The negotiating skill of the police have been found wanting again on Christmas day when a man was shot and killed in a home at close range.
It's a sad time for many people, Christmas, those who have recently lost loved ones, those who have no one at all and those who due to separation won't be enjoying a nice quiet family day like many of us will and it's sad to think that it could escalate to the point of the police having to intervene and result in them ending a persons life needlessly.
I don't know the intimate circumstances and I'm not blaming anyone, I mean imagine being the person, a police officer, who has just shot and killed another human being, how are they going to enjoy their Christmas while their mind considers all the variables and the questions and doubt go through their minds along with the guilt in some cases, all normal feelings.
A good Friend of mine was crying on Christmas eve, one of the nicest blokes you'd ever meet, a real tough bloke too and a seriously hard worker who gave everything to his kids, yet he cried like a girl because he found out that the money he'd sent the soon to be ex wife for the special gifts for his kids had been used to take them away for the holidays, and perhaps forever since he was supposed to pick them up for his days last weekend and have them home for Christmas day and found a for sale sign outside the house and it empty and deserted.
He's had no word, can't make contact and even her relatives are denying any knowledge of the move except that she has recently moved a new bloke into the home.
Now my mate has a great supporting family and good friends but he's as wounded as if he'd been stabbed by this, and as he was taken by surprise, very distressed. He has contacted the police who say they can't do anything because it was a mutually agreed separation and there has been no government or court settlement she can effectively do as she pleases, also she has taken out an AVO citing that she is scared of him so if he physically tries to find her and his kids he can and will be arrested for stalking and breaching an order.
Back on topic, Christmas is like a magnifying glass when things are good and equally when they are bad, and it's so sad to see what should be some of the best memories of any child's life be the most tragic memories, when a father gets shot in a home by police.
I just don't think our police are well enough trained in negotiating and counselling agitated people and calming them in a tense situation, I'm sure if they were both they and those they are attending to may have a better result.
Your friend needs to apply for joint custody of the children ASAP. Having worked on both sides we get very frustrated with the AVO's that sometimes are issued inappropriately - it makes the real ones useless.
We would be happy to e-mail you directly with additional info to assist your friend if he needs help.
We get so upset with parents who use children as pawns - don't they realise how damaging it is to children? After all children are the only beings who love unconditionally and should not have to pay for their parents short comings.
Please let us know if we can help.
Genuine Workers who care,
Thanks for your kind offer and good advice.
My freind has now seen a solicitor and has made some ground as far as applying for joint custody.
This is a case where he has done everything to help his soon to be ex after she left the family home and told him she needed time alone to think about herself. He had the children for about 4 months before she came back and asked for visitation access and to have the kids for a couple of weeks each on a rotating basis. He had thought everything was going well and was pretty positive about a future reconciliation so this turn of events has taken him very much by surprise and has cost him quite a considerable sum of money.He did not want to go to Lawyers but since checking with the ones they used to buy property and do their wills etc. and finding out that they have been seeing her since the day she left he has taken the step to shore up his own position.
We think your friend has done the right thing. In this case seeking legal advice is a must given that the family home was sold without his knowledge and the children whisked away.
We hope the solicitor has advised that the Federal Police need to be notified so that the children cannot be taken out of the country.
If your friend should need any support during this harrowing time please just leave a short note for us to contact you on your email, so that we can pass on a contact number. We will watch your blog.
Our organisation works with parents regardless of gender and due to strict confidentiality regulations can't advertise the facts.
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