Thursday, June 24, 2010

Winners are grinners, losers can please themselves.

In one of the most creative pre-emptive campaign adds, which definitely struck a chord with the electorate and was hated by Labor diehards, I think because they know it's true, the Kevin O Lemon add only had to be aired for a couple of weeks before the federal Labor was gathering this morning to dump Rudd in favour of the Deputy Leader and first female PM of Australia Julia Gillard.

The slow talking Ms Gillard has been criticised for her ambitions and for being a single woman of age. She has also been criticised for her leftist leanings and for her inability to effect constructive policy during her deputy leader role where she is seen as part and parcel of the inaction that has been one of the main factors in the downfall of Rudd.

Kevin Rudd was elected on the Anti Work Choices platform, it was a vote against the previous (Howard) government and a policy in workplace relations that put the advantage firmly in the hands of employers and left employees powerless and without union backup in enterprise bargaining.

Rudd was probably the most popularly elected PM in some many years, but broken promises and back flips ( the ETS which he described as the most important moral decision, and the government paid advertising that he claims was a cancer on democracy) have seen his standings both with the community and within the party plummet recently.

Rudd is one of a very few PM's to have been put to the knife by the Party, and quite possibly will make history as the weakest PM ever, not only deposed by the party, but in his first term, and going out by not even contesting a party poll but allowing Gillard to be the only candidate after declaring the position vacant and elected unopposed.

Rudd will not be missed, and in future episodes of "Millionaire Hot seat" there will be defeated contestants saying "oh yeah I forgot about him."

It's a sad end for one so glib, one who has revelled in his world tour with his wife at the taxpayers expense, gushing like schoolgirls and basking in their self anointed world leader of importance status which did not go down well with the electorate and has gone down the same way with the party it seems.


Anonymous said...

Kevin O Lemon, he deserved that one and the party was scared that it was going to stick, it would have, he was dead in the water.
Sorry but the alternative is no great prospect for Australia, women will vote for her just because she is a woman and that's sexism at it's worst, but it will happen and her ideology is as far to the left as you can get outside of Russia.

The utter disloyalty of Swan makes me laugh, how quickly he has dumped his so called Queensland mate of many years for a sniff at the leadership himself taking the deputy position.

It's all very funny, yet scary because Gillard owes he r position to labour factional heavyweights and Unionists and if she toys with them (or ignores them like Rudd who started to believe his own publicity)they will shaft her quicker that you can say Kevin O Lemon.

Anonymous said...

As a female I won't vote for Ms Gillard. She is the coldest fish in the pond, she's robotic and lacks any kind of warmth and understanding. She repeats herself over and over - who is she trying to convince?
She has shown herself to be ruthless and has control issues. Her speech was all about "I" came to the conclusion, "I" decided....
Also Peter Garrett was demoted for his part in the insulation debacle but what about Ms Gillard's portfolio and mismanagement of the School building funds? This is an ongoing issue and hasn't been resolved yet. Can't blame Kevin for that one!
Will the Australian people accept a defacto relationship or can we expect another celebrity wedding. The King is dead, long live the ice queen.

Anonymous said...

I think Anna Bligh proved before Gillard stomped on Ruddy`s toes
that a lot of women wont vote
for a woman just because they
are a woman, when someone is
a bitch then they just are a
bitch and a lot of women wont
vote for a bitch - hopefully??

Anonymous said...

It was a sullen looking Rudd on the back benches the rest of the day, he had a look of "WTF am I still doing here"

That's called "getting one's comeuppence"