First on a local note I want to say that the over priced National Broadband Network that this government has promoted and pushed as a sweetener to get votes in areas outside current broadband access areas, and to get the agreement of independents to actually form a government and to which negotiations have not even finished so the price may not actually be the final one, (surprise surprise, it will probably at least double in the over 10 years it will take to get installed and operating) will in my opinion be used by the government to implement it's policy of both restrictive interference in the content available to Australian users and to also be able to use it to monitor our usage, draconian, communistic and big brother stuff.
I am against it, and it's my opinion that every thinking Australian should be against it too because what is the point of claiming freedom of the press when the content the press may put onto the web can be filtered by the government nanny programme, or use the access at government level to sway public opinion in even less subtle ways than the owners of media already appear to do now.
We voted for a government via a Marxist (no guesses that he will be pro government monitoring of what we are permitted to view) a country bumkin (who claims Broadband will improve the lives of his constituents unlike a policy that gives local rural production preference and market subsidies to improve jobs, income and lifestyle in general ) and a big mouth (who seems to be so full of his own self importance that he does not care who suffers or perishes at the hands of his choices)
If the above sounds like the Wizard of Oz on an acid trip you must be , like me, wondering that if we the citizens of this country are playing the Dorothy character, who is playing the Wizard?
Ok, all that being said, what ever you think about Wikileaks, taken in the context of the above and how badly this government wants to ensure that secrets are kept and that information is also kept from us if the government deems it so and that even the slightest transgression may be monitored and of course once discovered there may be consequences, in fact that they only want you to be able to know what they allow you to know then a site like Wikileaks is a dangerous one and all efforts to stop it must be gone to.
We already know that Gillard dislikes both Wikileaks and it's founder Julian Assange, and no doubt she will be cooperating with the US government that wants him and the site stopped at any cost and is willing it seems to go to any lengths to have that happen and she is prepared to be the puppy to Obama that Howard was to Bush both pleasuring him and placating him and giving him loyal unmitigated support including cancelling the passport of Assange I'd say.
I like Wikileaks, and my point of view based on just how corrupt local councillors, politicians, and even public servants and police seem to be is that i use their own analogy , why would you be frightened of it if you have done nothing wrong or have nothing to hide?
Wikileaks will change politics on a global scale, it will open the process to the constituents and it will show the people just how much they have been forced to give up for the sake of some big noting politicians to look good in another's eyes from some far off land.
Government ministers, diplomats , public servants will have to watch what they say and to whom they say it, and they deserve it to be made public because they are working for us and being paid by us and the things they put into print for us on our behalf belong to us, and should not be hidden from us.
This is really the movies coming to life before our eyes with conspiracy theorists already saying "I told you so"
If the US gets its way and Assange is handed over to them for alleged offences which have not occurred, he has broken no laws relating to publishing anything in the country he has published it from (hence the trumped up "rape " charges)he will become a martyr and Wikileaks will grow stronger.
The US have tried to stop the financial lines to Wikileaks to try to break them and have also tried to make the net unusable to them by having their IP services terminated, none of this was done to Osama Bin Laden
The fact is that Assange will go to the next step and publish a book on his story and raise money that way and people will buy it, I will buy it.
They cannot stop us getting the facts and when they do there will always be someone who will defy them, Thank goodness.
Good, thought provoking blog, as soon as I heard the words National Broadband Network combined with the words monopolistic and enforcable (that would be to any company installing telco infrastructure would eb required to run out the NBN, no choice) I assumed that the governments internet filter would automatically be part of the deal.
I strongly resent having governments peeking into my browsing history and doing the sums on exactly what we want to hear so that they can almost never be voted out ever again.
Worse they can use your browsing history against you if they want as well, you may just be a radical element because you googled Wikileaks and followed the link, who knows after NBN that may just find you cut off or worse.
If my current provider decides to go via the NBN I will be switching to wireless. I don’t trust Labor and whatever claims they make about how brilliant the NBN is.
The NBN is a white elephant this nation can't afford. So what if you can supposedly download a terabyte of data in a second with it? No other site will be able to give you that much data so the speeds on the NBN will be limited to whatever speeds the rest of the Internet is working at.
That’s a key fact that Labor neglects to mention to anyone, not surprising since Labor are all smoke and mirrors as far as facts are concerned.
I would really like to know where the Gov got the 'numbers' to substantiate their claims that the people want the NBN.
I can imagine that the business and medical sectors may benefit but I would be very reluctant to have all my medical or financial information floating around ready for some junior in a Minister's office to access.
We have seen just how secure [not] networks can be!
The proposed cost per household is ridiculous - I get unlimited local and national calls as well as broadband for $60.00 per month - why would I want to pay $59.00 a month just for broadband?
Will households have the option to connect or not?
All levels of Gov have become very dictatorial and what little democracy was left in this country is all but gone.
It really is time for all Australians to wake up and reclaim their country before it is too late.
While our gov struts around fluffing its ego with modern technology approximately 100 thousand Australians still live in poverty and are homeless. What will the NBN do for them? opportunity
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