Sunday, December 13, 2009

Logan overlords reign down rules to make us pay

It seems the Logan councillors have bowed to the (what I call a hate campaign against growers ) market garden fear campaign and are set to create policy that will make growing some surplus vege and putting them out front with an honour box, an illegal activity if your block of land is too small.

in seasons past, and any gardener will tell you this, conditions vary in some small way so that one particular pest may become so prevalent compared to other years and one particular crop may out perform your expectations based on usual growth and yield for that crop, and I have had it happen once with tomatoes which grew so well the leaves were almost twice the usual size and the fruit so abundant that it was at least 4 times the usual amount to harvest and off a dozed or so plants i had so many beautiful tomatoes that my family and friends were sick of my constant gifting and I just couldn't find anyone else to give them to so i approached the local fruiterer who on seeing mine was happy to give me a store credit in return for a box or two a week while they were producing. That will now be illegal if my land is too small.

Now I know people got pretty upset when one particular lot were buying up local blocks, usually 5 acres or more and wholesale clearing them and covering them with plastic igloos, but that's not the issue of this discourse, rather we are simply talking about any vege patch on any block which will be smaller (it's yet to become law) than about 2 acres where the grower may sell off some surplus and therefore come under the term "market garden"

It seems well known that the driver of this issue is the preselected candidate for Wright for the LNP and current councillor , who has in my opinion tried any and every way of creating policy or law against local growers in a constant campaign that can only be described as a "Hate campaign" in my opinion.

It is odd that someone who seems to have an obvious dislike for growers would seek to represent people in an area that is even more rural than the one in which she is now, and one which which is predominantly growers.

I have heard that there has been an astonishing back flip done recently where the candidate now claims that there are only some grower problems in Greenbank and that all other growers are now, amazingly , lovely; what a coincidence!

The real problem lies with the rest of the "Bogan Overlords" or councillors who have agreed with this idea and are likely to shove it through on the strength of a fear campaign about sprays and pesticides.

Ehough on that because the Overlords have barely begun with their attack on our land use rights they also intend to shove through a policy on heavy vehicle parking that would make any feudal rules proud, it seems that once again two acres and under, you are going to pay Logan for the privilege, Yes, pay them money for something you have always been able to do.

Once again i don't understand why our representatives want to extinguish our rights to continue the use of our land that we've always had. actually yes I do understand it, and it's about money and land values and demand.

You see we're something a little special, we have rights the rest of them don't and our lots are in demand for anyone who wants to park up their truck between jobs or overnight, and those with small minds want to see us brought down to the same level as those in the old more suburban logan.

Those small minded councillors with their small minded committee ( and I'll add that even the truck drivers on that committee seemed to agree with the council position because they personally will not be affected by the new regulations and since it's not in their backyard, are happy to see others charged a fee and an ongoing annual charge to continue doing what they have always done, and for the main reason they probably chose NOT to live in logan in the first place.

It really galls me to still hear this stupid inane retort from logan that they didn't ask for this and that it was forced upon them because it's utter rubbish , yes they have continually asked to have their boundary moved south into Beaudesert several times, and because of the previous rules, before the unscrupulous Beattie changed a few words at a time at midnight meetings to remove our right to decide our own destiny by referendum which allowed us to veto it at the ballot box, we were able to thwart their attempts to take over our area, on our terms unlike now.

Logan has put it's nose into our business and thinks we do not see that these two issues, with some reservations to lots under 2 acres is just the thin end of the wedge and a precursor of things to come where as the urban footprint grows so will the regulations until we are either forced out by necessity , rated out or harassed by council so that remaining becomes untenable.

It's a sham we do not have one councillor who is prepared to actually represent the general public, instead of ruling like primmadonna's or in my opinion "overlords"

I say do not pay, do not bow to their idiocy, do not scrape to those would be masters, and do not vote for this crop of bludgers again.



Anonymous said...

If Logan think the Truck drivers will roll over and pay up they are wrong, there will be repercussions.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how Bogan would re-act to a class action?
I think its time we informed both State and Federal Gov that we are dissatisfied with this council and that its time for reformation.
My god there are so many more of us than the handful of Bogan despots! Surely enough people can rally together and overthrow the dictators?
What are they going to do, put us all in jail? Ha Ha.
Waiting until the next elections is too long, they still have time to do more damage. They have to be stopped and they have to be stopped now.

Anonymous said...

Phil Pidgeon is a supporter of creating new truck parking reg's for old Beaudesert, in the same vane as those he created as the committee chair for the more urban logan before the amalgamations.

People need to tell him to but out of our area with those regulations, this is not the same as logan and shouldn't be treated as such.

What i want to know is why he capitulated on market gardens, in fact why they all did and why he wants to end our right to land use, why Phil ?

If any of the other three would like to explain their own actions, i think we'd be interested too, care to explain?

Anonymous said...

maybe next the council will start charging for taking a crap and rubbing it on a log. i wonder what the star chamber will say about that

Anonymous said...

The council already charges for taking a crap, in a way.
When plans are approved there is a charge which applies based on number of toilets.
I notice none of the councillors have taken the opportunity to explain their position yet, perhaps they're all too busy looking at ways to spend their planned new year bonus pay rise, that according to Black, everyone else is getting ? I'd like to know just who they are because I can't find anyone getting a pay rise just now.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the council buddies committee have assisted council in starting the process to charging us to park on our properties, my property is apparently 18 square meters under the amount they say is ok to park on, well they can go jump, I'm not paying and they can fine me or charge me until the cows come home, but a bloke can break a lot of headlights and mirrors on trees that council is responsible for if they want to start that game,
You council of Bogan want war, you bloody got war !

Anonymous said...

There are a couple of people who you can thank for this mess.Do not forget them at the next Election.

Anonymous said...

feb 14 person, after i checked out these claims you wrote it seems ..are in fact a LIAR.