Friday, October 26, 2007

St Andrews, Logan Village, under attack.

Recent comments in another blog by someone who knows more than they are letting on provoked me to put some of the facts together in the form of a reply, but since it is and archived article, I decided to put the reply here.

There have been other allegations and actions against this small church , its clergy and parishioners, which when out together paint a very carefully concocted scenario, designed to get sole control over the property which is home to the Logan Village Community Hall and by virtue of a 99 year lease the St Andrews Church and ancillaries.

The Lions of Logan Village have (disputed) ownership of the property which was gifted to them ,in secrecy in the period of time between the dissolution of the last council and the swearing in of this edition, although the councillor for the division remained, and now claim private ownership of a community property which was given to the people of Logan Village, run by a committee of them until being pushed to incorporate (at request of Council) to accept much needed money ($120,000) for upgrade and renovations, and council support has extended to recently granting many thousands of ratepayers dollars for its painting.

The Lions are autonomous and have seen fit to attempt since acquiring the property, to remove the church by several means, and have made various threats and also attempted to sell church possessions using an agreement which may have been obtained from an unauthorised person and under duress.

I will put my aforementioned reply here,

Unowho said...

The fact that the church was assisting its congregation with before and
after school child minding must have irked some of the local Daycare Operators
who charge a fee for that same service, and it was one of them ,correct me if
I'm wrong, who alerted the media to the fact that during afternoon minding at
the church some of the children were using computers in a retro fitted insulated
shipping container (it has full size windows).

It would be an interesting exercise to see who was interested in purchasing
a Day Care Centre who could have profited by attracting more children from say,
shutting down a church minding group, because I feel that this is the only
explanation for events as they have occurred.

If one of the Day care Centre operators was involved, and if someone
senior in the Police is involved there should be action taken to mount a proper
investigation, and the Police person should be stood down for using intimidation
and Police facilities for personal use.

To date no one has been able to to give substantial evidence that the
gifting of the Public hall occurred within the terms of the hall association
constitution, and the number of people who have been implicated as having
knowledge of it and deny that knowledge is growing.

The only certain thing is that everyone is scared of the Police person, and
for some there is not just fear of intimidation but fear of assault or even
murder.People have begun leaving the church and attendances have been down on
Sundays, and I expect that's the intent, but it is horrific to have to suffer
this kind of harassment, and no one should have to.

So the list of people who haven't offered to help the church when
approached is growing to now include anonymous blog commentors, who may be or
are keeping company with State Ministers, Government Departments, senior Police,
Council and the Local councillor who has sided with the protagonists it

It is quite obvious that the Lions claim ownership of the property, and
want the church congregation to leave, and not just that, but leave their church
building, their own fittings and fixtures and the aforementioned shipping
container for the profit of the Lions.

This defies what i think of when I think Lions, because I've never heard
of a Lions Club trying desperately to own a community property, let alone force
another community group out of their lease and demand ownership of their
property also.

Lions Australia and World wide should be ashamed.

So I ask the Question, will the community let the Police and the Lions bully and intimidate the church until they go?


Anonymous said...

This couldn't happen without the councillor being involved!

Anonymous said...

This couldn't happen without a councillor being the right hand person of a diety of some description...

Anonymous said...

This couldn't have happened without yo' mamma being so fat...
By the way, don't you think only cowards post annonymously?

Anonymous said...

It is the hungry monkey that gets the greasy shit burger