Consider a territory was where one of the gangs is sanctioned by the government, one gang has been known to run drugs, launder cash, beat people, and go even further with the sanctioning by having power over all citizens without having another body to limit their activities or even keep the bastards honest.
Such a gang does exist, it was virtually called that, a gang, in the documents from the Fitzgerald enquiry into corruption, many years ago; that gang is called "the police"
Gangs often have turf wars and often they get it wrong and an innocent gets in the way and a tragedy occurs, often its just a series of eye for an eye killings from two rival gangs that make headlines, and the media just loves it because it sells.
The arrest of Carl Williams took a long time, a lot of investigation, and at the end of the day, someone to grass him it seems, because the police are really either not up to actually catching criminals, or just can't be bothered most of the time and rely really on unequivocal evidence from someone to get the job done.
Carl Williams used body guards when he was a free man, they went everywhere with him, he knew he was a target and a big one, so once arrested he was kept in maximum security, for his own protection and further his accompanying inmates were screened very carefully .
But why was he being treated so specially, and so well in prison?
Well a spokesperson, one would have to guess from the police, leaked to the press that they(the police) were paying Carl William's child's school fees, and a considerable amount to his ex wife and to him possibly as well.
That was Sunday.
With the news that Carl was getting money from the cops hitting the newspapers, within a day he was dead, and the rumours were that he had done a deal, assumed that he was inside for the rest of his life, and wanted to look after his kin and was giving information to the police in exchange for cash.
Now the police have been in the crime business for a while, and you'd reasonably expect them to know that the eventuating or releasing information to the press that someone was assisting them with names would be lethal to that person, no doubt about that.
Further consider that Carl had no more names to give, or that his price had become too high, or that he was thinking the risk of giving more information was becoming too high, whatever; or even that the police just didn't want to pay any more money.
It's simple to use the system you're in, the criminal system or the underworld as they call it, to do the job you can't be seen doing, and that is to remove the problem, that way you don't have to deal with it.
So it's a big question, but a reasonable one, the police must have known that by releasing details of financial dealings with an inmate would lead to further consequences, or in underworld terms, a HIT.
Carl Williams had turned inside
police informer, and his reward
was not a reduction in his 30
year plus jail sentence but that
the police service would pay for
his young daughters education. I
wouldn`t mind betting someone in
jail, and probaly the bloke who
clobbered him with the end of an
exercise bike, got wind that he
might be compromised by what
Williams was going to let on
to the police at some stage.
The man was a murderer - I don't think his life or death warrants all the publicity.
I was going to say something similar to 12;50 but after reading it, I have this to say ; There are plenty of murderers alive and well and walking around among us, and they are not in any danger of being set up by the police to be whacked.
In fact I believe Mulrunji Doomagee's murderer even got a medal as a "hero" for it.
In reality Williams got his sentence, and was doing his time, and thats what our legal system said was fair for his crimes, not being executed.
But having said that, you live by the sword, you die by the sword.
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