The recent very public split from the new LNP by two elected representatives has left questions and has also allowed some to go off half cocked in either support or attack about the reasons and the follow up from it.
But after seeing some clips on TV that were edited out of an interview (for some reason) there may be a simple answer to the question of "why quit?"
After the also very public deputy leadership challenge on Springborg by McLindon and supported by Rob Messenger which showed a complete lack of loyalty, understanding of machinations or grasp of the party membership and numbers, the playmates were put out to Coventry it seems, relieved of any useful roles and banished to keep them quiet and save the party leadership team from further publicity.
But according to these clips, there could have been more, because it seems that punishment was to continue and more, there was a request that money be given (i think i recall the sum of $12,000) to help win marginal seats.
I'm guessing that was the straw that broke the camel's back, after all we have seen other LNP candidates (even before the creation of the LNP) campaign while still taking their salary from another public office, ( McLindon did not, because the rules governing State elections require a prior public office to be vacated before becoming eligible to be elected to the State ) in what can only be described as utter greed.
Could it be so simple? asked to donate some of the big bucks that State MP's get for relatively little effort, . . and they spat the dummy? well we are asking the question now aren't we?
This is a classic illustration of the arrogance of youth. Aidan like many of his peers seem to spit the dummy when things don't go their way. Such a shame when some of us thought Aidan would do some good - but then he may still come through. At least he does have some common sense.
One has to wonder why people vote for young members who lack experience and in some instances skills. Some cannot even deal with constituents at local level, so how can they deal with them at State or Federal level?
It will be interesting to see if the candidate for Wright can learn some professionalism and stop dealing with constituents on a personal level. Or if her philosophy is still 'I know what I want and I will have it'.
You can`t have your cake and
eat it as well. If you dont
want to be put under Labor`s
socialist spell for another
three years come the next
state election, you have
two choices at best. One,
the LNP, or two, a party
that is established by a
number of independent MP`s
which hopefully gives all
us longsuffering voters a
real alternative. Mc.Lindon
is a young spoilt brat who
gets up in arms when he does
not get his way, but at least
he does have some vision and
pragmatism as far as starting
up a new party. Labor has gone
way too far to the left, & the
LNP is simply topheavy with a
lot of deadwood and is virtually
unelectable the way it is. You
have to get beyond having it in
for individuals and look at the
big picture. Who cares if it is
Mc.Lindon or the tooth fairy
that starts the ball rolling,
Queensland needs a new party.
Get over your personal dislike
of certain politicians and get
with it before both Labor and
the LNP bugger this state up
politically and economically.
hmm, . . someone has a real big "man crush" on McLindon, ewwwe!
Tim has a definate leaning toward the conservative side of politics despite his constant claims that he is a-political.
I agree with the blogger, it is hard to tell whether the asking for money and the punishment for being disloyal are what made him spit the dummy, but it is the most plausable reason and I don't think we are ever in our lifetime going to see the two parties allow any kind of co-op of independents to have any power at all let alone be called an alternative; certainly not with the few there are now who come from completely differing ideoligies and wouldn even agree to disagree most likely.
The point is probable mute anyway as McLindon will in all probability be voted out at the next election.
I really dont care what idiots
like 1.05pm infer about my
percieved political leanings,
because the fact is i have
voted for both the Federal
Liberals and Labor on two occasions each, twice for
Howard in `96 and `99 and
once for Phil Reeves who is
the Labor state member for
Mansfield, and once for Jim
Soorley, the former Labor
Lord Mayor. I have not voted
for a party alligned candidate
at any level of government
since the very early 2000`s.
So get your facts right 1.05
you narrow minded communist,
i have not got any personal
liking for Aidan McLindon
because he is a conservative
politician, i have no problem
admitting that i am very anti-
left and socialist, but i have
no inclination to show any bias
towards a particular mainstream
political party, LNP or Labor.
Oh sure, everyone who differ in opinion to Tim must be an Idiot,
And really there is no way to substantiate who you voted for so why bother telling anyone as if that's going to be proof, at all.
Well 9.20, it isn`t any skin
off my back if you believe me
or not, at least i am willing
to put my name to comments in
the public domain, and where
my heart on my sleeve. Maybe
you should try and get over
your petty grudges against
individual politicians and
look at the main game. The
commumists from China could
have invaded Queensland and
you`d still have ya nickers
in a not over Aidan McLindon.
Both the major parties are running this country into the ground. The people always have to pay the price for their stuff ups.
In the case of looking at the whole picture - voting for an individual to get a party in is what has created the mess. So far we don't have desirable individuals for either party - which means the candidates presenting will do nothing to help the people.
I agree its time for an alternative to what we already have, which aint much. Its time the circus left town and we get a proper government in place and lose the bottom level of governance as well. After all councils are corporate bodies - not government.
Tim you're going too far with these accusations that everyone has a grudge against McLindon, unless you can substantiate that anyone does, maybe you should shove a sock in it.
Some commenters just have an opinion, they don't have to have an agenda, so stop trying to make out everyone who doesn't agree with you does.
Anon, i never made out that
`everyone` has it in for the
Member for Beaudesert, but i
do know that at least one of
the commenters to this post
does. Your right, not every
commenter has got an agenda,
they simply want their own
opinion on a matter to be
heard. But do you really
think i am that naive to
believe that some people
aren`t using blogs as the
means of making personal
attacks, and not political
ones, against politicians
of all persusasions.
Well Tim, it may or may not be so, but that doesn't give you the right to make accusations about anyone whether they have an agenda or not. Really do you think the rest of us commenters are so stupid we can't see just who does have an agenda unless you ram it down our throat? it seems so.
My only agenda, if i do one
one, is to do my utmost to
promote individuality when
ever i can in the various
medias. Nothing more to it.
You know what I like,
I like the fact that even though these comments are drivel, especially Tim's, the blogger allows them to be published. There are some bloggers around who don't let stuff on their blogs.
You can crawl back in your hole
now Hugh, you only ever stick
your head out to make the
occassional dumb comment
like the 1 you just made.
Poor Hugh - seems that you have made the same mistake politicians make - generalisation. You said the comments are 'drivel'- does that include yours?
Most people who comment on blogs like this are just ordinary, hard working Aussies who watch their hard earned money being wasted on Politicians and their grandstanding.
These blogs give people a forum to voice their opinions - if some blogs are restrictive you have to wonder why. Run by pollies or their followers?
Well in this case, you're right Anonymous, my comment is also drivel because it doesn't contribute to the topic and doesn't support arguement even that is relevent to supporting the topic.
I was having a shot at Tim really to be honest, because he often sanitises the comments when they are not along the lines he would prefer or disagree with his opinion.
And well he knows it.
Yeah whatever Hugh. Theres a
rule of thumb i always go by
mate, that is, the people who
whinge and complain the most
about other people, including
blog writers being biased and
fascist, are usually the big-
gest hypocrites under the sun.
The rule that applies to my
blog is very simple, if you
make personal attacks on me
as an individual that hasn`t
anything to do with the sub-
ject matter of the blog, then
plain and simple,the comments
will not be published. Got it!
I agree with Hugh, Most of my comments have been rejected from Tim's blog so now I don't bother. he has a bloody cheek coming on here telling porky's about being apolitical when he's clearly biased and he is worse than the local papers because he doesn't allow free comment but demands they do, he constantly criticises commenters for having opinions differing from his and certainly does favour comments that agree with his own opinion. Reading his blog is just a waste of time.
Well dont read my blog Anon, i
couldn`t really care less if
you do or not. Politically
speaking i am apolitical,in
terms of philosophies i am conservative & not extreme,
radical and left wing. That
does not make me politically
biased. Both major political
parties in Queensland at the
present time are moving far
too far to the left, and that
is what i have represented all
along since this post started.
How can giving constructive
criticism to both the LNP
and the Labor Party make
me biased or anti-free
speech? You seriously
dont make any sense &
you are quite welcome
to make comments on my
blog provided you dont
abuse me or personally
attack my character.
Sorry Tim, you rejected too many of my comments that didn't agree with you. You are a biggot and politically biased against labor and that is plainly obvious and making a few little comments about LNP doesn't put any balance back. You are the worst sanitizing taker of free speech and a plain example of how to communise blogging.
ok guys, you're not making any headway here, nor are you actually contributing to my original post. Give it a rest already.
I'm serious.
Tim, your email doesn't work. is my
email Uno, it should work.
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