Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas.

With the looming ogre of unemployment already affecting people at Christmas, and set to see the rate double if the recession cannot be halted, it seems the grinch is alive and well and quite visible to all, in the guise of the local council Mayor.

While they claim an independent tribunal determines salary and conditions, the councillors in Logan seem to have asked, not individually, but as a collective for a pay rise because they work so hard, well it's quite possible that some councillors were unaware of even the request for more money going to that independent tribunal, but the request was rejected.

It is always great though when a so called independent body makes a decision, which forces the battler out there to either have to accept reduced services or pay more, but it would seem that is exactly what has occurred, since our Mayor 9and quite a few others) will be getting a substantial increase.

At least she will have a very merry christmas.

QUEENSLAND'S mayors have won themselves yet another remuneration increase after complaining they are both overworked and underpaid.

However, despite the extra cash, they have been told to spend less time dealing with ratepayers and more time focusing on "strategic plans".

From January 1, 29 mayors will have their maximum remuneration level increased by 5 per cent - only months after they were awarded pay increases of up to 20 per cent to reflect the extra work involved with amalgamation. CPI currently is running at 3 per cent.

In awarding the latest increases, the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal acknowledged complaints from ratepayers that councillors were already "grossly overpaid", with too many taking on the role because of the high salaries on offer.

The pay rise comes as the state's private sector struggles to keep staff in jobs ahead of the looming recession and thousands of public servants face the axe as the Rudd Government cuts spending.

Logan City councillors, who are among the highest paid, asked to be in a higher category rating with an 11.5 per cent pay rise. The application was rejected.

It will be hard to get the christmas dinner down if you're one of those facing downsizing in the new year or even worried about the downturn affecting your job, but rest easily , our hard working Mayor is now getting more.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year



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