The Mayor of Logan, Graham Able, has announced his big new idea for fixing housing affordability in his shire, by dumping the poor into Caravan parks built in the North of Beaudesert shire.
This statement comes before consultation with his Council, Beaudesert Shire Council, or even a quick look at the town plan or SEQ Regional plan. but it is indicative of the mindset of Logan City council and representative of the intent for the use of our rural and rural residential areas as the assimilation process begins.
The fact that only 20 submissions to the LGMS for the Parkridge to Logan reserve MDA were "correctly" submitted along with letters of concern from residents within the area also shows that the people of Logan accept that they have no recourse to councils plans, actions or intents when it comes to development at all costs.
Unfortunately Logan sees the annexed area as simply a resource to be exploited with some people who are simply in the way of the future expansion of the ugly urban sprawl that replaces trees with house roofs in estates called Gumleaf or Treeview and have neither.
I don't accept that this is a done deal, if it was why are the State Government spending thousands in TV adds trying to tell us it will be for the best.
At this point I'd like to say how disappointing some of Beaudesert Shire Councillors have been on this matter especially a couple of those in the north with only Bob and John openly criticizing the way the reform process went about this Machiavellian sham and communicating it to residents.
1 comment:
With Delfin Lend Lease getting a 10 year jump at yarrabilba and Stockland getting the same at Caloundra there are probablly many others too so it will be interesting as to how they will sell them to anyone but overseas investors, meanwhile bringing immigrants to rent them to.
Is it too late to cash up and get the hell out?
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