your acknowledge-
ment that my last comment makes
perfect sense. Look at the fed-
eral seat of Bennelong just for
an example, Johnny Howards old
seat. I would love to be a blog/
letter writer with a Bennelong
like audience. Not because its
a safe Liberal seat (most of the time), but because a majority of
people who live in Bennelong had
enough objectivity to vote John
Howard out when he had clearly
overstayed his welcome as the
prime minister by the end of
2007. A majority of people in
Bennelong might be more Libe-
ral than Labor, but it still
showed maturity on the part
of all Liberal voters who
voted against Howard and
went with Labor and Max-
ine McKew. You would nev-
er get that sort of class
objectivity from the gene-
ral public at an election
if the seat happened to be
a normally safe Labor one.
Can someone explain why this Lady Cr is so unpopular , yet has such a strong following in her Electorate. Personally I think we have some of the weakest performing Crs out there at present . But as Mr Badrick stated , will we have the gumption to vote them out to shake them up. Even Mrs Personality needs to go, flat out managing a bber let alone a whole Council.One would think the Council managers would love her as she does not hold them accountable for anything.
Pre - 2008 elections she may have had a strong following but I tend to think she has passed her use by date.
Anyone with a brain can see that she has lost the plot. Anyone who is not with her has to endure a smear campaign, threats and retaliation.
I think most people have woken up to the fact that she is not her for the people but for herself.
Unfortunately the three who will contest her seat are not much better.
What we need is someone totally new, fresh and with integrity. Someone worthy of the princely wages the ratepayers are forced to pay.
Perhaps, Anon 7;47, she is only popular with those who don't yet know the true her.
I think she gets by with some nice make up and a big smile and appearing to listen, a little bit of help with the looks does not go astray especially if you're running against older men, it also seems to mask any and all indiscretions, lol
In the article in the Jimboomba Times it appears that she will definitely run against John Mickel but ... in the Logan West Leader its a different story. She states she will run against Mickel if there is no strong candidate.
Out of touch and impulsive - unfortunately she reacts too fast without doing her homework.
Some community members may be afraid of her wrath but when she takes on the 'big' boys, its a different ball game. She may just get her own head bitten off.
Mike Rann done it, so as
ridiculous as it may sound,
i say that Brenton Waters
should put down his notepad
and become a politician by
standing as a candidate for
the Jimboomba Times Party
against John Mickel. You
cant deny that he would
have a broad knowledge
of the issues affecting
the electorate.
There is some debate about whether the JT should change its name to Caddies Times, Fronis Times or Ban's Times.
Its just about all we ever read about - so over that paper now. Just take a look at how many now get left on the verges ready for Dustbin day.
I agree with Tim, The editor of the Times seems so absolutely biased toward Ban, he must be in love with her. Any and every story he prints is almost an advertorial for her and even when she was facing QCAT over misusing Power of Attorney, ( who ever heard of a so called barrister not being able to understand a simple power of Attorney ?) the editor published an article saying she'd done not wrong. In my opinion that editor is a disgrace as a journo.
No offence to Uno who writes
mostly about local stuff with
a bit of state and fed stuff
chucked him, where as i write
mostly about fed and state stuff
and chuck a bit of local stuff in,
but to the people of Logan, make
comments to both our blogs. The
world doesn`t end where you see
a welcome to Logan sign. I am
happy to keep writing because
i have a good audience outside
Logan, but in Logan, as i have
often said, apathy and silence
is the death of free speech.
This is the fundamental reason
why i rarely write a blog spe-
cifically about a local issue
in Logan. Every time i do, i
am only wasting my time. On
the subject of the last com-
ment, i do agree, the editor
of the Jimboomba Times does
seem to be pro-Ban and pro-
Fronis, or in a micro sense,
pro anything to do with mi-
nority appeal self-interest
groups in the local communi-
ty, and to hell with totally
independent freelancers like
me and hundreds of others who
dont share a cetain percentage
of his views. I wouldn`t say he
is on his own, because i have a
lot of bad experience with News
Ltd journalists and editors out-
side the Logan area, i`d have to
say that the editor of the JT is
simply young and naive, enough to
get too close to a few favourite
local councillors than he should.
But on a comparative basis, let
me tell you that BW is an angel
compared to the `evil` fascist
attitude of News Ltd. journos
and editors. The Jimboomca Times
is like a solicitor, you dont
need it but in some ways you
do. God help the country areas
of Logan if ever there is no
JT and the Logan West Leader
is the only paper. Or worse
still, if News Ltd buys the
JT and Beaudesert Times out.
Highly unlikely but nothing
is impossible. What we need
more than anything is not the
JT and not the Courier Mail or
any News Ltd junk mail, what we
need in Logan and right across
Queensland is a new state wide
Fairfax paper. Spread the word.
I think the three blogs - this one, Lin Hall's and Tim's all have merit.
People will naturally have a stonger interest in local reporting because neither our council of the local papers give us the whole truth. State issues have relevant importance but the impact councils have on their constituents creates more angst.
If we could clean up the local government/corporate body, perhaps then we would have a better chance of cleaning up state.
Lets face it every level of government tries to distract from their own incompetence by highlighting the other levels. For example, the water issue State is blaming Council and vice versa. They are both to blame but the access charges which will create millions in profits for councils just proves who is the greediest.
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