Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Will the candidate for Forde resign, NOW ?

These are some paragraphs from an article in the Courier Mail, about Councillors and doing the right thing for those they represent.

STAR Labor candidate Kerry Rea has finally quit her $110,000-a-year council job to devote 100 per cent to winning the ultra-marginal Brisbane seat of Bonner.But two other local government representatives running for Federal Parliament have refused to relinquish their civic posts.
After a 10-year stint as the councillor for Holland Park, Cr Rea yesterday decided it was time to make the transition to full-time federal candidate.

While Labor's Eddy Sarroff has no plans to quit his job on the Gold Coast City Council, he has agreed to forgo his salary while he battles to wrestle the seat of McPherson from the Liberal's Margaret May.

Ms May said Cr Sarroff's refusal to step down from the council was unfair to the residents he was meant to represent.

Nationals candidate Hajnal Ban is also being paid as a councillor while she campaigns to win the seat of Forde.

The actions of councillors who continue to take ratepayers money while effectively doing something else is deplorable and arrogant, and of the three in Qld who are running for federal seats there is now only one who continues to draw ratepayer money while campaigning.

Now that Kerry Rea has resigned from Council and Eddy Sarroff has decided to forgo his salary while campaigning, only Hajnal Ban continues to suck ratepayer money out of a very troubled and future financially weak council to pursue her own aspirations.

Maybe this is a matter for a CMC investigation, to determine whether it's appropriate to draw a salary from the ratepayers , whilst actually campaigning for a federal seat, although with all the changes it probably is legal even if it is morally wrong and unfair to ratepayers in division 4.


Anonymous said...

Why should someone who was elected to represent the people be forced to give that up to follow a bigger career path, people in the private sector don't have to give up their jobs to run for public office.

She has done nothing wrong and to suggest the CMC would investigate her is out of order.

Anonymous said...

The cmc would more likely look at how the lolly money is doled out in some divisions, rumours are that some BSC money even has been given to groups in Logan. In Beaudesert though, everything seems to be hushed up when it concerns a councillor so more than likely an investigation would be fruitless.

Anonymous said...

Some BSC councillors and integrity don't even belong in the same sentence. I'd say judging by the ammount of signs, adds and vehicles etc. turning up at every event, council ones included, the campaign probably needs that ill gotten gain to continue the funding.

God help us if our worst nightmare happens and she wins, there are so many people who won't get any representation from this spoilt brat.