Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hypocracy, corruption, lies, no it's just a big political donation

Bob Brown , as ever with a glib line and appearing as gormless as any politician back pedaling from the reality of questions being asked about what just could be Australia's largest ever political donation, is trying to have us believe that what he has professed as being the ruination of political independence to the major parties is not the same for the Greens.

The creator of, Graeme Wood who has previously stated that he would like to see more action on climate change, has donated to the greens before the August elections a sum of $1.6 million which was most likely used in advertising that quite possible was one of the main factors in the Greens' getting the vote they did, despite the huge swings against the two majors which the Greens are almost totally discounting believing instead that they are now a major party.

So why is Bob Brown putting up such weak argument and defending his position so much if in reality the Greens have clean hands?

Bob Brown has in my opinion fallen for the exact same gambit as every other party, the need for money to advertise has outweighed the need to stay independent, to stay true to the political ideals and to remain free of political debt, he has accepted the money while for years damning every other political donation as effectively "payment for service" in that those donating money in larger amounts require some return on that "investment"

Bob Brown is going to struggle to shake of the title of worlds biggest Hypocrite just as much as he is struggling to explain the acceptance of such a huge sum from someone who has such an obvious agenda.

The donation was almost large enough in corporate terms that Graeme Wood could be considered a Naming rights sponsor, in other words the Greens would become the "Graeme Wood Greens"

I don't expect to see the Greens getting anywhere near the vote they got in the last Federal election in the near future, especially with the unwanted publicity of some of the policies they themselves did not advertise, like re introducing death duties and raising the GST, but this one off donation has raised their profile in a manner which raises more than just a few eyebrows regarding Brown's own credibility especially now that he has a real live MP elected and the only things they seem to be doing is pursuing personal agenda's like Bob's own inability to accept civil union as a confirmation of his own relationship and wanting to change the marriage act to force those who don't perform marriage on same sex couples to have to do so.

Bob Brown is about as relevant as Kevin Rudd these days anyway, he's ready to retire with his pocket full of entitlements which he claimed he was against, and as a mere senator when his party now has a member in the lower house who should be leader anyway, (bob has always taken the easy road via the senate and whinged about not being taken seriously)

If money dictates policy, then the greens are now a fully bought bitch, there is no way they can shrug off the stench of Hypocrisy now they have accepted the countries single biggest political donation, Bob Brown must resign in shame.



Anonymous said...

I wonder if Graeme Wood knows that the Greens actually stand for raising the GST to 20%, raising a carbon tax, and bringing back Death Duties? oh and of course Gay marriage, duh.

Anonymous said...

The greens have published this on their website along with all the details of their other policies for every one to see they are not hiding anything. How dare you suggest there is anything wrong with the ethics of the greens when the other parties only tell people of donations because the electroal commission tells them they have to. Get back under your rock.

Unowho said...

Can of worms officially opened then, thanks anon 8;45

Yes it's on their website, where I got the information from actually, and also what else is there is more of the same hypocrisy isn't there?

The greens seem to have their own heads firmly planted up their own bum's when it come to practising what they preach, you see they have accepted (as well as the nation's biggest singular donation effectively selling their collective soul for the big advertising buck, but also accepting foreign donations to the tune of around $27,000 which they have sought to have stopped under their agreement with the Gillard Government.

Why does it make them hypocrites, because they now want to have donations capped at $1,000 (even though they effectively paid $1.6 million to get a singular seat in the lower house, the parties only real politician) after they accepted that huge donation.

It seems it's alright for them but not alright for the other parties , funny, I wonder how Bob thinks the other parties got to be the way they are?

Bob has to be the saddest most pathetic man in politics and now has also shown that he has no real ethical beliefs, can absolutely be bought and has no credibility.

Anonymous said...

Aren't the Greens responsible for most of the flooding in Queensland?
Every time the Gov wants to build a new dam - who stops them - the Greens.
Perhaps if we had more dams and channels a lot of this deluge could have been avoided.
Bob Brown should stop concentrating on gay marriages, after all even male/female couples choose commitment over marriage these days. Perhaps if he stops pushing his personal agenda he may actually realise that there are far more important issues to deal with. He should act like a Politician and not just some activist.

Anonymous said...

I voted Greens at the last election but after hearing this and looking at their website I will never vote for them again. They should have been advertising all the taxes they want to put on people not just the environment in fact there are plenty of local groups that do more for the environment that the greens ever will. Probably all the members of local groups have joined the greens thinking that they are about the environment. Liars!

Anonymous said...

My family and I have always been very aware of the environment and have done everything to protect it but the Greens are nuts.
When the environment takes priority over human life I say NO!
Can someone please explain what the GST, Death Duties and same sex marriage has to do with environment?

Anonymous said...

The greens have never released this stuff before, it's a con. How dare they try to tell people they are about trees and Koalas when they are really about taxing us all to death and then taxing us again, bastards!