Sunday, April 11, 2010

Why become a federal politician, a million good reasons.

We all sit back and wonder why someone who seems to "hate" so much, seems to be using position and influence to hurt community and seems to be so unhappy with themselves that they are resorting to any and all means to alter themselves.

I'm not going into "haters" in this story, or community bullying and manipulation and certainly not even touching enhancement or removal of ones own self, at all, because even with all of that which you'd probably love to hear about, there are a million other reasons to become a federal politician, all of them . . . . Dollars.

Yep it's all about greed. cutting the BS and the glib lies about serving the community, it's about filling the back pocket, end of story.

In an article, the local paper reveals:

THE cost of a keeping a single federal MP has become a million-dollar a year burden to taxpayers - the same price as a luxury Lamborghini supercar.
The average salary of MPs is now $180,000 a year, but the real cost is more than five times that - with a string of entitlements totalling $721,000 and a further $164,000 a year spent keeping tabs on the cost.

Entitlements federal politicians receive include airfares, chauffeur-driven vehicles, travel allowances, ministerial salary top-ups, electricity and electorate office rentals.

The politicians' entitlements have become so complex that 315 bureaucrats are now employed fulltime in the Department of Finance to make sure the country's 226 federal MPs are properly paid and equipped. This includes paying 1700 political staffers - nearly eight staff for each MP - costing taxpayers $99,000 each on average, or another $169 million, according to the Department of Finance.

They haven't even included the sumptuous surroundings in which federal MP's work or the catering, drinks, etc. or the provision of tools, electronics , software, publicity, and you can easily double the figure the get if you add these on.

There is a proposal to do away with some of the allowances because of the cost of monitoring the claims for them, (it seems that many politicians claim everything, and then just take what they can get away with, rather than only claim for what they do, so monitoring and checking needs to be done to keep the system honest and the checking costs a hell of a lot of money in itself. The replacement idea is to just give the pollies a lump sum and let then go buy a couple of investment homes with it, oops I mean use it in the way they best deem it needs to be spent, cut out the monitoring and save the taxpayer some big dollars.

But really, is this just pandering to the greed even more, I think so. Personally I think they should be punished severely if they claim something they're not entitled to, sacked perhaps, I mean they should set an example, we pay a lot of tax to keep them don't we?

So it turns out that all the pontification about helping the public, representing the community, and sacrificing for public life is a crock of shit, they're In it for the money and it's big big money. no wonder they are willing to take people to court with any and every allegation, to keep the hand in the public purse.



Anonymous said...

The pigs will always enjoy the squill as long as we keep supplying it and it is at all levels of Government . the only difference is the depth.

Anonymous said...

Well that explains why there is so much desperation to stop anyone from telling the real story about how much effort has been put into shutting down small croppers and market gardens by one person in particular.

One million dollars, well you could get that on Australian Idol if you were a musician in about 10 weeks.

You could get 1 million on survivor, if you actually could do without.

but it's easy to get it by getting political support and screwing everyone over isn't it.

1 million, the price of community polarization !

Anonymous said...

They continue to tell us that these people could easily get more than this (pay) in the private sector, and I continue to laugh because there is no way the candidates around Cedar grove could get that in 10 years in the private sector judging by their behaviour and my observations of how they work.

I'm disgusted at the party system that now tells us we can no longer have a Liberal candidate because a national has preselection, the same national that ruined a safe seat last election and allowed it to go to Labor.

Party politics is ruining Australia and it's all about greed and money and power not about serving the community at all.

Bewildered said...

lets not be too harsh on the PERFORMERS due to the fact that the CROWD keeps on clapping at every stupid thing they do.We only have ourselves to blame for the representation we have.I a not sure but it would appear that the majority of VOTERS are happy with the Representatives we have because they keep voting them in.!!! If we want change we must first change ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I guess if you can't cut it in the commercial world then politics is the next option. I read somewhere that the biggest drain on the country's economy are the politicians - they were compared to dole bludgers - just very expensive ones.
Wouldn't it be great if every candidate had to undergo a psycological profile before being endorsed? That would only leave one or two sane ones in contention.
As for the 'hate' - well if one hates oneself one can only project that onto others. Beauty is only skin deep and in some cases not even that deep.
There is no substance to some high profile people, they are unfortunately a waste of space.
I will front for the elections, have my name crossed off but not hand in my ballot form. This way it cannot be abused. There is no one worthy of my vote for Federal or local Council.

Anonymous said...

Consider that on average "dole" a single pollitician costs as much as over 200 unemployed does which means that our federal cabinet costs more than 60,000 unemployed.

Not too hard to see who is the burdon on the taxpayer is it.

Anonymous said...

It seems strange that the Federal candidate is hiding behind the campaign manager. Just reading other blogs I find that he keeps defending her and making statements for her.
One has to ask if this is normal procedure? Will the campaign manager be going to Canberra as the advisor?

Anonymous said...

It looks as though the secrets will soon be safe forever, it's sad really how men create their own lonliness, and never realise it until their time of need and there is no one there except the self centered one you forsake all others for, and that is only for one reason, money.