Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Heavy Vehicle Parking - Bogan's sham consultation.

I'm not surprised at the outcome from those council officers preparing for policy on heavy Vehicle Parking across the new areas forced to be a part of Logan by a dictatorial State government with an act of parliament to ensure there was no opposition.

At meetings in both Jimboomba and Logan Village there was a clear message sent to Logan that any and all intrusion into the lifestyle and business of the old North Beaudesert Shire was at the least unwelcome, unneeded and an overbearing assertion of Logan authority for the sake of it and nothing else, the people had their say but has it been heard, the answer is no.

During and since those meetings there were some who made a lot of noise about how they were there to make it "right " for truck owners notably the old jimboomba Chamber of commerce which is now named after Logan.

The community consultation has been poorly responded to really, and why would you bother anyway, it's not like your opinion would matter one iota in Logan Council which in my opinion seems to just find ways to charge the residents more and more as if your pockets are bottomless and money grows on trees.

The Council put together a working group to assist with making policy and it seems that even with all the big noting from some of those on that group, they have achieved nothing except to follow the council line that truck owners should pay a fee to park on their own land and that restrictions should apply as to where and how big a property you must have before you can park a truck there at all.

The sham has worked, for council that is, they will be able to make the claim that they have done everything possible to allow community to have a say in the development of this policy and that it is a result of all the available resources and opinions that have been put together to make it fair and reasonable.

I don't agree with that , I don't believe that any of those on the working group speak for me, I reject the very idea that my rights need to be removed so that council can get more money for nothing and I'm seriously thinking of looking for a pan body to park here to make my protest and perhaps even test the council's resolve on any future fee.

If I were a working truck driver I'd be contemplating a blockade of council about now or a black ban on the delivery of anything and everything to council.

I don't think this is the end of this.


Anonymous said...

Although not a truckie myself I support these guys who work their behinds off to keep this country and goods moving.
My question is who selected the members on the so called advisory group? My understanding is that it was put together by the chamber of commerce? Therefore the truckies got no choice in who would represent them. The exclusion of community, the secrecy and lack of 'open and transparency' has to make anyone suspicious of the whole process.
Someone is working very hard to get noted and hopefully run for council. What is it they say 'Jack of all trades, master of none'?
Logan's treatment of community across the board is shameful. It may be time for civil disobedience.

Anonymous said...

Anon, 12;33

I think you might have it right there I also heard it was going to be a couple of committee members of the chamber including the little guy who does a lot of yelling at meetings. The chamber does not represent the community and when you read other articles where recently the same person was said to be assisting with party political things on behalf of a councillor/candidate for federal election you know that it is a set up.

but then again that's what you expect at Logan, they're all grubs who do nothing but take.

Anonymous said...

I think Bogan Council has just become Bogus Council.

Anonymous said...

Just finished reading the heavy vehicle parking stuff on the council website. you guys should read it, places over 4000m2 are not affected?? read it here..

Anonymous said...

for now,

If Bogan can get this through, how long do you think the money whores can wait to get more out of our pockets ?

We need to tell them to POQ !!!

Anonymous said...

Is that 4,000m2 with or without a house and sheds? This council lacks the understanding of 'rural'.
To them everything is 'city' and high density.
So many people moved out of Logan years ago to escape the tunnel vision only to be forced back into Logan.
We can't keep moving to please a council hell bent on developing ghettos, it is time to make them stop and realise people live here already.
If they are so 'tranparent' let them make the number of complaints and the time frame public knowledge - not just the infamous '300' as used to death.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That letter in the local papers this week by someone call Vince was really way off the mark. That bloke has no idea

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:38 - why don't you write to the Jimboomba Times and clear up the 'off the mark'?
Those of us who know Vince, know that he is always spot on.

Anonymous said...

If it's as you say, that we have a right to continue to use our land as we always have, and I notice Cedar Grove view seems to say the same thing, then just how does council think they can change it?

I'm not going to pay to park on my block and if council want to come over and talk about it, they better stay out side the fence, our dogs don't take too kindly to trespassers.

To Quote correctly said...

Just to correct a comment by Anon 12.33pm . The Chamber did not have anything to do with the formation of the Advisory Group or the people who were selected to go on it. The President was invited by the Council organisers and accepted as one of the representatives of the community.What he does independent of the Chamber is his own business.

Anonymous said...

It will not be any better when Ban leaves and her replacement takes over.