Friday, May 21, 2010

40% Federal govt. mining tax, . . more harm than good?

Like everyone I've been waiting to see how Rudd, Gillard and Swan would try to sell us the mining tax at 40%, but other than the initial communist line that they are digging up wealth that belongs to all Australians so wee should profit from it rather than just a few mining magnates, I've seen no good reason that we will be better off.

Firstly consider this, every time a new tax is applied, the taxpayers have to pay for it as the end user of services and products.

Ok so in that context, Ruddy taxes miners at 40% and puts the money into consolidated revenue to pay back the debt accrued by handing out $900 to everyone and to fund the nation building program, end of story? I don't think so.

When you read their statements you automatically think of the giant Bauxite miners, the coal giants or the iron ore millionaires, but wait, there's more, every quarry , every driller and every small extrusion also are classified as miners and will be taxed as such.

What does that mean for the ordinary man in the street?

Well for one thing it means that the price of any and every quarry supply, and in turn everything made from it will go up by about 40%
.Soil, sand and gravel
.Bricks and tiles
.wall sheeting
.landscape supplies
.pots and stones
.do I need to continue?

I would suggest that almost everything will increase in price and you and I will pay the 40% tax to Rudd, Gillard and Swan, not the miners who will still drive fancy imported cars, live in mansions and take home their million dollar bonuses, it will be you and I who are worse off, again as usual.



Anonymous said...

That's the Labor way, make it seem as though someone is pocketing great wads of money that should belong to the people, and really it's just another tax straight to us.

Bob Hawke killed this country, and every Labor government in it is putting more and more nails in it's coffin until the apathetic Australians will allow us to become a communist republic.

Anonymous said...

I've seen some revealing stuff on TV on the ABC and it actually supports your view, astounding. Here I was thinking about the coal miners like you said. Blow the lid off it. keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

SOME OF THE products mentioned in the Mining Tax according to a Federal Members Office do not include the many products generated by Extractive Industry from Quarries IE Clay Hard Rock and Sand,which are generally the 100 Key Resource Areas (KRAs)for Qld without Mining Leases and smaller extractive quarries exist in Gold Coast RedlandsScenic Rim etc.So Soil, sand, bricks,landscape supplies, rocks and stones are not generally affected. There is some Mining Lease cross over with contentious silica sand mining on N.S. Island(for glass) and Beach sand Mining(non mineral) and some byproduct of Minerals processing used for fill etc