Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Are lawyers just the lowest scum on this earth ?

Recently a man was caught by police, arrested and charged by police of several counts of sexual assault against women at or near train stations, he is alleged to have grabbed them inappropriately but on at least one occasion he is alleged to have dragged a victim into bushes and went further until he gave up because of how hard the victim fought back.

I Can't say too much more in detail, except that a number of complainants are involved, the evidence and witnesses seem numerous and irrefutable, there is little doubt the police have their man.

What I find offencive is how his defence lawyers are trying to "get him off" with a cock and bull arguement which is pushing the limits of believability and completely ignoring the victims by making a claim that the man is a Sudanese Asylum seeker and he only performed these acts because of the trauma suffered by him back in his country after seeing some very horrific things.

I'm bot going to dispute that this man may have suffered trauma, but my question is how does that make you start putting your hands under women's clothing , absolutely without their consent?

This is a lawyer who will take a fortune for this case and who in complete disregard for the man's victim will attempt to trivialise their suffering at his hands and say . "too bad, the attacker has suffered more so it's all ok"

Any lawyer who can make this case is in my opinion scum and nothing better, I guess he is happy to let his own wife or daughter come into contact with a person who is essentially a sexual predator without a worry, right?

I'm sorry but we have to as a society say that we cannot keep empowering criminals who freely make the choice to offend by letting the lawyers use the past or events from the past to negate responsibility for actions.

the worse thing is it is never going to happen because the majority of our elected representatives are lawyers also.



Anonymous said...

The worst thing is that if you dare to say "send them home' if they commit a crime here then you're a racist, nevertheless I think they should send him home if he is found guilty.

I too fail to see how a trauma can make you want to fondle a total stranger or worse, it is pure lawyer BS.

Anonymous said...

Why won't a shark attack a lawyer?
Professional courtesy. lol

Anonymous said...

What's the difference between a lawyer and a leech ?

The Leech stops sucking your blood at some point.

Anonymous said...

What's the difference between a woman and a man? One has gonads. lol

Anonymous said...

lawyers eat solice intent and then they smack of malice

Anonymous said...

The above comments are why your 'little blog' has no relevance..

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:52 - tut tut - too close for comfort?

Anonymous said...

When Christ said "the meek shall inherit the earth" I'm sure he was talking about those who create rules with words, or laws and those who can use the laws to have their way, deal with others and even bully them.

While not too many lawyers could go a round in the ring with even a junior they do know how to twist words and screw you with the legal system, oh and get very rich in the process.

Lawyers are a pariah on society, a buzzard over the carcass of the deceased and a vulture whenever someone is vulnerable taking their money and leaving them worse off even if they win the case.

This little blog actually says the things we're all thinking quite a bit of the time and that makes it very relevent.

Gomer said...

yes it seems Lawyers are just the scum of the earth ,

Anonymous said...

Recently, a lawyer got paid a fortune to represent the "bikeway rapist" and appeal against his sentence and successfully had it shortened by 16 years, That lawyer needs to be named and shamed , and as far as victims rights , to a lawyer there are none if that lawyer can make anothe buck.

do the people really believe that the innitial sentence was hard, too hard for a serial rapist who terrorised women, multiple women and perpetrated a heinous crime on his victims, and was unjust in it's harshness? I don't think so.

But then I lean the other way, I think crimes where someone looses some money (particularly the government) get very harsh sentences compared to those where someone is a victim to the criminal , I think Judges let murderers off lightly at times, rapists seem to get lights sentences much of the time and paedophiles seem to get let off with very light sentences if at all.

It tells s lot about the judges and what they value, doen't it, what they like and what they dislike, that they value money very highly and children who are victims of sexual abuse not very highly at all it would seem.