Monday, May 30, 2011

There's no fool like an old fool.

One can only wonder at the back door deal done to orchestrate this but it is probably quite reasonable to assume there was some clandestine offers made to garner the support of groups like Greenpeace and celebrities like Cate Blanchette to not only endorse Labor's poverty invoking Carbon Tax, but now actively promote it as being equal to overseas countries Emissions Trading Schemes.

Cate Blanchette has little knowledge of how a Carbon Tax will affect the poor and disadvantaged, she is one of the "nouveau riche" and has millions and servants and probably creates more pollution in a week than a suburban street full of Australian people do in a year with the jetset lifestyle she leads and of course she supports a carbon tax where everyone pays a bit more for everything rather than the actual polluters paying and actually passing the costs on to their users, her air flights first class might just go up by ten fold and we can't have that, no every one else must pay for her and of course if she lives here even? she will pay the same as a pensioner will who will not even be able to put on the heater in winter with out a handout from the government to do so.

Michael Caton is another supporter of the Carbon Tax and it's no surprise really, he knows quite a few of the front bench and is obviously friends with them and is always happy to take money to say anything, that's his job ; he's not an expert, he's an actor.

While Michael Caton defends his position and Blanchette's by saying they have a right to voice their opinion just like everyone else, the reality is he is using his minor celebrity status to influence people by making statements that do not provide a balance view and are intended to paint a mental picture that is deliberately divisive and intended to make viewers believe his opinion is correct and factual.

Michael Caton forgets that this is still a democracy where he has only the same right as anyone else and that is one vote , thank god, and that he only has the right to his free speech just like everyone else and that he should respect the right of people to criticise him and Blanchette for being too wealthy to understand the implications to the poor and disadvantaged and that he and she are not presenting an objective opinion they are doing a promotional add for a political policy which will affect the lives of a great many people who do not have the ability to have their say on national TV.

I'd like to ask Caton, Blanchette and the other celebrities just why they expect everyone to fall for the Con that Carbon dioxide (Co2) is pollution, it is a naturally occurring part of our atmosphere which we exhale and plants need for survival.

I think any of the scientists who have promoted the deforestation issue for the last 20 years which they predicted would lead to increased levels of naturally occurring Co2 and global Warming as a consequence have been shut down with funding being given to those who back the carbon tax as a way of keeping an income stream coming into the government's coffers.

The price on Carbon cannot stay the same either because as our population increases our carbon footprint will naturally increase even with all the pensioners freezing to death in the cold of winter due to unaffordable electricity bills, just through naturally increasing usage, I'll wager it's not the pensioners living in Mc Mansions with fully integrated air conditioning and three cars in the garage a pool and every electrical gadget money (credit) can buy, that will be the younger to middle aged people, and almost all the new arrivals who expect things to be better than where they came from.

As our farmland is ripped and stripped for more mining and our urban fringes and perri urban areas a re cleared for massive housing estates to bring more and more people here how can our carbon footprint got down? it's simply not possible and that means the price per tonne will go up.

I'm totally disgusted with the likes of Michael Caton and Blanchette et al, who are giving such a myopic position they advertise as fact because it is not the whole story it is a promotional add for Labor, and we will have to pay the cost.



Anonymous said...

The only way to get a democratic consensus is to take this to an election.
The people challenge Julia Gillard to do that. But we all know that she is too afraid the people will kick her out.
Most people are not fooled by the likes of Cate Blanchette or Michael Caton promoting the Carbon Tax. After all they are actors and how can anyone ever know the real Cate or Michael? I often wonder if they know who they are having portrayed so many different characters - perhaps Cate still sees herself as one of the characters she's played.
Yes, we do know what happens to grants when organisations disagree with Gov. When Peter Beattie was Prime Minister he openly stated [article in the Courier Mail] that funding would be withdrawn from organisations who criticised the State Government.
The Fed Labor Party is threatening to withdraw GST funding from Western Australia for that State not toeing the line.
What a bunch of hypocrites - they are voted in to work for the people but they NEVER consult the people on these very important issues. This goes for all three levels.

Tim Badrick said...

I think all of us have to be very
careful that we dont confuse the
issue of a carbon tax with the
terrible and tangible results
of deforestation. The fact is
we cannot continue to plunder
down the worlds forests and
not expect climate patterns
to alter as a consequence.
The truth is it has been
proven that the regional
climate of countries like
Brazil has been sabotaged
by the man made destruction
of tropical rainforest. The
world has an expiry date if
governments across the world
continue to allow forests to
be destroyed. But having said
all that, the carbon tax is
nothing more than a political
deception designed as a means
of procuring more tax revenue.

Anonymous said...

Ms Gillard can pull out all the celebrities and has been politicians she wants to but it will take more than that to convince the people.
Mr Hawke called Tony Abbott a snake this morning, with a giggling Gillard in the background. Well at least Tony Abbott is a sober snake without a forked tongue.
Ms Gillard is certainly scrapping the bottom of the barrel to sell her tax.
Bring this tax to the people - let us vote on it! Or are you too afraid Ms Gillard?