Thursday, August 2, 2007

Where to From Here

It seems as though Our Shire is about to be ripped apart and I'm not seeing anyone doing a thing about it, so do any of them care.

The brief time to make submissions to the process of Local Government Reform really should have been enough for our Council to make a convincing enough argument to leaving this shire be, that's assuming that the Commission was truly independent, and I have serious doubts on that front.

The Beaudesert shire Council Submission was based on the increased revenue from the general rate expected in the upcoming year and the continued growth of our rate base due to the large areas of Urban Footprint forced upon our predominantly rural Shire by the OUM.

If that didn't show a continued sustainability for strong and stable council provision of local services there was also the Whole of Shire Planning Process ( WoSPP) which showed Councils vision for up to 40 years into the future could be planned out and managed for our residents.

So, the question I'm asking is, Where to from here?

In Noosa Shire, the Residents and Ratepayers Association along with Council are standing up and being counted, they are being vocal and putting their issues and concerns right in the face of the protagonists for amalgamation, Peter Beattie, Anna Bligh and Andrew Fraser, even busing a thousand people into Brisbane to make their point.

We can do that, isn't the rural lifestyle worth protecting, isn't our amenity worth saving, or are we the residents just a piece of garbage to be taken form one Shire and simply given to another without even a 'by your leave' let alone us having a say and having our rights acknowledged.

I want to urge people to think about what is good for the community , not just a themselves and a promised glimmer of opportunism, which is never going to happen, we can't all be James Packer.

I want you to think about how this came about, what turned those wheels, whats still turning them, and why such a drastic attack on this shire in particular, one of the few to be really treated savagely by the commissions recommendations.

Consider emailing the Labor Candidate for PM. Kevin Rudd. because he's already against this plan and if he sees enough emails saying no vote, he may help .

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