Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bromelton --- This is Scary

I know a number of people in the community are looking at the Bromelton proposal and worrying that it will have a large footprint to the west of Beaudesert, and that it will also have an impact there as discussed in a previous comment about heavy Truck traffic through the centre of beaudesert itself, but since the State Government has taken over it is beginning to be seen and it is huge, in fact scarey huge.

From what I rceived in an email the following is proposed:
1. The area west of the rail line and south of Undullah Rd at Kagaru is designated as an intermodal transport hub, This will extend to approx the Barnes Rd area.
2. The area between Brookland Rd and the rail line is designated as rail dependant industry
3. The area between Brookland Rd and the river is non rail dependant industry
4.This pattern is followed south to the Boonah/ Beaudesert Rd Around Struss' the rail dependant industry extends further east.
5. The area south of the Boonah/Beaudesert Rd is to be an investigation area looking at industries that require a buffer.
(Thanks to the Author)

See what it looks like from this Map of the Proposal The real concern, apart from the outright size and the amount of dollars the State Government is willing to spend here, is How much of this was a trade off for our council keeping quiet about amalgamations and shire boundary realignments?, and, How long have our councillors known about this ( and I mean the full extent of this proposal on the map)?

Add to that the item 5 above, and Ask just exactly what kinds of noxious industries , and hazardous industries does the State Government intend to put down on our precious Border Range doorstep.


Anonymous said...

This is a little after the event but does anyone have any idea as the what industries require a buffer

Anonymous said...

Well, i'm hearing rumours, (in real estare circles ) that some chemical based industries want to move, and there are also stories about a large irradiation plant for extended life for produce.
An off the record rumour is that a large peice will be set aside for further investigation into Nuclear Power alternatives.