I have to say so far my Questions to the Greens, Bob Brown and Larissa Waters have had no response, shame really.
I find the topic of Carbon an interesting one and it seems many people have very little idea what it is exactly and how it pollutes and why there is so much fanfare about the amount we are responsible for producing, if any, and how it is produced per head of population across the nation.
Carbon itself is not the issue actually , it is the release of carbon into the atmosphere in the from of carbon dioxide (CO2) which is considered by some, well Garnaut at least, to be the single most contributory factor in Global Warming, recently re labeled "Climate Change"
Global Warming and Climate Change are probably on of the best bogymen ever created by a government to fleece money out of our pockets in the history of government, and that not saying either way whether GW or CC are real or imagined, just that whether they are or not, us all paying money to the government is probably not going to make one iota of difference.
Carbon Emissions are measurable they say, in metric tonnes and when (note I didn't say if, because I believe this is inevitable and in fact will create a new industry out of what is essentially thin air) a tax is applied it will be priced on the per metric tonne, people like Garnaut have made some pretty good assumptions about our individual carbon footprint and it is measured out for each of us, not by what we actually emit but as a division of our national emissions, so if you were to cut your own personal emissions by 90% you will still be responsible for you 100% share of the "cost"
Remember that when we inhale it is to extract Oxygen from the air and when we exhale that oxygen that we had already used is now loaded as Carbon dioxide, so to say it is pollution is a complete fallacy it is part of life, it is normal and to offset our breathing, vegetation uses carbon dioxide and its exit production is oxygen during daylight hours whilst photosynthesis is active, clever right?
So lets start asking questions;
How is me paying more for everything going to reduce CO2 emissions?
Is climate change being caused by CO2 emissions or lack of Forrest's globally?
How can I be charged for CO2 not produced by me, and why?
If mining companies who profit is going overseas also ships its raw materials overseas, why is the emissions considered my shared responsibility?
Has Garnaut got it wrong considering all the things he has omitted from his report, like the significance of deforestation?
Why do the Greens feel that Australians should bear the brunt of tax on carbon, in fact a whole range of new taxes, are they really only concerned with money?
I have to say I used to be a fan of the Greens, I know some people casually who are very passionate about the environment and who are also members of the Greens, but they have never once even whispered that the Greens exist to tax us for everything, and that raising taxes is their priority agenda along with some quite radical minority policy which would not be supported by the majority of Australians if they knew they were actually Greens policies.
I have a real problem with the way Greens members bills are worded, it seems deliberately with large holes so as to allow further interpretation after the bill in its quite innocent state might be passed.
I have my own personal opinions about whether Global Warming or Climate change are solely the work of man or whether it is just a cyclic natural occurrence that we have neither encountered nor documented before. I have looked at articles which give interpretations of ice core samples and earth core samples which are indicators of past activity of various kinds and have based my opinion on all the information I've read, and its personal opinion.
However when Parties like Labor and the Greens are telling us that we need to be taxed because of it, i want to know exactly what scientific proof they have and what benefit paying money will be? If there are Greens and Labor people out there who have more balls than waters or brown and want to give some reasons, I'm happy to allow you space to do so.
The greens will get smashed at the next election, they are a rag tag mob pretending to be environmentalists when in reality they are agenda driven minority barrow pushers who were rich enough to fund the cost of their own election campaign, there is no democracy in that.
Funny how the one thing the
Greens dont talk about anymore
is saving trees from being cut
down. All we hear from Bob the
Brown Eye is his own fantasies
about a carbon tax giving us a
sqeaky clean utopian world, gay
marriage and all the other left
of firld baloney which has noth-
ing to do with enviromental pro-
tection. Lobbyism and politics
has always been a bad mixture.
Don't hold your breath waiting for a reply from the greens, I was told by my "Greens" freinds that they were not allowed to talk about policy except for environmental stuff as it appears on their website and that Brown and any of the others will not explain about Carbon only about the percieved benefits of applying a tax on it. Nice try though.
Give Bob an inch and he thinks he's a ruler.
The Greens are definitely a sham party and Ju-lie, defacto Prime Minister is a fool for making so many false promises.
The two of them will be out on their bums come next elections.
Are the environmental supporters of the Greens blinded by the spin? Bob Brown got his credentials by campaigning against projeects right in his back yard, yet when Garrett applauded and passed the Gunns project he never said boo, they guy is a fake with nothing but self interest in my opinion.
Uno, you actually make a good point there, we breathe in O2 and exhale CO2, so how can something that is a natural part of life be called pollution? I have been having a gripe lately about the ammount of packaging on everything I buy and when you look at the fact that it all goes into landfill, the plastic made from oil and the paper from tree clearing, then its no wonder we no longer have the trees and vegetation to re breathe the CO2 we are producing. It seems like a scam and total propaganda that they need to take our money to fix it when really they need to start planting trees, simple. I voted greens bacause I could neither vote with concience Abbott or Gillard, but I will not shirk my responaibilities again, no more voting for the watermelon Party, green on the outside Red on the inside. I'll be making a decision, one way or another.
I hope the people of Australia stand up this once and dump Ms Gillard and Bob Brown both on their rear ends. They are both so bloody arrogant and ignorant.
I notice that when JG loses it she reverts back to "I' and "Me".
This female needs to lose her job, have some kids and live in the real world - not in the overpaid, luxurious life where a couple of hundred dollars means nothing to her.
How ludicrous to say that the Australian people want to keep paying extra taxes and levies! The Governments create all the problems and the people are left with the bills.
Remember the insulation and education debacles? How much has that cost the taxpayers already?
Look at the Flood levy, passed because our State Government does not have disaster insurance - once again the people have to foot the bill.
I have registered my complaint about the carbon tax and this once I will support Tony Abbott to try to stop Ms G and BB.
Why is Ms Gillard so afraid to take this to the people? Is it because she knows she would get a resounding NO?
Take it to a referendum, so we the people can have our say. Not just the Greenies or Pollies.
The greens are claiming Abbott is running a fear campaign, they are demanding a price on carbon. I'm not seeing any report here about how they say it's going to stop pollution, has there been any answer? I wouldn't think so, like Labor you do not question the party, you do not dare think for yourself, you do exactly what the party tells you and you believe exactly what they let you believe.
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