Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sideshow Bob ? , . . Bob Brown's vision for our future, and Ruling our country.

PM Julia Gillard has in recent days sought to dumb down the prospect of nuclear radiation spewing forth from the crippled reactors in Fukushima, Japan after they were severely affected by the earthquake and tsunami. She has on her hands already the stench of lie after lie about policy and really just about everything she says, for example her "there will be no carbon tax in a government i lead" then lieing about saying it then lieing about it being a carbon tax and then having to admit she said it but saying it was not a lie because things have changed, does she not understand the very nature of things is to change?

Her press statements to the public about the Japan nuclear crisis cannot be considered to be anything but more lies either because whilst she is saying there is no serious problem, the rest of the world's media are reporting the real story and that is that fallout has already been detected over 100 kilometers away, and that it is out over the ocean potentially finding it's way into the food chain and that men have died already from the crisis and that it is getting worse exponentially.

The latest sees Gillard reacting to questions about exactly how many degrees lower the climate will be once the tax is introduced with a very casual and quite bizarre and also flippant change of subject and in answer to the charges that she is seeking populist policy by using the Greens policy on Global Warming ( now called climate change since we've had an average cooling this last year ) to try to get voter support to which she has described the Greens as an extreme Party who has their own policy which Labor has no need of since it has always recognised that science tells us things and we accept them and act accordingly. For instance science tell us that smoking is bad for us and that science tells us that too much sun can also be bad.

But that doesn't explain how the leading (and well quoted expert on Global Warming) voice used by Labor is not a scientist, but an economist (yes Prof Garnaut is an economist on Labors pay role it seems to get more funding for the Party), nor does it explain how wishy washy the policy detail of the carbon tax actually is or how it will work.

Gillard has done the equivalent of the Thomas Aquinas, doubting her cohort and denying him, and even going as far as calling him essentially irrelevant, he has retorted by claiming still that if Labor want to win the next election they will need to take even more of the Greens policies (maybe they'll take the ever popular death duties one? should be as popular as carbon dioxide tax )

With Bob espousing further tax remedies for all that ails us, yes he has a tax for everything, Gillard sees distancing herself from he and his Party of agenda driven single issue communists and those with true environmental leanings gradually losing representation within it, which is a great shame as Parties become bogged down with the growth and financing they attract political wannabees with wherewithal in those areas which become attractive to the Party hierarchy rather than staying true to the real origins of the Party, saving the environment.

What was interesting about Gillards doubting Thomas act was that she chose to use the back door to enter the venue due to Gay Marriage protesters out the front, ironic.

Bob Brown has delusions of Grandeur, little doubt about that, he is rapacious in his need for publicity and being seen as important, his vision for the future could only be described as one where taxes are almost doubled to working Australians and deductions are lessened although there is no reasonable explanation of where all the extra tax money will be spent.

Bob has become a convenient sideshow for the Gillard minority Government to use as how and when it wants to divert attention from what Labor is actually doing, of course that is not the way he sees it , in fact he sees Labor as a tool to get his policy into the mainstream even though hes has very much a minority of voters, and only one member in the lower house, Bob wants to rule the world with a handbag and and iron fist, but he is only allowed to play if the big boys let him.


Anonymous said...

Bob Clown needs a reality check, people think that gays can't get married, listen to the news people they can but the government isn't forcing religeous denominations to perform marriages that's all.

What did the bible say about the sodomites? Men who lie down together?

If the greens get even half the votes they got this time at the next election I'll be very surprised, I made that mistake, won't make it again.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that keeps JG going is her arrogance. Does she think she is the reincarnation of the Virgin Queen Elizabeth I?
I'm one of a growing majority who find that we can't believe a single word coming out of her mouth.
When Kevin Rudd called for a 'no fly zone' over Libya Julia made a statement that there were other options and did NOT endorse her foreign Minister's statement. A few days later she made it sound like it was her idea?
It goes back to 'who is the real Julia' - split personality?
Not that I'm for same sex marriage but our PM doesn't set a good example with her own relationship. Call me old fashioned but when someone represents an entire nation shouldn't they set the best example for all?
Time for a new Government and new leader.

Green saviour said...

Thanks god for Labor, if it wasn't for them having some real concerns for the environment and teaming up with the Greens the liberals would pollute the whole country. All your sledging will be shown up as green hate when we double our vote again at the next election, watch this space. And why do we want to increase some taxes, simple, cleaning up this country after a decade of liberal government polluting and laying to waste of every tree they could clear it will cost money to get it growing again, what are you stupid, environment just doesn't grow you have to manage it properly. The greens are the future, the liberals will be the death of this planet.