Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A reply to Jenny Freeman, of Carbrook.

In a letter to the Editor of the Logan &Albert News which was printed in the Friday edition (7th Sept.) Ex Mayor, John Freeman's wife Jenny has submitted what I consider to be an arrogant letter which is patronising to the people of the proposed annexed area of Beaudesert Shire who feel they have a right to a say on their choice of lifestyle and shire of residence.

Due to the difficulty in being published if the view opposes those preferred, I'll make a reply here;

Jenny Freeman of Carbrook,

Feel free to say it is inevitable that boundary realignments will occur, so far that is the view of almost everyone associated with the State Government and the Logan Council and if actions speak louder than words, inaction by you all for our democratic rights speaks volumes.

The shame I would feel as an elected representative of the people or a recently past one would prevent me going public asking people to give up all hope and actually failing to represent the real views of the community, and yet here you are doing just that and asking us to accept the loss of democratic rights accept a compromised future for ourselves and our children, accept the potential ravaging of the environment here and accept expansive population sprawling across our rural and rural residential area.

I'm sure you have the mandate of the residents of Logan (not) to offer us a warm welcome, as you chide us for having negative and reactive attitudes rather that positive and proactive ones , I expect you also wrote to the Press in Scotland and told them after all these years to accept the Rule Britannia.

As far as sharing our hopes and dreams to make Logan one city (exactly where is the city centre anyway, do you have one?) that is absolutely ludicrous when the idea seems to be to continue the rambling urban sprawl with some commercial areas, where will our dreams of retiring on our property in peace be? where will our dreams of leaving them to our children? and what will be the point of continuing to garden and maintain them as we are rated out ?

Let some of the future residents of the caravan parks your mayor wants to dump here answer maybe.

Jenny, you are basically saying, You WILL be assimilated, best you learn to like it and just shut up.

Sorry to disappoint you, I will never like paying higher insurance, having hundreds of cars up and down my street and seeing lights all night long instead of darkness and the stars, and, I will never vote for you and your husband after such an arrogant , patronising and condescending letter.

Regards Unowho


Anonymous said...

Both Jenny and John are previous campaigners in Logan for council, and yes they are a bit arrogant, but lets face it winners are grinners, and Low-gan just won lotto with this.

Anonymous said...

jenny Freeman is another wanna-be, and they've made a pretty decent living out of telling people what they want to hear, strange to read this totally insulting and condecending letter, which does nothing but add to the feeling by North beaudesert residents that this is a hostile takeover.