Saturday, March 29, 2008


Since the amalgamations are now set in stone, and the North of the Beaudesert Sire has barely whimpered (thanks to our pathetic, complicit, gormless Councillors) into becoming a part of Logan Council, effectively now giving it the numbers to actually go with its full name "Logan City"

I still believe that most people don't want to be a part of Logan and DO want to retain their own identity with in that enforced conjoining of two very different areas with only one thing in common, Logan's desire for more and more development and North Beaudesert's large areas of rural and rural residential land.

Logan have steadfastly refused to consider a name change and now that they actually do include the Logan River within their boundary I suppose they have at least that in favour.

I was considering some options for naming our area to differentiate it from the area we all know by reputation as Logan that might be acceptable to both us and them and I'm not even considering those early (very funny though) attempts, Beau'gan or Bogan! BUT we will have to face the fact that Beaudesert is gone and we WILL be called LOGAN in some form or other.

Here are some suggested names for our part of a new Council authority;


There's some food for thought to get you started, of course feel free to make suggestions and your opinions known.

As you all know I vehemently detest being forced to accept this change with out having the say of the majority and to all the Labor sympathisers who say the non turn out at the plebiscite showed support for it, wrong! it showed that the millions of tax payer dollars in advertising saying you can't stop it happening made people even more apathetic than they already were, and I'm over those gloating type of comments.


Anonymous said...

The State Labor Government was returned again with an increased majority in a democratic process, elected to make decisions over the full range of portfolios each minister covers including Local government.

The decisions to change the Council boundaries fall under that category and therefore into the democratic process, you effectively had your say at State Election time and you need to accept the decision and get on with it.

I don't think you will have any success with naming the area that used to be in beaudesert as anything else because it is now all Logan City, that is something else you need to just accept, and get on with.

If people like you would shut up about how you don't want it , the rest of the people would soon forget what happened and be happy to be part of the fastest growing area in SEQ, instead of whinging about trying to stop development in your area.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! That isn’t how it works and I suspect you know it. If the residents of North Beaudesert Shire had been asked to vote on amalgamation in a referendum (with a compulsory vote as per the rest of our voting system) then the answer would probably have been a resounding NO! People who have chosen to live in a rural community do not want massive development and change and they certainly don’t want to be manipulated and treated like idiots. The problem is there are a significant number of voters/residents who are apathetic, even downright bone idle when it comes to decisions about their own lives, politicians of every colour know this, indeed they depend on it. Day to day pressure for most people can be almost overwhelming so if they are given an easy way they will take it gratefully and they will even thank those who provide the simple solution. This attitude of the average voter is taken advantage of at every opportunity by politicians/councillors, some of who may be working to an agenda that is totally at variance with the best interests of the voter/resident.

This begs the obvious question – WHO DECIDES what is in the best interest of the general population? Not me, not you and certainly not the ballot box if some politicians/councillors can avoid it. The voter hopes that he will choose an honourable candidate who will do his thinking for him. The voter forces himself to believe that his candidate will be a champion for the little person. The candidate will set forth to slay the dragons of vested interest and protect all the matters which are important to the “huddled masses”. The truth is many voters just don’t give a s**t. I was approaching the Jimboomba polling station at the recent council elections and a gentleman walking out said to his partner “ I don’t know any of the buggers so I don’t give a **** who gets in.” Often, this is the sad truth. I sometimes think that if I had been given enough money to put a two meter high colour poster of a chimp at the end of every road in Logan City we might well have had a monkey for Mayor right now (at least it would have felt at home with one or two of the councillors we’ve got).

In conclusion I would ask UNOWHO to ignore the advice of anonymous at March 30. Please do not shut up. Keep asking the awkward questions. The politicians/councillors like to spotlight only those things they want us to know (specially at election time) but it’s good to have someone around who can shine a little torch into the shadowy areas that some would prefer remained in darkness.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who you are and I've never met you but crikey we need your insight, your integrity and frankness. We get enough lip service from public servants, no matter the rank and title.
Keep on keeping on!
Now that I've found your website I'll be passing it on and visiting all the time. Love the mutt!
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Just had to add a bit, be it rather belated. From talking to people in the northern end of Beaudesert I felt that they were sick of the rubbish coming out of BSC and thought anything would be better. Of course, many were not aware that Logan was worse, only difference was the suit and ties.
Power Brokers are just that! Our mistake is that we have become so suppressed that we accept all the garbage without a fight.
I once heard a Logan Officer tell a community group that 'When I say jump, you ask how high?' Well he is still at Logan and was promoted to Director. Need I say more?