Saturday, April 24, 2010

The future for Logan, . . it's bad bad news for the old North Beaudesert.

I was shocked and dismayed to see the front page of a Local free paper telling me the future is here, stunned in fact because the cartoon adorning the article shows so many things that many locals have been constantly seeking answers to, as recently as a month or so ago at the information sessions for the Park Ridge Major Development Area information sessions, and have been told that there is no such information available because those things are 20 to 30 years into the future.

Keeping the community in the dark seems to be the MO for Logan and always has, but this time I believe they have gone too far and are now actually deliberately keeping what should be available to the community from them.

Unfortunately the thinkers in Logan all have ideas that are formed in the last century, and I mean in the middle of it. They cannot grasp concepts like limitations on resources, like peak oil, like traffic congestion, like carbon footprint or like sustainability; worse is that they have very good people in the community who know a great deal about the environment at a local level, about flora and fauna and about conservation, saving our river systems and sustainable planning.

Logan's media personalities are of course at it, flat out blowing their own trumpet and telling us how it's going to be with State member telling us about transport hubs we can walk to and commercial areas, industrial areas and improved infrastructure spreading west and south as far as Logan's jurisdiction extends.

We know that Logan was given our area because of the Beaudesert Shire Town Plan which was restrictive of ad hoc development which includes master planned satellite types plonked indiscriminately here and there where no infrastructure or services exist and we know that Logan has always had a develop at any cost mentality with out rules or even consideration of the existing communities wants and needs, let alone the removal of their amenity or the natural surroundings.

John Mickel, the State Representative, typically tells us all he can. it's old school blundering through with promises of new highways, some shops and some jobs way out west with maybe a school or hospital thrown in later. His ideas are in the realm of prehistoric, he doesn't even have the ability to think in the modern world he is just pushing what he knows from when land was plentiful and so was fuel, resources and everything else.We know John has been given a retirement role in the Government where he doesn't affect decision making any more, but he is definitely showing his age in these comments.

To read a report on the net by a councillor was like reading something my grandfather would have said to me when I was a young child, it was obvious that even the younger representatives are either so involved with development or so dependent on old people for their information that they just don't have anything new to say, or even credible in my opinion except to continue the raising of everything in our rural area and the building of more urban sprawl, with a few trinkets like a cinema to keep the new residents happy.

To read that Woodridge will become the next West End is just lunacy, to read (and I wonder what the West End residents would like to say about it) that a few years ago you wouldn't want to live in West End is crazy, the area has been highly sought after for more than 30 years by those in the know and for at least 20 years it has been one of the best examples of owners remaining to redevelop their own property and new owners rebuilding and renovating in the same style to maintain the character of the area which boasts high density urban development with units and medium rise spread across the area and with commercial and industrial areas remaining despite land costs. The Councillor's opinion is typically politically motivated and should be dismissed as irrelevant, uneducated and inconsistent with the environment, the community and the wants and needs of the general community.

Then we come to Mr. "Opinion for Hire" Bernard Salt, who appears with a 20 year old picture of himself, and calls rural land owners "hermits" unless they agree with his demographics which we have seen can be manipulated to suit any who wish to pay the man to get the results they want, that is the man who can provide figures that say interest rates are low, that population growth is wanted by the majority and that despite us having our own opinion, we are wrong to have it. He goes on to say , and it's in the same old fashioned realm as the two previous mentioned, that we are to develop on a model that was used to develop Canberra, yep you know when that was built don't you.

Canberra, by the way , has to be one of the most boring cities anywhere in the world, it is flat. wide spread urban sprawl with indistinguishable streets with similar homes and landscaping and nothing really that stands out at all and it's probably on the the easiest places to get lost in and the hardest to get around and find you r way because nothing is recognisable as different, it's depressing.

Bernard Salt wants to insult those who oppose becoming Australia's second Canberra, and tells us we should go to Toowoomba to escape, but what he really means is shut up stop trying to put logical reasons and good knowledge up in opposition to stupid, old fashioned planning, and just go away , somewhere , anywhere, you're hermits , don't bother us, who will be making a hell of a lot of money out of this all.

Please have your say, don't let these few lowbrow, little Hitlers, who want to be your dictators tell you to shut up and leave, you have a rights, get together with locals put up some good arguments and protect your rural investment, your amenity and our local flora and fauna from these idiots.



Tim Badrick said...

Great idealism Uno, the only
problem is that the Labor
forces in Logan see `North
Beaudesert` as a goldmine
for rates and development,
as well as party membership.
On the flipside, the former
Beaudesert council, and all
it`s National party influence,
only ever saw `North Beau` as
an urbanised rural hub between
the town of Beaudesert itself
and Logan City. The Nationals
in Beaudesert couldn`t have
cared less if they tried as
far maintaining services &
infrastructure in the area,
but at the same time saving
it`s rural amentity from be-
ing sacrificed by too much
development. All that has
happened since the amalga-
mations is that Beaudesert`s
disregard for the area has
been replaced by an agenda
by the Logan City Council
and the Labor Party, and
that includes John Mickel,
to turn the area into just
another urban jungle, which
completely goes against the
wishes of so many residents
who shifted to the area to
escape all the bullsh*t in
Logan City. Have that Mickel.

Anonymous said...

We have these cr "plants" who make statements like 'wonderful and exciting progress'in Greenbank or whatever area they happen to be in.
I just read the above about Greenbank in minutes sent to Logan and others and nearly choked I laughed so much. One has to wonder how anyone can be so desperate for recognition that they would promote untruths.
Greenbank is still a hot bed with an ever growing population, excessive traffic, no public transport, no access to community facilities and disregard for the native flora and fauna. And yes if the council and others had their way there would be no acreage living here either. Just take a look at the new estates sprouting around us. These estates have created massive problems eg bad drainage, noise, pollution and lack of respect for exisiting residents - human or animal.
The mess at Park Ridge is already so bad that many no longer travel through there or shop in the area.
But then while we sit back and let them walk all over us we deserve what we get.

Anonymous said...

Logan is like a prostitute - for sale to the highest bidder.