The media beat up on TV last night has left many Australians confused about what was said and around 70% of viewers and listeners believe that what Tony Abbott, leader of the opposition, said was deliberately taken out of context to ambush and attempt to hijack and embarrass the opposition to reduce impact of their disclosure of savings without real cuts in funding that would credibly replace a new tax put out by the Labor Party.
The Journalist (if that's what he actually is) claims to have organised the interview over two hours before It took place and that Mr Abbott should have been prepared for the questions, however it would be logical to assume since they had released their funding option to replace the flood levy, that that would be what an interview would be about.
The interview turned into a confrontation where the reporter played a short bit of film and claimed that Abbott made the comment on it about the death of one of our front line soldiers as a flippant retort, "shit happens" when in the full video it was clear he made the comment in context of a military operation, with the finest equipment and soldiers with the best preparation asking questions how it went wrong, and being agreed to by the commander of Australia's Middle East forces, Major-General John Cantwell, adding: "It certainly does, yeah.''
The reporter has made a ghastly error of judgement, but worse he has had the footage obtained after a protracted FOI process looking for film of Mr Abbott firing big machine guns or something similar, seemingly on behalf of Labor to besmirch his reputation, for a period of many months and could have got this right, easily.
Reporter Mark Riley is a grub, he is unAustralian, a coward and has no consideration for one of our bravest's family or widow, he should be sacked by Seven, he should know better but as a long time biased labor sympathiser it was completely typical and most likely a deliberate act as I said above to reduce impact of the opposition flood funding which shows Gillard's Big new tax, the flood levy, to be nothing more than lazy politics.
I'm appalled that Seven would allow this to go to air even, but worse that other stations would jump so quickly on the bandwagon to accuse Abbott without even seeing the full video first, Nine was on it with frumpy current affairs hack Grimshaw making comments along the lines of how soon would a leadership spill betaking place, and even Jabber the Hut(Oaks, also a Labor sympathiser who had a very young K Rudd as a "houseboy"), was on him like leech claiming it would be the end of him.
Are our Armed forces entitled to have their conversations with the leaders of our country kept discrete? Not to be used as a political football, and not to be used by one parties supporters to attack another party or member of it especially when it involves the death of a soldier?
Riley owes the people of Australia an apology , but more so he owes the family and widow for bringing back unnecessarily the horror and memory of their tragic loss. Riley you are nothing, you are a dog.
Riley epitomises the gutter
mentality of the leftist
Sydney media better than
anyone else. There are a
swarm of journalists in
Sydney, both TV & press,
who will stoop to any
level to gid rid of a
right wing politician
like Abbott. It`s all
part of a grand plan
to salvage left wing
politics at a federal
level because they all
know the leftist party
is about to come crash-
ing down at state level.
Abbott is a thorn in the
side of most journalists
at Channel 7 & 9 in Syd-
ney because he isn`t in
Turnbull`s camp, and he
isn`t in Hockey`s camp,
two well renowned `left`
leaning Libs. Pathetic
is the word to describe
the blatantly manipula-
ted editing of the foot-
age which shows Abbott
saying `shit happens et.
al`. Channel 7 news to
me always has been cheap
and nasty journalism, if
you ask me Riley should
be dismissed for his de-
ceptive conduct & Channel
7 should issue an apology
to Abbott for allowing it
to ever go to air. Abbott
has his faults and he de-
serves to be accountable
at the polls for his per-
formance, just like Julia
Gillard, but he does not
deserve to be defamed by
a total f***wit left wing
journalist who obviously
has a personal score to
settle with him.
Gee it is no worse than the TEARS that fall when being interviewed. At least he sounds human and I do not for one second believe that he meant it to be disrespectful at all. Christ we pat Prime MINISTERS ON THE BACK WHO HAVE TOLD BLATANT LIES OVER THE PAST YEARS. get real!!!!!
How the media hyped up the 'almost in tears' Gillard - bull dust. This woman has no feelings, no heart and lacks compassion.
Why are there no tears for our boys being shot, maimed and killed in a war that was started by warmongers?
At least Tony Abbott has children and can understand the loss - what does she have? Does she even a a pet dog?
Give the woman an Oscar and lets be done with her.
Anon 2.57, i dont think that it
is in David Fagan`s or Michael
Crutcher`s script, judging by
the crocodile tears photo on
the front page of the Courier
Mail which they allowed to be
printed two days ago, with a
mug shot of inset photo of a
dumbfounded Abbott next to it.
Both newspaper editors would
have had to have been aware
that Riley`s doctored TV
evidence against Abbott
was totally inadmissable
as newsworthy information.
And yet both of them let it
through. Now you know what i
have been up against with
team Fagan/Crutcher at the
Courier Mail. It was one of
the best press gang jobs
against a pollie i have
ever seen.
One has to wonder how much financial support some media people get and or their employers? It's pretty disgusting that our media sensationalises instead of giving us the truth. Freedom of speech and all the other rights our fathers and grandfathers fought for have been flushed down the loo by Politicians and so called journos.
This is just another deflection - after all if we focus on Tony Abbott we aren't watching what the other mob are doing - like passing the levy!
I realise that I may be labelled a racist but I need to ask a question - if the refugees have family already residing in Oz, does that mean that the resident families are assisting the 'boat people' in getting here?
If so why aren't they going through the proper channels like everyone else?
Perhaps if funding was cut in the area of CentreLink payments and housing Oz may not seem so attractive. While our Pensioners are doing it really tough payments to refugees are exceptionally high - somewhere in the vicinity of $600 plus a week.
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