Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Are lawyers just the lowest scum on this earth ?

Recently a man was caught by police, arrested and charged by police of several counts of sexual assault against women at or near train stations, he is alleged to have grabbed them inappropriately but on at least one occasion he is alleged to have dragged a victim into bushes and went further until he gave up because of how hard the victim fought back.

I Can't say too much more in detail, except that a number of complainants are involved, the evidence and witnesses seem numerous and irrefutable, there is little doubt the police have their man.

What I find offencive is how his defence lawyers are trying to "get him off" with a cock and bull arguement which is pushing the limits of believability and completely ignoring the victims by making a claim that the man is a Sudanese Asylum seeker and he only performed these acts because of the trauma suffered by him back in his country after seeing some very horrific things.

I'm bot going to dispute that this man may have suffered trauma, but my question is how does that make you start putting your hands under women's clothing , absolutely without their consent?

This is a lawyer who will take a fortune for this case and who in complete disregard for the man's victim will attempt to trivialise their suffering at his hands and say . "too bad, the attacker has suffered more so it's all ok"

Any lawyer who can make this case is in my opinion scum and nothing better, I guess he is happy to let his own wife or daughter come into contact with a person who is essentially a sexual predator without a worry, right?

I'm sorry but we have to as a society say that we cannot keep empowering criminals who freely make the choice to offend by letting the lawyers use the past or events from the past to negate responsibility for actions.

the worse thing is it is never going to happen because the majority of our elected representatives are lawyers also.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Who has access to your property? do you know ?

Ever looked out your window because a flicker of movement caught your eye?

It is common enough on bigger places where there is space for birds, small roo's or wallaby's or even the neighbours pets , not a problem at all until you look out and it's a person you don't know appearing to be sneaking around, then you feel like going back in time to before Little Johnny in a state of paranoia changed the law and took the majority of our guns, and pull one out and see the uninvited bugger on his way.

It seems the council has decide that animal control people, and others can access your property on the most flimsiest of grounds, "reasonable suspicion that there may be an unregistered animal hidden on your property" or something similar.

This is someone who does not have to have a police check to hold the job, who can come into contact with your children and does not have to have a blue card and who may not really be there for legitimate purposes for all we know.

It would not be hard for any criminal organisation to have their people employed by council to access properties under the guise of looking for dogs but actually caseing your place when you're out and reporting back to those who may rob you.

All too far fetched? of course it is, never going to happen, council will only employ the best of people, . . . . . . . . . .won't they ?

I think it's time for razor wire on the fence, just in case.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Heavy Vehicle Parking - Bogan's sham consultation.

I'm not surprised at the outcome from those council officers preparing for policy on heavy Vehicle Parking across the new areas forced to be a part of Logan by a dictatorial State government with an act of parliament to ensure there was no opposition.

At meetings in both Jimboomba and Logan Village there was a clear message sent to Logan that any and all intrusion into the lifestyle and business of the old North Beaudesert Shire was at the least unwelcome, unneeded and an overbearing assertion of Logan authority for the sake of it and nothing else, the people had their say but has it been heard, the answer is no.

During and since those meetings there were some who made a lot of noise about how they were there to make it "right " for truck owners notably the old jimboomba Chamber of commerce which is now named after Logan.

The community consultation has been poorly responded to really, and why would you bother anyway, it's not like your opinion would matter one iota in Logan Council which in my opinion seems to just find ways to charge the residents more and more as if your pockets are bottomless and money grows on trees.

The Council put together a working group to assist with making policy and it seems that even with all the big noting from some of those on that group, they have achieved nothing except to follow the council line that truck owners should pay a fee to park on their own land and that restrictions should apply as to where and how big a property you must have before you can park a truck there at all.

The sham has worked, for council that is, they will be able to make the claim that they have done everything possible to allow community to have a say in the development of this policy and that it is a result of all the available resources and opinions that have been put together to make it fair and reasonable.

I don't agree with that , I don't believe that any of those on the working group speak for me, I reject the very idea that my rights need to be removed so that council can get more money for nothing and I'm seriously thinking of looking for a pan body to park here to make my protest and perhaps even test the council's resolve on any future fee.

If I were a working truck driver I'd be contemplating a blockade of council about now or a black ban on the delivery of anything and everything to council.

I don't think this is the end of this.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Why won't the west take a stand on Israel's war practices.

Here is a press item which reveals how Israel refutes any belief that they are capable of wrongdoing in their war against the country they adjoin, Palestine, when the vote was clearly in favour of investigation.

ISRAEL has rejected a UN resolution that calls on it and the Palestinians to probe suspected war crimes committed during the Gaza war at the turn of the year.
"Israel rejects the resolution of the UN General Assembly, which is completely detached from realities on the ground that Israel must face," the foreign ministry said in a statement.
The statement said that during the 22-day war, which killed some 1400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis, the Israeli military "demonstrated higher military and moral standards than each and every one of this resolution's instigators."
Yesterday, the 192-member assembly overwhelmingly approved an Arab-sponsored resolution that endorsed a UN report accusing both Israel and Palestinians of war crimes and possible crimes against humanity during the war.
The vote was 114 in favour and 18 against, with 44 abstentions.
Israel, which had strenuously opposed the non-binding resolution and the UN report that it endorsed, voted against it as did its staunchest ally, the United States, along with Australia and a few European countries.
A majority of European Union countries, including Britain, France, Spain and Sweden, abstained after failing to secure amendments to the text, including one that would have dropped references to possible Security Council action if the report's findings are not implemented. Russia also abstained.
The move capped a two-day debate on the 575-page UN-commissioned report by a panel led by respected former international prosecutor Richard Goldstone.
The report recommended that its findings be transferred to the International Criminal Court in The Hague if Israel and the Hamas rulers of Gaza fail to conduct credible investigations into the war.
From the outset, Israel rejected the report as biased.

The real question is why the west refuses to accept their responsibility to say "no More" to what is effectively an American State in the Middle East which is supported by the US in both financial and military ways?

In the question we also have the answer, the USA.

The "war" or at least what the Israelis call a war or allow them to respond to stone throwing by children with machine guns and tanks, and to respond to a single suicide bomber with air strikes and gunships and when the casualty count is so one sided as to have 100 to 1 dead in favour of Israel and even those figures may not be accurate because at every attack communications and power are the first things the Israeli military machine knocks out so the world cannot see the utter carnage and the futility of any Palestinian defence along with the numbers of innocents who suffer death and injury.

The west, or at least the representatives on the UN should hang their heads in shame for their cowardly abstaining from the vote.